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Solo flashpoints with companions


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No to solo operations... because to be honest that's messing with end game, but i'm down for leveling Flashpoints to have scaling.


Sometimes it's just hard to get a group together to do a FP and it'd be great if you could scale it for 1, 2, 3, or 4 characters. It'd be easy to adjust loot tables too to be honest, they'd just exchange out the mods in the oranges and 'Bam' you just created a reason to do four player FPs over single player FPs.

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Actually if you bothered to read any of my posts you would realise that I'm interest in solo versions of existing flashpoints. Why? because the scripting is already done, it would take minimal effort to create and not drag resources from elsewhere. In these solo versions you would take along 3 companions instead of players, yes the boss mechanics & loot drops for solo flashpoints would need to be adjusted.


People just dont realise how popular this would be, not just amongst solo players but people who would normally group with guildies or friends when they are not on. Not every player enjoys pugging for good reason. I just find the companion system to be a winner but by only allowing players to utilise 1 of them is a shame.


I did read your post (not any subsequent posts though, I admit) and I am disagreeing with it. There should not be any version of existing FPs or Ops that is solo-able, decreased loot-table or not.


Think this through from Bioware's perspective. Give them a reason to do this other than simply "I want this feature." They put in Flashpoints with the sole purpose being that people will group together to do them. Part of the reason people do them is loot, part is story, part is that it is "just something to do". Different people will do flashpoints for different reasons. Making it solo-able eliminates the people that want to do the flashpoint for the story as well as the "it's something to do" people. Most of the rest of the game (80%) is solo-able (10% PvP and 10% FPs and Ops). Now you are saying "Hey, part of the tiny portion of the game that isn't solo-able, I want that to be solo-able."


When part of Bioware's goal is that there is some content that makes people group up and work together, why why why would they change that? You need to satisfy the underlying need for there to be some content that is exclusive, in this case to grouping. How do you do that by making grouping content solo-able? There needs to be a distinction. That is why I said "Make some NEW solo-able flashpoints". That means that the flashpoints that were designed and intended to be group content for that itty-bitty tiny portion of the game that is group oriented stay that way and there is something to satisfy you, solo flashpoints. Look out on these forums and see how many people already complain that they can never get a group together for a FPs. There are more of them then there are of you and they are complaining louder. Imagine how much harder it will be to get a PUG with solo-flashpoints.


You are not saying this, but I could imagine the next person coming along and saying "I want to solo the mutliplayer content. Give me the same war-zones but with bots instead of people, because it is annoying to play them as they currently are since people are cheating/better/never playing/whatever reason." Do you think that that is a good idea? Do you think that Bioware should listen to that person and cater to their desire for solo-multiplayer? If so, wouldn't it ruin the already fragile multiplayer system where not enough people are queued to play as it is? If not, don't you see that this request is just a stones throw more farfetched than your request (make non-solo oriented content solo-able)?

Edited by Laokoon
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Because not everyone enjoys pugging, or playing games with strangers it's quite simple really.


If a person is not playing this game with friends AND doesn't want to play with strangers then (and yes, this sounds harsh but it is the bleak truth) this probably is not the game for them. The developer, publisher, coders, writers, owners, investers, everyone has worked towards making this game a multiplayer game, a Massive Multiplayer Online Game. If you hate playing games online, this game isn't for you. If you hate games in general, you shouldn't play this game. If you hate playing games with other people, this game isn't aimed at you. A lot of people hoped this game would be KOTOR 3, and I am very sorry to tell them that such is not the case. This is a spiritual successor, but you cannot honestly expect to get every drop of content in the game to be single player when it is a multiplayer game, that is simply a completely unreasonable expectation.

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I did read your post (not any subsequent posts though, I admit) and I am disagreeing with it. There should not be any version of existing FPs or Ops that is solo-able, decreased loot-table or not.


Think this through from Bioware's perspective. Give them a reason to do this other than simply "I want this feature." They put in Flashpoints with the sole purpose being that people will group together to do them. Part of the reason people do them is loot, part is story, part is that it is "just something to do". Different people will do flashpoints for different reasons. Making it solo-able eliminates the people that want to do the flashpoint for the story as well as the "it's something to do" people. Most of the rest of the game (80%) is solo-able (10% PvP and 10% FPs and Ops). Now you are saying "Hey, part of the tiny portion of the game that isn't solo-able, I want that to be solo-able."


When part of Bioware's goal is that there is some content that makes people group up and work together, why why why would they change that? You need to satisfy the underlying need for there to be some content that is exclusive, in this case to grouping. How do you do that by making grouping content solo-able? There needs to be a distinction. That is why I said "Make some NEW solo-able flashpoints". That means that the flashpoints that were designed and intended to be group content for that itty-bitty tiny portion of the game that is group oriented stay that way and there is something to satisfy you, solo flashpoints. Look out on these forums and see how many people already complain that they can never get a group together for a FPs. There are more of them then there are of you and they are complaining louder. Imagine how much harder it will be to get a PUG with solo-flashpoints.


