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On a 1-10 scale how would you rate trooper ship?


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Exterior: 6

Interior: 9


I think its my second favorite, after the Jedi ship. I like its utilitarian, military interior a lot. Its exterior I like for the most part too, except for the folding wings. They just don't seem all that practical. I think if it were to be more of a true assault transport/gunship type of vessel (which I assume it is), its weapons would be housed in turrets to be more useful, or somesuch. In my mind anyhow.

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I'd give it a 5, I am mostly indifferent to it now.



I'm also fairly convinced our ship is supposed to attach to the outside of those Republic Frigates/Destroyers, two Claps per frigate, at the middle 'hub' section of those ships.


That middle hub, you have 4 circles, the top circle has the Sensor/Comm dish, the bottom circle has a large cannon, but the two side circles seem to be empty. If you can manage a closer look though, it appears to be some kind of docking ring/hatch.


Now on our ship, on the short side, you can see a docking hatch. You can see the door for that air-lock/hatch inside our cargo bay, it's the one painted yellow and red for warning/danger.


The short side of our ship looks like it would slot right into the circles on either side of the Republic Frigate. With our ship acting like a little 'wing' on the frigate.



Another thing, is we have 4 large blasters on on ship. Three smaller ones and one unusually large one. We use the Three smaller ones in our space missions, but that one odd large one doesn't get used. It looks to be too large for a ship our size.


I'm guessing it actually IS too large for our ship normally... but gets used when our ship is docked onto the Republic Frigate and can draw on it's larger power source. Augmenting the Frigates firepower.



The one oddity with this theory, is that if two Thunderclaps are docked to the Republic Frigate in this way, one of them would either be backwards OR far more likely, 'upside down'. Being 'upside down' wouldn't actually mean anything with how space and artificial gravity works in the Starwars universe, outside of the odd transition between the Frigate and the Thunderclap itself.

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allround 7


If by adding parts to the ship you would severely alter its appearance i believe the trooper ship would have the most potential.


I would like to see the ship a little more full - put my speeder in the hold when on the ship or have companions walking around the ship fixing things or running diagnostics - ie not have them static. Having a Pilot for the ship would be awesome too - cause there are 5 spots up the front for the 5second journey it takes to go from one world to the other- by the time you role play sitting down - its time to get back up and leave. Meaning the 5 seats on the ship never really get used - so npcs or more companions would make it feel cosy. Hiring a pilot with different skills (ie combat/freighter/diplomatic convoy) would give things a bit of a twist too.


Some people may be haters, but I believe some degree of travel time would be nice - to make the decision to leave planet a bit more involved. not asking for 2 hour travel time, but 1 or 2 mins would be atleast worth more than 1min load screen, 10 secs to the cabin, hit other world and by the time you reach the door again you are there for another 1min load screen.

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Exterior: 9

The Thunderclap was one of the deciding factors for me going Trooper. I'm a big fan asymmetric starship designs and have a bit of a soft-spot for the b-wing. It's a very robust, boxy design and I think that's fitting for a military ship.


Interior: 7

Very compact and efficient layout without being too cramped.

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I've leveled every class to at least their ship except for a sith class. Of all of them, the bounty hunter's is by far the worst, in my opinion. My favorite is the Agent's, and the smuggler's freighter would be second, followed by the trooper's at a close third. I like the Thunderclap's layout, so I would give it an 8/10.
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When I first got it, I would have rated the Exterior a 2 and the Interior an 8. Now that I've seen some of the other ships available, the Interior's up to a 10 and the exterior a six.


I love how it's laid out inside. A centralized hub makes it so much easier to navigate than any other the others. It also feels spacious and roomy for a dropship. Although, my Jedi Friends keep making fun of it for being a split level.

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I'd give it a 2.


Terrible name and the asymmetric design is also poorly done. They should have mirrored the wing side to make a symmetric flying wing design much like the B-2 Spirit bomber and then shrank the overall size so as to keep the interior space commensurate to what we have now.

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