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Roleplaying Suggestions


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Love all of these suggestions, they need to go in!


I also have an idea to add, as well:


Companion Alts


What I would like to see is being able to call up your alts as companions. Create a "guest" slot with a drop-down menu of your other characters. They could create a generic palette of skills for each Advanced Class to fill the companion skill bar with. The skills themselves already exist, as each companion is a class unto itself ("level 37 Mako", "level 44 Kira", etc), this would just be a new arrangement of those already existing skills. The second thing -which would simply be more convenient than necessary- is to give us a /companion command which allows us to "speak" for/through them.


Even if we could simply get alts as temporary visual companions with no combat functionality and no command-driven way to get them to speak, I'd be somewhat satisfied. Just to be able to call them up goes a long way. We already do "/say *emotes like this*" so we could just go "/say (alt's name): bla bla blabbity bla."


Idea explored a bit more in-depth in its own thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=264684

Edited by Syylara
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Thats a brilliant idea and very convienient for me.


As my 2 pc's have a lot of history together due to the back story I have for them but they can never really meet in a roleplaying scenario because I cant log into both of them at the same time

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A real problem my guild has been running into is that we still lack guild ships! We have a smuggling guild, and a lot of our story revolves around the ship itself, but only 4 members are allowed at a time onto a player ship. This means that someone has to be excluded (which we never do), or we have to relocate to a public area and pretend it's our ship. This often results in players walking up and trying to engage us (or non-RPers finding us and doing circles around us on their speeders) when our characters are technically in hyperspace or something, and it's really awkward explaining, ((We're not actually here IC :( )).


Is there a reason that full operations can't enter a player ship? Or would that be possible? It would be a great help to RP.

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Is there a reason that full operations can't enter a player ship? Or would that be possible? It would be a great help to RP.


It might be in their plans to allow it in the future. The Trooper ship has a 'briefing room' with enough seats, and 1 podium for a full OPs group. So, it kind of leads me to suspect either they wanted to allow a full ops on a single ship, or are at least thinking about getting that worked in.


Either way, yes, it would be grand to allow a full ops into one player's ship instance for RP and also for shuttling around together. (so long as they fix that 'exit ship to separate hangars bug'.

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I've sent this to feedbackswtor@swtor.com as I recieved a mail saying "We value your opinion".




First of all, yes, you're doing well. I mean I can't remember about a better "launch" for any MMO in the market. Smooth and so. But, and there're some "but":



-We know not all games use the same powerful engines (Unreal, Dreamworld, CryEngine or FrostBite 2.0) but, you know there're millions of players who want to play with HD textures. Textures we can find on hundreds of games right now. The "View distance" is also annoying, players can only see what's a hundred meters around them... We should have the option to see a kilometer if we want to. You should take a look at this about he "View distance"...


We know you're working on the graphics, and I shall say we're looking forward to this but, we're also waiting for an upgrade in your engine, not right now, because there's a lot to fix first, but in the future.


-About the gameplay. Nicely done! I mean, we have the storylines, we have the possibility to level up doing pvp or space missions so some players can ignore side quests if they're not interested in dark side/light side points, social points or else. Even if they just wanted to level up and kill people, they'll want to be also Social 10, Dark/Light V, and so on, eventually. For the other ones, us the role-players, the stories are very good so far, I've been watching walkthroughs and playing my Sith Inquisitor and now I'll play an Imperial agent, then the other 6 classes. We know you're working hard on this and we appreciate it, even if there're a lot of people who don't care about it. You've brought a new kind of MMO, the story based one, and we love it. So please BioWare, don't give up with the stories but improve them! I, and tons of subscribed players like me, want to see a great, awesome, continuation for our character's story. Keep up the good work! :)


Also, it's true you should keep looking at Ilum as it's an unbalanced gameplay but first of all, fix the bugs left! And don't forget the warzones, we need more and without lag while playing them, it can't be just our pcs I can play Age of Conan without fps problems, but here...


