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Post 1.1 Partical Acceleration Broken Still


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Just tested in the new patch.


Still broken.


It isn't like this is an ambiguous gameplay change we are asking for. The skill simply DOES NOT work as it indicates. 2 minutes of testing would confirm this, aside from what we claim. Yet it is more than a month after launch, and we can't even get an acknowledgment of our issue?


How can we believe you are truly dedicated to customer service when a thread like this goes on for days and days regarding a clear and blatant issue and we get nothing but silence?

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I was sooooo stoked to put my point into PA/ It was such a huge crashing down to earth when i realized it didn't work right. As a paying customer please fix this. Please. I don't want to threaten but I do feel neglected as a republic player. Some faction balances are just too large to ignore. Combined with a broken skill like this it makes me wonder why i should give my money to you anymore. Just a dev responce would go a long way.
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If BW has still failed to comment on the issue this probably means it's a tooltip issue . Yesterday I was saying on another post how harnessed shadow wasn't procing from slow time, and I was told that it was a tooltip issue . Now from a gaming point of view the harnessed shadow "bug" is much more important since it basically changes our rotation. Yet there was no BW post. They still haven't answered on that one so I wouldn't get my hopes up (although a simple msg telling us this is in fact a tooltip issue would be nice)
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Even if it is a tooltip issue, shouldn't Project then not consume a charge of Force Potency?


Though to be honest i think this problem is getting blown out of proportion, one ability getting 50% more damage every 1:30 shouldn't be gamebreaking. The only big problem i see with it is with an 11/30/0 build, trying to get maximum burst, but i don't think it's worth it compared to 2/31/8 or 0/31/10.

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This is going to be a while. Consulars are able to be competitive and do their jobs in both PvE and PvP. I'm not saying it's good or right, but if we can do our jobs well enough than I think we can expect that our bugs will be at the back of a the line compared to some of the other major challenges the game currently has right now.
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This is going to be a while. Consulars are able to be competitive and do their jobs in both PvE and PvP. I'm not saying it's good or right, but if we can do our jobs well enough than I think we can expect that our bugs will be at the back of a the line compared to some of the other major challenges the game currently has right now.


Most of the major challenges are long-term issues that need time to work on - this one is a very small but significant issue.


In terms of releasing and patching a game, getting these easily fixed but quite large issues with the core gameplay should always be the priority; it's a basic feature that isn't functioning correctly; it would be unwise to leave it until after fixing the more wide-ranging long-term issues because they are going to take a protracted period to solve.

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Are we sure this is broken in a bad way? My Project says it should do 666-724 kinetic damage regularly. It's hitting from 600 to 900 with or without particle acceleration. Take into count the target's armor and shield etc... wouldn't that mean all my Projects are hitting with the buff?
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Ilum is a Republic Valor Farm.

Sever's War Zones are now filled with Sith Battle Masters (5 to 1) because of the "great" change to Ilum.

Sith animation is faster and has a competitive edge over Republic classes.

Sorcerers > Sages

Assassins > Shadows

Bounty Hunters > Troopers

For a fact, Republic skills are broken, but not Sith's.


Will you fix these problems? Will you fix my classes broken skill? Do you even care about the unfair advantage we face? (Yes/No)


If yes, I think you owe the Republic as a whole an apology for this imbalance.

You also owe this thread a time line for a fix.


And if that's a no, with no explanation, no comment.

Then (~#% Bio-ware Like they (~#% us and (~#% this game.

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The problem is that we get automatic crits from the proc, and then we should get +50% damage with Force Potency. Currently we do not get that +50% damage but it spends a charge of Force Potency anyway.


Are we just going to have to suffer this bug forever? How long will this thread fester and be a giant testament to the complete lack of customer service.


There is time to write a short essay on the topic of customer service and the complaints about it, where you talk about "striving to do better" yet where does the talk end and the action begin?


Here we are - here we have been - for weeks, with a major bug issue for our class, and we can't even get a


"Hi folks, yes we are aware of the bug affecting Particle Acceleration and a fix is planned in one of the upcoming patches!"


