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Engineering discussion thread


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This is a good engineering guide: http://swtorsniper.blogspot.com/2011/12/07-engineering.html


And this is my build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#400bcMZrIMboRbRrsZh.1


I'm focusing on being a defensive duelist that can hunker down and blast melee that come to try and take points.


My thinking is you can't go wrong if you focus on complimentary skills. If every skill you pick also is used at the same time as at least one other skill, then it'll be a decent build.


That was definitely the most useful forum post I have come across. Thanks!

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Going with this build till further notice. I think it will serve best in any situation! My only concern is Cover screen vs Ballistic Dampers and which offers the best DMG Reduction. Right now I see it as the dampers reduce all incoming Damage, Cover only gives you range reduction.


The tool tip says when you enter cover you get the 3 charges of dampers but does not say if you have to stay there. Anyone know if they stay with you after you get up?

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Going with this build till further notice. I think it will serve best in any situation! My only concern is Cover screen vs Ballistic Dampers and which offers the best DMG Reduction. Right now I see it as the dampers reduce all incoming Damage, Cover only gives you range reduction.


The tool tip says when you enter cover you get the 3 charges of dampers but does not say if you have to stay there. Anyone know if they stay with you after you get up?


Ballistic Dampers is an incredibly beneficial skill for any cover-oriented Sniper build.

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At the last minute I decided to level as an engineer. I'm at 24 now and glad I did. For groups of trash mobs my 3s grenades + kaliyo's grenade + sweeping shot makes quick mincemeat. For bigger targets, explosive probe + cluster bombs + interrogation probe + corrosive dart gets me down to takedown territory quick - plus all those explosives are hella fun. It's very nice having that flexibility early on.


For PvP though, I can see that having to go in cover to drop explosive probe - when you don't have to for interrogation probe - might get a bit annoying. Having to move up to 30m to use our best abilities eliminates some of the benefits of being a sniper too. May have to switch to lethality if I want mobility in PvP

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