-MMORPG. So, we al know MMORPGs are just that, massive multiplayer games in which you equip things to be stronger, you earn skills and learn abilities to be a "hero". That's okay! But we need more. You know there're tons of role-players, huge communities that keep the RP servers from heavy to full (with a couple of exceptions). We're not just "demanding" things, we want to help you because we like the game so much we want it to be with us for a long, long time. So what's the matter? Here:


· Chat bubbles, some of us know you're pondering how would this work, and if you're able to implement it in your engine and eventually, game. It's okay, take your time but even the pvpers, the non-roleplayers and the roleplayers themselves are asking for this. I mean, you should work on this first and on space later.


· Chairs, there're a lot of games that include chairs in which to sit! It's a fact this is more for a RP player base, but others will enjoy this too! Guilds on both pve and pvp servers will definetely use this and other RP features. We need an interactive world, just a litle bit of interaction (chairs in which and slot machines in cantinas) adding some mini-games.


· Swoop racing. Here's a big suggestion, use your "rail based" space gameplay and implement swoop racing into SW:TOR, this will keep us happy for a long, very long indeed, time! Social point rewards? Credit rewards? Social outfits? You guys have a great imagination, use it! We trust on you. :)


· Double specialization, there's no reason to delay this feature, all players (PVE-PVP-RP) will benefit from this, just do it expensive.


· We know you're working on ship customization but I'd say, or add more ships and make the instances for them available for raids, or add a housing system (an instanced whole planet like the neighborhood system of Lotro, you should take a look on that). If you don't let us buy other ships we won't like the customization as the only 8 ships available in space will be always "the same". So this should be a "must do" for you (better the new ships plus decoration/customization and make the instance available for raid). Also, if you don't let us bring our mates (eight of them, or ten), why not? We would like to see not just guid capital ships, but also be capable of bring eight or ten even tweleve players to our briefing room.


· Orange gear. We should be able to take the mods from our endgame gear (PVE and PVP) and also be able to buy heavy and medium social outfits! Please, this is also something you should work on, it's just a little thing compared with all above these lines.


Then there're minor things all of them already suggested on the "Suggestion box" forum.




The game is fine, is great, but wee need you to keep listening the community. :)










Edited by Erethrian
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I fully support all of these suggestions. I'd also like to add a desire for stricter moderation of RP servers. I see non-RP names and non-RP players too frequently. It really takes away from the purpose of the RP servers if no one is using them for RP.
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Social Clothing

Social clothing is awesome, but a lot of people can't use it normally because it's all light armor. Rather then restricting it by armor class, why not just simply have the vendors sell light/medium/heavy varieties of each type? Everyone wins.


I'd also like to specifically address the Imperial Trooper armor. Yes we were begging for it all through beta, but putting it in on the CE vendor couldn't have hurt more. As the game grows theres going to be more and more people without the CE. Those people will still want to RP Imperial Troopers. Why not give us something else nice looking, or an officers version, and allowing everyone else to get the basic version. Something similar could be done with the Republic officers uniform as well.


Roleplayers want to have some "off duty" looks which current social armor doesn't totally cover. The Republic women's dress and Imperial Dress outfit for men are a good start, but we'd love more as well.


In the RP community this adds a lot of confusion with new players not knowing and old players forgetting. I'd like to not see any more players standing around idly because one couldnt see an emote. Other games such as Everquest 2 have used different chat rules for different servers, could we have custom emotes enabled cross faction for RP servers?


This could be solved by giving Cybertech a special item that would alter the armor class of the social items and even regular items in game, and something I thought would be very VERY fun. Allowing Smugglers to dress up in Trooper gear, Troopers to be in robes ect. This could be big for the RP crowd, and who hasn't wanted to toy around outside their AC because they liked a look?



Is it possible to add a hood toggle? If not could we get more varieties of clothing with hoods up and down? Some classes like Inquisitor want more hood down, others like Warrior want more hood up! Also, could we get a word if hood/mask is coming back? That was a great feature.


