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Seems like there are a lot of us?


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I see snipers everywhere I go on my server (prophecy of the five). I originally picked this class because I thought, like an idiot, that I could trust an online poll I saw on the forums where people chose what class they were going to play (ie was one of the lowest). This selection was also before I realized that some classes could hold multiple rolls in pve (again, should have figured this would have been the case but I guess I didn't research the game enough).


Now, whenever I pvp there are at least 4 other snipers in my group. I feel like we are kind of useless when it comes to pushing objectives and... I don't know. I guess I'm just wondering if this is how it is on all the other servers too? Is sniper the most played class?

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On Ahto City, Snipers are certainly in the minority.


It's just the law of the MMO universe that, whenever you're playing a certain class, you will only ever see other players playing the same class as you.


I mean, seriously, I roll a Powertech when they're pretty much only 5% of the server population, and in an hours levelling session I see at least 10 other powertechs and little else.

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I decided to reroll Sniper because an ops group with 4 arsenal mercs and no dps IA's just seemed silly. While leveling my sniper (on Lord Praven) I saw nothing but IA's. When I leveled my merc it was the opposite. Though now that I'm nearly 40 I hardly see any agents anymore. I think it might have to do with ppl talking about how "OP" snipers are in pvp on the forums so ppl rolled fotm. That's my take on it anyways.
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A zone with ~100 people in it usually looks like this to me (the Harbinger server):


~3 Powertech

~4 Operative

~5 Sniper


Sidenote: In a Republic zone with ~100 players you'd be lucky to see even a single Scoundrel (Operative equivalent).

Edited by Leharic
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Sidenote: In a Republic zone with ~100 players you'd be lucky to see even a single Scoundrel (Operative equivalent).


That's because playing a Scoundrel is really unsatisfying, I tried. It's not the two blasters thing (I'm a PT>Merc guy), it's the lame abilities and animations.


As an Operative you feel slick and sleek, going around with your assault rifle tucked into your shoulder then coming out with electric vibroblades in a swift motion. As a Scoundrel you hit people with the butt of your pistol and do other silly things that don't feel powerful at all.


Granted, there's humour to be had by backhanding someone across the face. Dropping an explosive probe (or equivalent) on an enemy then making him explode by kicking him in the family jewels never gets old.


It just feels stupid doing that to a droid war machine or giant lizard.

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