Would that be so hard if you are truly "dedicated" to customer service?

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I would be happy enough for the time being just to hear a comment from Bioware stating that this bug is known and being worked.


This is one of the first major talents that a Kinetic spec strives for, and to have an ability that obviously flat-out fails to apply the proper damage bonus at this stage in the game iis extremely disconcerting.


Please, BW, acknowledge our concerns with a quick statement.

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Now 1.1.1 and still total silence. Interesting to see that they had the time to "fix" the Sage healing ability so that it does not do extra healing, but the fact that our Accelerated Project/Force Potency ability is bugged and we are losing a significant amount of damage dosn't even warrant an acknowledgment.


I tried to defend when some people complained there is a preference for the Empire as many developers have admitted to playing Sith Sorcerers, but when they take actions like this, how can we not believe this is true?

Edited by inseeisyou
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yet another patch, yet no closer to fixes that'll actually benefit the republic side consular.


only a slight extra aoe heal was changed because *gasp* the imperial side didn't benefit from it.


surprise surprise.. if you don't want people to think there is some favoritism toward imp side.. you should really start thinking about actually.. i dunno, fixing some of the rep side stuff..


starting with say.. animation imbalances and actual skill fixes for the sage kinetic momentum and the shadow particle acceleration etc etc etc!!


tired of getting my "instant" force wave cancelled by some sith using their version a split second before mine goes off...

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Well, an interesting exert from the developer blog post on bugs:


"We estimate the severity of bugs by looking at volume of tickets sent to our Customer Service team, Forum posts, and using our telemetry data from the game, amongst other things."


I think we see now why our class and the broken ability are largely ignored, yet they find time to "fix" the extra Sage healing. There are far more Empire players so they submit a bunch of tickets and their issue gets addressed.


Looks like the moral of the story is roll Empire if you want to have your classes bugs fixed, because there is a larger volume of tickets that they actually pay attention to them.

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Well, an interesting exert from the developer blog post on bugs:


"We estimate the severity of bugs by looking at volume of tickets sent to our Customer Service team, Forum posts, and using our telemetry data from the game, amongst other things."


I think we see now why our class and the broken ability are largely ignored, yet they find time to "fix" the extra Sage healing. There are far more Empire players so they submit a bunch of tickets and their issue gets addressed.


Looks like the moral of the story is roll Empire if you want to have your classes bugs fixed, because there is a larger volume of tickets that they actually pay attention to them.



Well that's an... interesting policy. I'm going to submit a ticket for this as soon as I log in. I'd encourage everyone to do the same.

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So as a shadow my PA is broken and i do not get the bonus 50% damage from Force potency. No such issue on the Imp side


My unity skill says it decreases my damage by 50% it instead boosts the damage i take by 50%. The imp side skill boosts their damage output by 50% and is not bugged.


My project has a delay and its damage can be completely sidestepped by a well timed stealth. The imp side skill is truely instant with no delay and no step around.



We have heard Bioware say they want to address faction balance issues. Just some sort of communication would go a long way. Tell us exactly which skills you are aware of that are unbalanced.

Edited by Mattoc
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From the new patch notes!!!


Kinetic Combat

Technique Mastery: No longer increases the duration of Force Technique’s Breach effect. It now increases the damage dealt by Force Technique.

Particle Acceleration: This skill now also triggers from Spinning Strike. It now triggers from damage dealt (rather than ability use) such that each hit of Spinning Strike, Double Strike, and Whirling blow have an individual chance to yield the Particle Acceleration buff. The chance to trigger has been reduced to 30% per hit, and it now properly increases the critical damage dealt by Project when a Force Potency charge is consumed.

Harnessed Shadows: Stacks of Harnessed Shadows now last 30 seconds. Using Slow Time now yields a stack of Harnessed Shadows. <= bonus awesomness










Not going to say I'm "happy" about the way we got to this point, but at the same time I'll give thanks where thanks is due, now that we are finally getting our stuffs fixed!

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