You are not saying this, but I could imagine the next person coming along and saying "I want to solo the mutliplayer content. Give me the same war-zones but with bots instead of people, because it is annoying to play them as they currently are since people are cheating/better/never playing/whatever reason." Do you think that that is a good idea? Do you think that Bioware should listen to that person and cater to their desire for solo-multiplayer? If so, wouldn't it ruin the already fragile multiplayer system where not enough people are queued to play as it is? If not, don't you see that this request is just a stones throw more farfetched than your request (make non-solo oriented content solo-able)?

Actually solo players are saying we want "end game character progression" that can be done as a solo player apart from pvp, and my suggestion is one one to provide months of grind and entertainment. Whether you like the idea or not is irrelavant as either BW provides some sort of character progression or players will leave. They sucked in solo players with the VO story line but failed to give them something to do when they get to the end.


Have you played Lotro? they have a skirmish system, dungeons where you play as solo, 2, 4, 8, & 16 player. Is my suggestion far fetched? No.....Is there a demand for it on this thread? Yes


If the multiplayer aspect of this game is fragile as you claim then players only have themselves to blame for it. The behaviour of anonymous internet personalites has gone a long way to discouraging grouping, & if more players would prefer solo flashpoints to grouping then that should tell you something. Either BW learns to be flexible with the community or players will leave.

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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Think this through from Bioware's perspective. Give them a reason to do this other than simply "I want this feature."


I'll offer one. Any MMO that I played past the trial, I wound up quitting primarily because there was no method of meaningful solo endgame progression. Every one of them. I won't invent numbers, but I guarantee there are plenty of players out there who feel as I do.


I don't want it easy or fast; add in timer lockouts, add in the same loot chances, nothing more or less. Heck, let raiding be a faster method of earning this gear, just don't make it the ONLY method.

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Because it's a multiplayer game, if the content becomes easy enough that a person and 3AI can complete it fairly easily than that's what will be done because it's the easiest. At a certain level multiplayer games must force you to work together to achieve things, that's why most of us play multiplayer games. I understand that some people see this as kotor 3 and want to just mind their own business but the fact is it's still an mmo.


It's all about choice and options, PvP players shouldn't be forced into doing PvE, and the opposite is also true, solo playes also shouldn't be forced to group etc.


Solo players also shouldn't miss out on the best mats/schematics for the higher tier stuff, because they are ( wrongfully ) put into end game raids, just make trhe drop rate a little lower for solo play to compensate.


While it is an mmo and as an mmo group content should always be available, not everyone likes to group for various reasons, sure some are just by choice, but others are very much valid/legit reasons, be it bad past experience, at your own pace, medical etc.


Myself, I suffer from social/anxiety problems, that means I don't feel comfortable in groups and the drama that goes with them, the requirement to use vent in guilds etc is also problamatic.


Saying that, I like playing mmo's, I like being in a vibrant game filled with others, selling on the GTN, doing PvP, crew stuff etc, but I do feel I am missing out on a lot of the game because of my condition.


I am sure when people say you should have to group, they wouldn't have even thought abot people like me and I know it effects a lot of others, a couple month waiting list to see someone shows that it's quite common.


Sure lower the drop rates for the solo versions a bit and to not make it too easy to get things, but just being able to do them is enough to keep solo people happy/subbed after they hit 50 and have run out of stuff to do.


You get bored of just a few warzones and no working objective based PvP world/lake, like Warhammer had with forts, raiding the enemy city as reward etc, even though they made mistakes, it was far better than Ilum is.


Also companions will finally be more useful, a reason to use them all and equip them, even more stuff to do, with hopefully some banter during the ops/flashpoints to make it even more enjoyable.

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It's all about choice and options, PvP players shouldn't be forced into doing PvE, and the opposite is also true, solo playes also shouldn't be forced to group etc.


Solo players also shouldn't miss out on the best mats/schematics for the higher tier stuff, because they are ( wrongfully ) put into end game raids, just make trhe drop rate a little lower for solo play to compensate.


SWTOR - MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game)......


Just saying its a Multiplayer game...

If you can not accept that fact go play a Single Player game. Like Mass Effect or Skyrim.

Herp Derp Derpy Derp Der


Oh by the way there is single player content. They are called Daily Quest you can do them on Belsavis and Ilum and soon Corellia, that give you Daily Comm's that can be spent to get few Rakata pieces.

Herp Derp

Edited by Zor-kai
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SWTOR - MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game)......


Just saying its a Multiplayer game...

If you can not accept that fact go play a Single Player game. Like Mass Effect or Skyrim.

