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Operative Nerf is too much


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Can you verify Hidden Strike will no longer fill the resolve bar? I did not see this in the patch notes, but if that is the case this is not a nerf at all.

Yea, if it doesn't fill the resolve bar, then we can stun them for 4 seconds afterward. Nerf would actually be a buff in disguise.

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Resolve is not ability by ability basis. Its the CC type and the duration. The Shadow/Assassin's Knockdown is 2 seconds and doesn't give full resolve. SO I'd say about 95% sure on that one unless bioware intervenes on that one.


I think you're wrong on this one. If they changed the resolve value of HS, it will be in the patch notes. The fact there was nothing on this can only mean one thing. It will still give a full resolve bar.

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Can you verify Hidden Strike will no longer fill the resolve bar? I did not see this in the patch notes, but if that is the case this is not a nerf at all.


Unless bioware messes up the coding for the knockdown and resolve, resolve will still function the same way resolve always does. Or if bioware intentionally makes it take full resolve bar. Otherwise our 1.5 second knockdown will eat less than the shadow equivalent.

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Operative Burst damage was OP. No question.





Without a significant increase in sustained pvp damage, AND a MUCH improved ability to reach and stay on targets, operatives will be absolutely hamstrung in PvP as a result.



Being weak in other ways doesn't mean that the burst should remain, however if they don't buff operatives SIGNIFICANTLY in other ways to compensate, the class representation will go from low to insignificant. Currently, if the operative does not KILL someone in said burst, they will not kill them at all.


I guess we always need more Darths though; have you thought about renting out the Colosseum to hold Dark Council meetings in?

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I think you're wrong on this one. If they changed the resolve value of HS, it will be in the patch notes. The fact there was nothing on this can only mean one thing. It will still give a full resolve bar.


And tbh even if it does, you get 3 extra talent points to place elsewhere, and do Acid Blade->Hidden Strike->Debilitate. A 4 second stun that after the DoT from Acid Blade wore off would allow you to Flash Grenade+Heal.


It honestly opens up more options for us regardless.


Edit: The nerf-callers laughed at me because I told them I had quite a few fights last over 5 seconds, and now people get to see our really annoying combos. The combo's that started after the resolve bar emptied from the knockdown.

Edited by Kyrandis
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to op whining about crits.


Sage here, highest possible crit is MAYBE 3k. usually about 2.6/7k


Why should only one class be able to crit for over 5k?


In the current operative setup, it is necessary, because if you don't get a kill while you are on your target, you don't get a kill. Sages, on the other hand, are able to sustain dps on a moving target and at a long range.


TL:DR; different classes are different.



Operative Burst damage was OP. No question.





Without a significant increase in sustained pvp damage, AND a MUCH improved ability to reach and stay on targets, operatives will be absolutely hamstrung in PvP as a result.



Being weak in other ways doesn't mean that the burst should remain, however if they don't buff operatives SIGNIFICANTLY in other ways to compensate, the class representation will go from low to insignificant. Currently, if the operative does not KILL someone in said burst, they will not kill them at all.


I guess we always need more Darths though; have you thought about renting out the Colosseum to hold Dark Council meetings in?

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I think the nerf is OK for everything EXCEPT the Jarring Strike talent... I don't think anyone will be taking it now (unless they suck), giving a full resolve bar for a measly 1.5 sec knockdown is pretty much fail.


On the other hand, if Jarring Strike KD is not completely filling resolve anymore, then I dare say it is a buff overall or at the very least a nerf/buff tie.

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im tired of all you operatives crying i wont be able to survive without 3 shotting people with high crits WELCOME TO ASSASSIN DPS PVP our out of stealth hit crits for 450 operatives will still have more burst then us after the nerf doesnt matter and they same ****y amount of survivability Edited by Paralassa
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In the current operative setup, it is necessary, because if you don't get a kill while you are on your target, you don't get a kill. Sages, on the other hand, are able to sustain dps on a moving target and at a long range.


So you're saying that it's completely fair for operatives to come up on someone who has full HP and 3 shot them within 5 seconds before that player is able to respond in any way?

