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Post 1.1 Partical Acceleration Broken Still


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You didn't read my post at all, did you? (or you did not understand a word of what I said). Anyway, here goes again, just for the slow-minded...


What I said is that Bioware won't fix this FP-AP issue soon, but not due to consular-hate, nor due to lack of awareness or lack of forum-spamming. I think they won't fix it soon simply because it is not needed.


The Accelerated Projects-Force Potency issue cannot compare to that bug you refer on your post:

On one hand, Jedi Sentinels (and Marauders) are pure DPS classes, so if a core DPS ability of one of their specs is broken, all the spec lacks and suffers. We don't.

On the other hand, the bleed builds for Sentinels/Marauders are not the absolute best terrific DPS dealers, not even with the Bleedout ability fixed.


We Consular Shadows have probably the best DPS of all tanking class specs, even with Force Potency bugged, (well, until a proper combat log parser could be used, only Bioware could be sure on this, but this is the common belief rightnow), so giving us even more firepower fixing this would be probably overkill. So, fixing the issue of the Accelerated Project crits with FP is not such a simple fix, but would need a complete reevaluation of our DPS output when in tanking spec if done right. Which, most probably, would result in nerfs in our DPS somewhere else.


If you want to rage and rant to Bioware, nice, go on. But we far worse issues with our class, like stated at http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=172944. Take a look at there. THAT are serious Kinetic-Shadow issues.


We have plenty of DPS on our tanking spec. Seriously, please stop yelling for even more (even if it is a bugfix), or we may get the opposite effect, (a DPS nerf for us).


As for the other Issues discussed here about consular Sages, I don't know the class so I cannot speak for them.




Kinetic DPS is not anywhere near levels that would warrant anyone's attention, with or without the Accelerated Project/Force Potency combo working as intended. I'm very sure that the metrics they gather demonstrate Kinetic DPS is not near "out of zone". The tool tip states something that is not true. It therefore needs to be fixed. Very simple.


If after accessing the situation they decide the bonus crit damage of AP/FP needs to go, then so be it. If they want to fix the bug so that it works as indicated, even better. But to simply resign ourselves to this being acceptable is simply lazy on our part.


Shadow Tanks are FAR from needing the nerf bat. I'm not saying that we are doing poorly, I still have quite a bit of success with mine I will agree - but I'm absolutely not worried that drawing attention to the class might result in a nerf.


I look forward to your response, but let us try to remain civil. Throwing around terms like "small-minded" does nothing to contribute to the thread and makes you look desperate.



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Just read the patch notes on the public test server for 1.1.1


No mention of fixing telekinetic momentum or the shadow talent, but at least.. fixing the alacrity one? didn't know that one had a problem of using some force


and fixing a bugged salvation to intended use (makes me think they fixed it like that cause imp one didn't have that advantage, sue me i'm jaded)


so when will these other talents be fixed? next patch? which is.. next month?

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It'd be REALLY nice to know if they are going to fix it!...


I'm going to start collecting Battlemaster gear soon, and if Force Potency is never going to work, then the Stalker 4 piece set bonus is nigh worthless. If that's the case then I'd be better served modding out the Survivor gear with dps stats for its set bonuses instead. Which I probably will just go ahead and do sense a fix to this problem has had no mention to date.


Not even a SIMPLE acknowledgement...

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Another day... another class gets it's issues personally addressed by a dev while Particle Acceleration is simply broken.


From a marauder thread about the "hitbox" size of one of their abilities...


Hey guys -


Thanks for this feedback. We will investigate this issue.




That is so simple and elegant, why can't we get a simple answer like that about Particle Acceleration? Do we need 5 pages of posts first?

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Another day... another class gets it's issues personally addressed by a dev while Particle Acceleration is simply broken.


From a marauder thread about the "hitbox" size of one of their abilities...




That is so simple and elegant, why can't we get a simple answer like that about Particle Acceleration? Do we need 5 pages of posts first?


well now.. more imperial conspiracy... if it's broke on imp side, it needs fixing, if it's on rep side.. nah..


really now.. fix shadow's and sage's broken spec skills please!

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well now.. more imperial conspiracy... if it's broke on imp side, it needs fixing, if it's on rep side.. nah..


really now.. fix shadow's and sage's broken spec skills please!


Broken ability is broken. Would love to stop bringing this up. We don't need a fix as much as an acknowledgment. Followed of course by a fix.

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It takes the piss when they keep doing 'critical' server updates with less than 24h notice right in the middle of (European time) prime play time - usually to fix some tiny issue with a flashpoint or warzone, but something as big as this is just left to fester.



BW needs to get their priorities right.

Edited by QuiQuaeQuod
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