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Update on Ability Delay from Georg


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Havn't read over the previous posts, but I hope a fix is in the works for the SA Force-Cloak (In-Combat Cloak).

As it stands right now, on my assassin, every 2 to 3 times I use this ability it fails on me and brings me out of stealth. Really annoying when u need to quickly stealth out of a tricky situation undectected...

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They're fixing it?! But but but the trolls said they never would!!!1


Pssh they are ignoring it remember?!?!?


If a Major bug isn't addressed the moment I realize it than clearly Bioware is ignoring the problem and have no plans to fix it!

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Just wanted to say thank you for this detailed post. Some of us players understand how difficult it is to track down causes of such bugs and fix them properly without breaking something else, and it's good to see the Devs acknowledging these problems and that they are indeed actively working on resolving them. Good communication between the Devs and player base won't satisfy/quiet down all of the forum users but it's reassuring to quite a few of us :) Looking forward to these changes!
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The BioDrones have gone insane in their near religious fervor. They are like zealots on a hunger strike capable of nothing but praise.


If this doesnt get fixed they will be happy because then the true gathering begins. As the servers close and consolidate, they will begin weighing each other up and circling like mongrels. A vicious competition will begin as they strive to hang on and outlast. Many heads will be taken but in the end there can only be one!


So yeah Im kinda bored cause Im not playing as I really cant justify grinding to 50 with this issue pretty much "open to interpitation" in terms of being fixed.


Bio if you want the nuts in the long term, fricking man up and stop the meter in good faith that this can be fixed, or seriously consider a mulligan and have a seccond free month AFTER it is fixed. This idea could earn you MILLLIONS OF AMERICAN AND FOREIGN DOLLARS alone.





Lol nice try. But you ain't getting a free month. Time to open up that wallet!!

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I think the mantra is quite visionary, very similar to....



If you build it, they will come...


More like "If you fix it, they will come back"


At least I would. In an instant. The rest of the game issues can slowly be improved upon over time, such is the nature of MMOs, but core combat responsiveness is a foundation issue for me. No amount of new skills, or new visual ability effects, or any other kind of spit and polish will suffice if the root problem isn't fixed.

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Correct. Nobody said 1.2. The improvements mentioned in the blog post are urgent and there is no reason for us to wait for a major content release to roll them out.


Please note that we are very deliberate and careful when using the words 'soon' or 'very soon'. We don't use them lightly.


What?! Is this your idea of a joke?


Anyone around during development remembers "Soon™." Allow me to refresh your memory, Georg. That was BioWare's little joke during development, because you were telling us you'd have updates "soon" so often on things that weren't actually coming soon at all. "Soon" was a catch-all phrase, used when you couldn't give us an accurate timeline.


So yes, you do use that term lightly, and often, and inaccurately. And you have for years, throughout the production of this game, to the point where it became a running joke. You guys need to cut out this crap and start taking customer relations more seriously.


I'll never trust another BioWare employee that says "soon" specifically because of the multiple runarounds you gave us during development. Don't you dare now come on the forums and tell us about how carefully you use the term "soon."



Edited by Macheath
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Hi everyone; I wanted to give you all an update on the ability delay situation.


Thanks to constructive feedback from the community, including some great videos, we were able to identify an issue that could cause abilities on global cooldown to appear available to the player, resulting in unresponsive/ignored player input. A fix for the issue is currently scheduled to go to the public test server with our next update.


Additionally, we have located an issue that would cause player input for certain instant abilities to fail in frantic combat situations, resulting in unpredictable and frustrating gameplay issues for the affected player. A fix for the issue is currently scheduled to go to the public test server with our next update.


Finally, our engineers have identified an issue introducing a significant delay between player input and ability execution in certain game situations, most notably (but not limited to) fast paced PvP. The magnitude of the delay varies with a number of factors, including processor hardware, but can, especially on dual core CPUs, result in a very perceivable reduction in game responsiveness. We are in the later stages of testing a fix for the problem and hope to be able to roll it out to the servers very soon.


We're still investigating a number of additional issues, along with some usability and quality of life improvements for responsiveness regarding player input, but the above mentioned developments should provide a very measurable improvement in combat responsiveness.


Thanks again for your patience and support and we hope to see you on the public test server to help us validate these improvements before pushing them to the live servers.


Georg Zoeller

Principal Lead Combat Designer


Awesome news! Please, just don't rush the fix. Take as much time as it is needed. I am more than happy to wait and get a good fix rather than get a quick fix that needs another fix. :)


Thank you all so much, keep up the good work!

Edited by Zebular
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