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Update on Ability Delay from Georg


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The post actually sais that the game handles worse on multicore CPU. How unfortunate...

This must be fixed, it's 2012 already, you know.



The post says dual core i took that as meaning 2 cores, not quad core and above the only thing unfortunate is your reading skills. Maybe people need to upgrade from dual core its 2012 after all.

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My video regarding this will come out tonight hopefully and will be posted in the main threadline.


I hope we don't have to go for another two weeks before hearing more, I would love to see more of those people I have been combating for the past 3 weeks in over 7 threads worth of posts about this Issue post in this blog discussion.


Where are you now to tell us to l2p or go back to WoW because the game is designed to delay?....

Where are you now to tell us 0.0 fixes it?

Where are you now claiming that it Is just an isolated issue and your game is fine?

Where are you now calling us a tiny, vocal minority who doesn't really matter?

Where are you now claiming that its our systems?


I could go on... Where are you blinded BioDrones now?



You wanna know who "really" are the ones that love swtor and want it to succeed? You wanna know who really are the ones who care about Bioware and respect them and their work?


It is us, those who are not afraid to voice our concerns, who are not afraid to use strong language towards Bioware when there are clear problems. It is us, who continue to demand better from a company that we believe CAN do better!


To Bioware I would say, I respect you too much to let you get away with these flaws without bringing them to your attention and push you to do better.


Smiles at Xcore and nods yes.


Glad you are still with us.

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The post actually sais that the game handles worse on multicore CPU. How unfortunate...

This must be fixed, it's 2012 already, you know.


I think they said DUAL-core cpu´s not multi-core.

No offense and all, but there is a big difference

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you're a complete idiot mate.




The biggest piece of software used around the world on pc's has bugs - WINDOWS.


this is why i avoid forums, people just don't understand.


Yeah, what your failing to understand, is that there is an expected level of quality when you are asking 70 bucks +15 a month. Spitting out a game thats missing even the most basic features from almost a decade ago and calling it sunshine, is a pretty far *********** cry from 'a few bug fixes'.

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We've seen your feedback on the change and the team is working on improvements to ability cooldown readability as we speak.


Thanks Georg, this is exactly the kind of feedback we need, when people see that our concerns are indeed noticed and heard we can feel much more at ease even if it doesn't mean an immediate fix to specific issues such as this one.

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Good to know ability delay's days are numbered, such a PAIN in the arse to press or click and have to wait a couple secs for the ability to activate, and sometimes it doesnt happen at all! now if there where only a way to fix the whiny, rude douche-bag bugs that are plaguing the game servers and forums...
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I think they said DUAL-core cpu´s not multi-core.

No offense and all, but there is a big difference


nop. The term is just, "multicore" = "more than 1 core".


ppl with quad core procs get th same as dual core owners - the game just don't fit it.


accept it, until BW fixes it.

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Here is my video on ability delay for those who care, hope you like it:




I think that everyone at BW should watch this video at least twice. I think that anyone developing an mmo should watch this video twice.


You lay out what game play/combat should be and indeed why WOW is so sucessful.


This is an excellent work and you should be well proud of it.

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This is such a huge problem in PvP, thank you so much.


Not sure if you actually read these threads or not, but alot of players think the ability stuttering issue has to do with the graphics from dodging and parrying which is why it occurs in frantic combat situations.


IE 4 people are attacking me, and I am dodging and blocking alot, which makes me do an animation for dodging and blocking so I cant perform the ability I am trying to press.


This happens ALOT when trying to enter into cover while being attacked in the sense you hit cover like 5 times and you just never go into it. I actually respecced dirty fighting because of this issue since I need cover alot less. But it still happens constantly with defensive screen. Which is a shame because when I need it the most I cant use it.


My suggestion would be to lessen up on some of the graphics for doing things. IE when I defense screen I dont need to make believe push some buttons on my wrist, just make the droid come down and cover me.

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I honestly don't understand how any game coming out after 2004 can have issues with multicore processors. SoE and EQ2 made this exact same problem. Does no one pay attention to what happens to other MMO companies? SoE banked on single core CPU's just getting stronger and never going multicore. How can you guys not see what mistakes other companies make and rectify them *before* your game releases?


I love this game but these stupid mistakes and oversights make me want to rage all over the place.

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Fixed a bug that could cause the Global Cooldown to appear as if it has been cancelled when it is actually still in effect, resulting in a feeling of unresponsiveness to input.

Corrected an issue that could cause an ability icon to appear usable but be unresponsive to clicks or keypresses for several seconds.


Note the use of the word "appear" in each sentence. This could be nothing more than getting the UI in line with the busted combat.

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Can someone shed light on why the problem seems to be more pronounced on Dual Core processor machines?


Is it that they are too fast, too slow or the game just not designed for them?


From the data we collected in Beta, it seems that there is a bottleneck issue with processing info between the client and the server on machines with dual-core CPUs. Now I'm not tech savvy enough to explain it any further as to the specifics, but a large group of us in beta had shared enough data to isolate the issue to our specific problems: Dual-core CPUs had significant issues with FPS and ability delays.


We gathered the info, had large posts detailing our findings, submitted bug reports, but never got an answer publicly about our issue. I was testing with friends who had quad-core or newer machines, and did not have the FPS issue.


I eventually upgraded to an i7, and my FPS issued went away completely. Ability delay is still an issue for me on my new machine, just not as pronounced as my FPS has improved. Obviously low FPS is going to contribute to responsiveness.


Additionally, it seems that ability delay/responsiveness has become worse for me since 1.1

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This skill lag is the same CRAP that came and went in LOTRO. Game killer, made raids all but impossible in or out of Pvp. BEYOND ANNOYING. Heals being lagged, CC going off at the wrong time... (shudder). This type of nonsence is why I left Lotro.


Untill this is fixed Im rather done with both raids and pvp, which is a shame since


a) Not much else to do in SWTOR endgame wise...

b) Its on YOUR side


But glad to see a fix is otw.

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I think its you who does not understand the issue or the solution.


No they mentioned some of the issue but they mentioned nothing about you abilities going strictly with the animations and not casts. When I cast a heal, the heal goes off after the animation rather than after the cast is complete. If I move before the animation is complete the heal never goes off (2.5 cast turns into a 4 second cast pretty much). Nothing close to that was mentioned in the blog.

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