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Suggestion: Remove the Visual Effect of Cylinders/Cells


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I know I've posted this before, but never in teh suggestion box. So here it is. :I

So, for those who may not know, "cylinders" for Bounty Hunters and "cells" for Troopers are self buffs, much like stances, where only one can be active at a time (and they have indefinite durations).


BUT!! Whenever a cylinder/cell is switched on, the players blaster pistol(s)/rifle get these glowing rings round them that match the color of the cylinder/cell (blue for Ion, orange for Combustible Gas, etc).


These glowy rings look silly. :I

They only activate when an ability is used that would benefit from whichever cell/cylinder is active, but... I mean... Clone Troopers didn't all have glowing blue rifles and Jango Fett didn't have glowing red blaster pistols.


I can understand the devs wanting there to be some visual attribute to the cylinders/cells, but Jedi and Sith don't get visual changes when they change stances, do they? Smugglers and Imperial Agents don't glow while they're in cover, right?


Yes, it's nitpicking. But since that's what the suggestion box is for. =D

I dunno, any BH's/Troopers agree?

TL;DR: Take away the glowy rings around blasters caused by cylinders/cells for BH's/Troopers. Plz.

Edited by ZeroGravTrooper
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