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Roleplaying Suggestions


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Already signed but can someone please explain whats the matter with the whole "tons of chair but you can never sit"-stuff? In cantinas everybody has to stand around! Horrible! :(


Is it that hard to make characters sit on a chair? There is exactly one chair from a lot in my ship that I can sit on!!!

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I find it amusing that you expect me to detail my character as much as I want with the extensive current character customization the game already has.


I agree, armour upto lv 50 is simply the best loot I have been rewards, for all but 1 lv every planet I ted to have the new planet chest armour and the old planet trousers. The charcater creator is very limited and so we all look very similar to a standard human.


I dont need to read other peoples bios/descriptions and I can ignore them if they write "Son of Luke Skywalker" it even gives me a heads up that they have no idea what game they are playing.


I like the idea of a bio/description page and an ability too examine other players.

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Making fringes appear already solves half of our problems with hoods though.


Really? Im not a grapic designer so Ill take your word for it :D


Yeah... I'd volunteer to solve these things. I'd volunteer to solve a lot of things too, even class balancing problems, but it seems they don't want any help. Let's hope our suggestions will be heard.

Edited by RJMazz
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(THis is a Repost from the SUGGESTION BOX thread.)


I am enjoying the game, particularly the cut scenes. Kudo's to Ben and his animation team. There is, however, slew of things I believe would bring the characters better to life:



The ability to turn our heads and look at things goes a long way toward breaking the 'totem pole' look all the characters have at the moment. Let the heads steer to what we click on!



As we wander through the world acknowledge other players and interesting items with a brief head steer to look at them. (unless overriden by above.) Make this toggleable so those people who enjoy looking like zombies may continue their undead life. Notice the blink rate and eye movement. Much different than the current zombielike stupor the characters exhibit currently in SWTOR.



As mentioned, characters are quite dead looking and wooden. Is there any possibily to have a graphical animation control panel such as are available in Second Life ? (Animation Overriders)


AO's allow the player to add and control stances, walks, sits and generally customize their character's visual style. They bring a lot of life to the world. Otherwise known as animation control panels, AO's grant control of all animations, customizable by dropping animations into the slots for stances, sits, walks and various gestures. Afterward the player can command them instantly at will through a graphical interface.


MALE EXAMPLE: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=anima...:0&tx=63&ty=74

FEMALE EXAMPLE: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=anima...t:429,r:12,s:0

Please give us the capability to more fully control our characters!


The avatar creation window has an excellent 'idle time' stance animation running, realistically protraying a person at standing rest. Why can't this be implemented in the game right now as opposed to the 'gorilla stance' everyone ends up in when not being moved?



Also, I'd like to see some decent facial expressions tied into this Animation controller. Right now SMILE and other facial expressions elicit only a text message which is very unsatisfying. The character models are obviously rigged for animations, including some facial expressions visible during fights and 'death.' Considering the high quality of the models shouldn't they have equally high expressiveness? There are also "AOs" for facial animations:




I realize a lot of players could care less about this, but as a roleplayer these capabilities and the ability to customize with decorative clothing and such are essential to long-term enjoyment.



LOTRO has them and they look good.



(And no...I'm not a LOTRO player but I'd love this feature.)

Edited by Bonedriver
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Note... In the Second Life game an object simply has to have a 'sit' script dropped into it and tweaked to have the avatar sit on an object when 'sit on' is selected. Sitting on objects is also organic to the game if there is space to do so.


This is achievable here too.

Edited by Bonedriver
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Add minigames and Cantina's activity like:



Buy a pod racer.

Customize it.

Do it running.

Bet on your PodRacer or that of others.

Create a network of betting intergalactic controlled by hutt.



Buy the cards.

Sell ​​them.

Create your own deck.


Make an intergalactic tournament.

Play anywhere. In nightclubs. In your spaceship.

Train with the CPU challenging your companions.



Enter the nightclub.

Each nightclub will have its own list of fighters.

Challenge them all reaching the top.

Win money.

Win for the honor.

Challenge other players in intense 1v1 challenges.


Intergalactic Lottery

Buy tickets for the intergalactic lottery.

Cash prizes for the top positions!

Every night at 9.00pm on giant screens in the major Republican and Sith outposts we can see the draw of winning tickets!



The nightclub is waiting for you.

Twi'leks dancers will apply to you in the wildest dances.

Play minigames to dance in nightclubs!

Rithim style game.

Cash prizes for the top positions.


Drinking contest

Your company here Wookie has wanted to challenge you to a drinking contest?

It shows when they're worth ... or fail in the enterprise!

Let them shee what you're made of....hic!

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Hope the Dev's take note of this thread and everything on the initial post. Always a concerning when there are a lot of good points and they just add the easiest and least important and then wonder why people are still not happy.
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Buy the cards.

Sell ​​them.

Create your own deck.


Make an intergalactic tournament.

Play anywhere. In nightclubs. In your spaceship.

Train with the CPU challenging your companions.


Intergalactic Lottery

Buy tickets for the intergalactic lottery.

Cash prizes for the top positions!

Every night at 9.00pm on giant screens in the major Republican and Sith outposts we can see the draw of winning tickets!



These two I like. But Pazaak – definitely! Why is it not already in the game?

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For all of those who have played Lord of the Rings Online, you will know what I mean by "The Fat Lute".


It would be more of a mini-game like other great suggestions. But characters could learn to use various instruments, and play together in cantinas or other 'allowed' locations (meaning, not just toot up next to the GTN and annoy everyone trying to shop).


Add in the crazy midi note sheets and ability to make your own music, and we could have our own live cantina bands!


I know its a bit far fetched, and would require a lot of work on Biowares part... but the music/instrument setup in LOTRO is just simply amazing.

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And speaking of itemization, why is it so difficult to even find matching sets? I did ALL of Nar Shaddaa to try find Reinforced Mullinine greaves and they simply never showed up. Why should it be so difficult just to collect a late 20s set? Seriously.

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