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So you're saying that it's completely fair for operatives to come up on someone who has full HP and 3 shot them within 5 seconds before that player is able to respond in any way?


i think he is forgetting the fact that his class can heal also he acts like its a ONLY DPS CLASS its a dps/heal class that has stupid high burst dmg

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Operative Burst damage was OP. No question.





Without a significant increase in sustained pvp damage, AND a MUCH improved ability to reach and stay on targets, operatives will be absolutely hamstrung in PvP as a result.



Being weak in other ways doesn't mean that the burst should remain, however if they don't buff operatives SIGNIFICANTLY in other ways to compensate, the class representation will go from low to insignificant. Currently, if the operative does not KILL someone in said burst, they will not kill them at all.


I guess we always need more Darths though; have you thought about renting out the Colosseum to hold Dark Council meetings in?


They do kill me even after the burst doing 3k hits on me and im in battlemaster gear, so stop lying.

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I think the nerf is OK for everything EXCEPT the Jarring Strike talent... I don't think anyone will be taking it now (unless they suck), giving a full resolve bar for a measly 1.5 sec knockdown is pretty much fail.


On the other hand, if Jarring Strike KD is not completely filling resolve anymore, then I dare say it is a buff overall or at the very least a nerf/buff tie.


assassin's openers stuns for 2 seconds hits for 500-600 cost 30 energy has a cd of 30 seconds & 1.5 sec stun with sick damage isnt enought for u?

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And so the usual song beginning "they nerfed us, now they need to buff us to balance it out!"


Sorry, but it doest work that way. You dont get buffs in exchange for nerfs - nerfs are here to bring you in line with other classes. Boosting you otherwise would negate the nerfs and make them pointless.


Its like telling "take away sorc shield but add them instant 3000hp selfheal on 12 second cooldown". Not gonna cut.


People telling their class is gimped and useless now just because their damage was SLIGHTLY nerfed (make no mistakes your HP still will fall down just as fast), and the enemy gets to react after stun - are either unskilled newbs that rolled class purely for FOTM mechanic or are intentially lieing wishing to protect their class.


Those nerfs are not fatal for the class, far from it. If anything - they could be not enoughs. Need a real testing to see the impact of changes on gameplay. Implyed damage reduction is moot - the overal damage will be about the same (with bit lowever uber stacked armor bypassing adrenal criticals - but OPs damage comes not from single attack, but from executing multiple of them in short time whiel enemy is incacipated). Real nerf is a knockback reduction - and its much needed. Its ok to have 4 seconds stun - stun can be breaked, knockback cannot. Once you are on the ground, you cant do ****. Current changes give an enemy chance to react (i.e. stun operative one knockback is over or root and run away) however it does not mean OPs became weaker or that their damage is countered. It just means they need to use 1-2 abilities in combat and time their attacks better - like you know, other classes.


Think you will not be a PvP God anymore? Well, do are you threaten and roll a next "form" class you believe is the strongest, until its nerfed to. The real good players would still be good at their classes, and that includes OPs too.

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They should've nerfed the burst and BUFFED sustained damage output. K.O. change would be reasonable and good if now it filled half the resolve bar or something (so it's not I-WIN or I-LOSE if the enemy dispels it right away, but a nice bit of CC, no more, no less) but we all know that's not how it's going to be. Funny, we're probably the only class that the whole Resolve system actually works against.


They should've buffed the DoT from Flechette Round, changed K.O. the way I mentioned and nerf Shoot First damage by 10% and make us have it WAY earlier as out class simply sucks in PvP pre-lvl 36.


Instead... this.


People telling their class is gimped and useless now just because their damage was SLIGHTLY nerfed


Uh, no. Out burst (not even the strongest in the game) got lowered by about 30%.

Edited by Gelich
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IA/smuggles nerf is well deserved


assasin/shadow counterpart has:


9% armor mitigation

50% armor mitigation on 1 ability that requirec a proc and behind the target

2 second out of stealth knockdown


So what, youre still better than us? SUCK IT UP

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People who don't play Op/Sco just see their face melt when someone who knows what they're doing gets good crits.


Op/Sco pretty much looks like this:


It takes an almost brutal amount of awareness and sheer luck to pull off huge numbers as an Op/Sco. Biochem abuse (for any class) is way easier by comparison.

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