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1.1.1: You just turned Ops/Scoundrels into Resto Druids.


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I don't play either as a main. My main is a 50 sith warrior so please don't think I'm speaking on my own behalf here. I believe in balance and rock/paper/scissors, not to succumb to whiners who cry for nerf on forums. I saw how Trion butchered classes in Rift sometimes bi-weekly due to forum warriors.


Your nerf (half-thought out) of 20% of their intro burst is really over-the-top. The 1.5 sec change is fine, we've been telling you this since beta, Bioware. This game has been out for just a month and you're basing your design/balance decisions based off crying Youtube videos and PVP that was level 50's vs lower levels this entire time until a few days ago when you patched in 1.1.


You haven't even given the level 50 bracket pvp a chance to parse data before chopping the class into pieces. You realize now that their only use is going to be a healer, right? They are already squishy as can be with little utility. Their job is fast burst, stunlock - get the target to 20% from 100% and finish them off. That is what they do.


This sort of knee-jerk change is really what I had hoped Bioware was not going to do with this game.

Edited by Proto
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I don't play either as a main. My main is a 50 sith warrior so please don't think I'm speaking on my own behalf here. I believe in balance and rock/paper/scissors, not to succumb to whiners who cry for nerf on forums. I saw how Trion butchered classes in Rift sometimes bi-weekly due to forum warriors.


Your nerf (half-thought out) of 20% of their intro burst is really over-the-top. The 1.5 sec change is fine, we've been telling you this since beta, Bioware. This game has been out for just a month and you're basing your design/balance decisions based off crying Youtube videos and PVP that was level 50's vs lower levels this entire time until a few days ago when you patched in 1.1.


You haven't even given the level 50 bracket pvp a chance to parse data before chopping the class into pieces. You realize now that their only use is going to be a healer, right? They are already squishy as can be with little utility. Their job is fast burst, stunlock - get the target to 20% from 100% and finish them off. That is what they do.


This sort of knee-jerk change is really what I had hoped Bioware was not going to do with this game.


have u played them on the ptr at level 50 with 1.1.1 implemented?





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have u played them on the ptr at level 50 with 1.1.1 implemented?






You don't NEED to play a class on a PTR to understand the Math behind the change. :rolleyes: Ops/Scoundrels were COMPLETELY FINE at 50. Most people survive the opening burst especially when you have expertise. This change is going to make them an absolute joke in PVP.


Hell, I don't even need to trinket the stun now that it'll be 1.5sec. But now that they will also be doing 20% less damage as well and Acid Blade nerf? There is no way a totally geared OPS will do over 4k damage now on a burst and that is a complete laughable joke considering I can hit for 7,000+ at times on a Smash as a Jugg in heavy armor with 16,000 hp. You tell me Ops needed this sort of nerfbat?

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You don't NEED to play a class on a PTR to understand the Math behind the change. :rolleyes: Ops/Scoundrels were COMPLETELY FINE at 50. Most people survive the opening burst especially when you have expertise. This change is going to make them an absolute joke in PVP.


because they didnt get more stun time amirite? nice math there bro

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Last time I looked our toolkit consists of more than our opener, we will be just fine...heck I've been playing my scoundrel for quite a while without the opener and doing just fine.




Why in the world would you be playing without your opener?

Edited by Paralassa
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The nerf is over the top, it pushes a High Damage/Low survability class into a Moderate Damage/Low survivbility class, while there are still HIGH damage/High Survivability classes out there. The 1.5 sec nock down on acid blade is fine. thats not even in contention. BW if you are going to nerf 1 class this much i highly suggest you start to take a look at some of the other classes out there and just nerf the **** out them until the game isnt playable



Its a slippery slope Bioware, better watch yourself before the players check yourself

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