Also with twi'leks coudn't they wrap their lekku around the front or something and still wear a hood? Something like this http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lueaes85w01qiwlodo1_500.jpg


This could be solved easily. Allowing Republic/Empire players to switch their gear to the looks of the opposite faction can do it perfectly. Often times the same item looks two completely different ways depending on which side of the galaxy you come from. Allowing the toggle gives Warriors access to hooded robes (and there are 3-4 hooded black robes I can remember off hand) from the Jedi, and the armored and hood down robes that the Warriors seem to take for granted or shun all together. This is a small fix that could really be a temporary solution to the hood issue.


Those were the only two I had a strong opinion on, but all your points were well made and interesting. So consider me /signed.

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Heres another suggestion for the thread:


The current Walk speed is more of a saunter. In a single cantina, it takes an excessive amount of time to walk from one end to the other. Trying to drop into walk when entering a camp or outpost, is also very slow to use. So much so, not many really do? It feels painful to try to 'walk up to' someone who is just 10 feet away.


Therefor, what about speeding up walk just a smidgen (to match general walking speed of ~3mph)? Then for to utilize the current speed, there could be the /saunter command.


This way, walking around in a cantina, or event, does not take a half hour to get to the bar, and with the added /saunter, people can mosey around as social butterflies.


Oh my god, YES.


Let me start by saying that I'm not a role player. I don't have a character on the RP servers, I don't talk in-character, and I just stick to the story for the most part.


That being said, I can see EACH AND EVERY ONE of these suggestions being useful, beyond fun additions to this already amazing game! Heck, with one or two of these suggestions applied, I may even start role playing in game. Right now, it just seems like the game is lacking when it comes to the general feel of playing it. For every good and wonderful area that SWTOR excels at, there's another area that they are severely lacking in.


BW needs to see this thread. Send emails, bump this thread, start counting supporters.. SOMETHING! Just get this noticed, because these suggestions are a gold mine, and they are the types of suggestions that will put SWTOR on top.


BioWare wants SWTOR to be the best? We need to get aggressive with our suggestions.


Now let's go, and spread the divine word of this incredible thread!!! :D

Edited by Ziggoratt
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Is there any command to make your character lay down? It looks awkward in roleplay situations when your character is hurt and falls down and you just stand around. Never mind the sitting animation, its horrible.
No, there isn't, apart from getting knocked down or killed. There needs to be one added for sure.
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Aside from how so god damned obvious much of this stuff is (chat bubbles especially, WTH were you thinking not adding them, Bioware!?) you forgot possibly the single most lacking feature in this game: Pazaak.


Where the hell's my Pazaak!? This would also be an excellent use of not only cantinas but as a viable option for social points. I can't get any on any of my characters unless I'm playing with a friend and we purposefully use those characters only when the other is on because there aren't enough flashpoints available with conversations that are offered throughout the instance and players almost ALWAYS have the quest in their log, so Heroics and the shared flashpoints never garner any real social point gains.


There's another card game that's been mentioned on my smuggler, but I can't remember what it's called. Introducing that would also be a great side and social endeavor for players.

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Copied this from the big "Chat Bubbles thread"


I just read the Community Q&A: Feb 10th 2012 Blog and of course, they once again ignored chat bubbles, even they were among the more often asked questions in the question thread. Same goes for other RP questions, too. Very sad.


Make sure to ask about chat bubbles again in the Official Q&A Thread for February 17th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post and every single one every week. One day, they won't be able to ignore and dodge the question anymore and it will hit them square in the face. Right? ;)


No answer concerning our suggestions or questions. As the quote said, if you are interested, make sure to ask about chat bubbles, sitting or what ever it is that concerns you, again. Maybe next time they will pick one question out.

Edited by Mishari
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Copied this from the big "Chat Bubbles thread"




No answer concerning our suggestions or questions. As the quote said, if you are interested, make sure to ask about chat bubbles, sitting or what ever it is that concerns you, again. Maybe next time they will pick one question out.


It's good to note this. I'm not very happy that chat bubbles were ignored. This issue needs to be addressed!

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