Herp Derp Derpy Derp Der


Oh by the way there is single player content. They are called Daily Quest you can do them on Belsavis and Ilum and soon Corellia, that give you Daily Comm's that can be spent to get few Rakata pieces.

Herp Derp


Next time try reading the whole post :rolleyes:


I acknowledged it's an MMO, but the multiplayer part doesn't mean end game content HAS to be just groups, can mean other aswell things like a game filled with multiple people for example...


No one is saying not to have content for groups and again I even said that it should have it, ( increased difficulty and drop rate etc compared to solo ) another thing you conviently ignored or didn't read.


And as for your daily quest, how exciting and a great accomplishment, NOT :rolleyes:


How many times can you do them before you get bored, not to mention they pale in insignificance compared.


I even said drop rates could be lowered a bit for solo play, so as to not make it too easy.


Other bonuses include having Companions that are more useful than just for Crew stuff, some you never use, not to mention equiping them giving you something else to do, something to spend money on at last, or spend spare PvP comms on, or just drops.

Edited by LillyWhiteS
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And the award for Number One most Dumba** question goes to OP!!!!


Seriously if your going to make a thread on the forums atleast post one that does not make people /facepalm and lose brain cells.


Lets see DCUO & Lotro both have scaling dungeons/flashpoints where you can run them as solo & upto 16 players. Whether you care to accept it or not there is a significantly large number of solo players and others who would like the option to have more to do than just WZ & dailies when their friends/guildies are not online.


Your thinly veiled insults and inability to comprehend what would actually be a popular decision really only goes to show how inept you truly are.


Edit: Just to show you how out of touch you are, out of 26 pages you are only the eighth person who doesnt support the idea. Credit to the other 7 dissenters at least they explained their reasons.

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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SWTOR - MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game)......


Just saying its a Multiplayer game...

If you can not accept that fact go play a Single Player game. Like Mass Effect or Skyrim.

Herp Derp Derpy Derp Der


Oh by the way there is single player content. They are called Daily Quest you can do them on Belsavis and Ilum and soon Corellia, that give you Daily Comm's that can be spent to get few Rakata pieces.

Herp Derp


Your rude & obnoxious, a classic case of why players actually dislike grouping and why only 38% of players have attempted end game content. Why on earth would anybody want to group in a game when you have childish players posting "Herp Derp", you truly do your arguement no justice.


Also MMO does not stand for "Massive Grouping Online"


An MMO consists of a persistant world where hundreds if not thousands of players all play on one server, you need to check your definitions.

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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  • 2 months later...

I've been reading this thread, and when I first saw the the title, I thought it might be a neat idea. I changed my mind as I read some of the posts, but then I changed it again just as I was about to post my reply.


Here's what I'm thinking....


Ever try farming social points on Esseles? C'mon, I know you have. Wouldn't it be a lot easier to do that run with no dialogue (that's a different topic, I know) and just running solo with a couple companions, and still being able to collect enough credits on a run to cover repair costs?


Now, Esseles may not be the most perfect example, but imagine a single player mode for all of the dungeons.


That's all.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I'll offer one. Any MMO that I played past the trial, I wound up quitting primarily because there was no method of meaningful solo endgame progression. Every one of them. I won't invent numbers, but I guarantee there are plenty of players out there who feel as I do.


I don't want it easy or fast; add in timer lockouts, add in the same loot chances, nothing more or less. Heck, let raiding be a faster method of earning this gear, just don't make it the ONLY method.


Same here; including this one. I haven't logged into SWTOR in several months now because I simply hate raiding and grinding group content and I've burned out on the endgame PvP insanity. BioWare should be aware by now that putting the same value on Solo Endgame Content that they do with group and raid stuff will only extend their subscription numbers. It's a win, win.

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Your rude & obnoxious, a classic case of why players actually dislike grouping and why only 38% of players have attempted end game content. Why on earth would anybody want to group in a game when you have childish players posting "Herp Derp", you truly do your arguement no justice.


Also MMO does not stand for "Massive Grouping Online"


An MMO consists of a persistant world where hundreds if not thousands of players all play on one server, you need to check your definitions.


We players that prefer solo have been beating this drum forever. Someday, it will sink in

Edited by Vincire
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  • 2 weeks later...

I would actually like this feature put into the game, i mean, you would get less gear obviously, but this way, you will be able to experience the story of each flashpoint without players crying and being an outright ****** pretty much forcing you to spacebar through all the important parts, which ruins my experience, which i believe is a breach of the terms of use or something.


Anyway, solo versions would be desireable, that way i can experience the stories with no players ************ like children, pretty much bullying me into rushing.


If you have done it so many freaking times, ever heard of doing it just once?


Anyway, i just went through the Black Talon and i pretty much got forced to spacebar through it, which pretty much ruined my fun of the game for a while, looks like i will be avoid all forms of group content for the for-seeable future, i do NOT like being rushed and forced into rushing, because the rest of the group are a bunch of impatient ********!


So, this feature is desperately needed.

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I think it would be great to have this option i would love to have my companions all conversing with each other for a change and actually using them plus i for one don't like relying on other people and yes i know this is a multiplayer game but i still play it regardless because as i am sure we can all agree it's awesome.

Now i don't mind grouping with other players for flashpoints, in fact i prefer it IF they know how to play the game somewhat and don't act like jerks but the other problem is finding people every time i play i ask in general if anyone want's to quest together for the exp multiplier and social points and i always get no response even on worlds with over 100 people. sure it could be different on your server but doesn't change mine.


Also i am aware that LFG is coming out shortly but that will just mean i am grouping with people too lazy to type /who and enable LFG...so yeah but no.

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I like this idea. However I think you should only be able to do these FP's with your companions AFTER you have completed the normal FP with a group. Doing it with more then 1 companion at a time would be nice, get your whole crew out for some Military exercise. This would also help players like me who like to read the chat. Often times when I do FP's people tell me "HIT SPACE BAR LET'S GO GO GO GO GO!" I like reading the chat and getting the storyline behind the FP, and in most cases doing it with other players often does not provide that opportunity.
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  • 8 months later...

I'm all for this idea of Solo-able Flashpoints, even so much to say i'd go all the way and suggest solo-able Operations.


I've been the hardcore gamer, that's drove hours and hours into an evening session. However these days I don't get much game time anymore, and when I do I can get called away at a moments notice. So groupfinder is out of the question for me being a DPS ( don't say reroll. I don't have the time, nor do I want to.. I like my character the way he is :) ) as it litterally take HOURS to get any sort of group.


I was looking forward to the expansion, new content and all.. However when they mentioned the continuation of the story, (particularly the mention of the Dread Masters) I realize i am missing plot points as i've not been able to do the latest operations or flashpoints due to time constraints. Being a great fan of 'story', i feel i am missing out.


So, yes I fully support the idea of solo-able Flashpoints and even Operations. Hell, I personally would accept them with minimal mission rewards. Missing out on Playing the plot points is a real downer. :(

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I would love instanced, long, challenging solo content for a player who enjoys technique.

Something different than solo questing in general in that it would offer higher challange/complexity per distance covered/area.


I love the game. And I understand that there is a social element that should be supported, but I think that advanced-solo content for people is also fair. As someone who isn't really interested in joining a guild, I am often left running with pugs consisting of people that are not paying attention, employ unreasoned tactics, or who are perfectly entitled to play in ways that I don't enjoy, or not in ways that I do - with techinque.

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We players that prefer solo have been beating this drum forever. Someday, it will sink in


Good luck with that.I can't speak for anyone but myself but the reason I don't group is I don't want to put up with drama of other players.Why pay for something i get for free in real life.Except for PVP which is short I rarely group.I can handle 15 mins but that is about it.

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I have been chastised for my opinion on this so all I will say is no to solo flash points. I feel that this game is very solo player friendly but it is a MMO and being a MMO the best features of the game are done with groups and it should stay that way at least in my mind. I understand that people do not want to group up with strangers, but the re scripting of existing content such as flash points would be a huge amount of work and would require some core mechanics to be changed.


Also OP you mentioned that you did not want his subscription to fund content he does not participate in. My only response to this is that it is actually not up to you. The devs take all our sub money and fund the content that they deem are important for the game. Also and this is a bit of a annoyance actually but you keep saying raiders are a minority, would you care to back up those figures with facts? Your point would be a more valid if you added more validity to your statements.

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I have been chastised for my opinion on this so all I will say is no to solo flash points. I feel that this game is very solo player friendly but it is a MMO and being a MMO the best features of the game are done with groups and it should stay that way at least in my mind. I understand that people do not want to group up with strangers, but the re scripting of existing content such as flash points would be a huge amount of work and would require some core mechanics to be changed.


Also OP you mentioned that you did not want his subscription to fund content he does not participate in. My only response to this is that it is actually not up to you. The devs take all our sub money and fund the content that they deem are important for the game. Also and this is a bit of a annoyance actually but you keep saying raiders are a minority, would you care to back up those figures with facts? Your point would be a more valid if you added more validity to your statements.


You have the right to your opinion and if someone doesn't like it tough.The thing is it something the Devs could get together and see if it is possible.I didn't buy this game and pay a sub because it is a MMO.That means nothing to me.I bought the game because of story line.I also like to putter with the rest.

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Why cant it be both? give the players the choice of running flashpoints with friends or guildies or with your companions. We have 5 of them lets put them to use


Probably never going to happen. Group content was designed as exactly that, group content. You are free to solo flashpoints with your companion to the best of your ability just like you can solo heroics, but don't expect Bioware to make changes to make it easier to do so.

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