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Post 1.1 Partical Acceleration Broken Still


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Yes. This is a major issue. Look in the dev tracker they personally responded to a very similar issue for a guardian skill not applying bonus crit damage properly yet we have been raising this issue for quite a while and submitting tickets and nothing... When is this going to be fixed???
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How does no one care about this? Things only get fixed when people care, are we just going to be forced to suffer without our skills working properly? I don't want to start another character but do I have to go to a class where the players will spam hundreds of messages in their forum to actually get their buggy abilities fixed?
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Good day:


My guess based on various conversations with paying customers is that the developers favor the Imperials / Sith over the Republic... and until that changes...


Thank you.


Can't tell if trolling D: If you are, +1 for you.





On topic though, I've never noticed this bug until I found this thread, but after some testing I can tell it's not working like intended.


Fix please!

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Posted a thread identical to this a month ago with no response...still waiting.


I will bump this... until the end of time.


If you agree that this needs to be fixed, help me keep this as the top and keep it in discussion.


The squeaky wheel gets the grease... as someone said! Make this a big deal because it is STUPID that such a blatant and straight forward bug has not been fixed.

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Yes (bump) I'm (bump) very (bump) annoyed (bump) by (bump) this (bump) as (bump) well.




I (bump) do (bump) crap (bump) damage (bump) as (bump) it (bump) is (bump) playing (bump) a (bump) Kinetic (bump) Shadow (bump), skills (bump) working (bump) correctly (bump) would (bump) certainly (bump) help.


Bump for justice!

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As for what I've seen ingame, so far the Kinetic Shadows seem to be the tanks with highest DPS output (at least on non-ranged encounters, where our melee condition is not a problem for us)


Cannot confirm this without a proper combat log/metrics, though.


Anyway, if this is the case, they won't probably fix the error anytime soon, as it would exacerbate even more the DPS difference with other tanks, and other tweaks (a.k.a. nerfs), would be needed elsewhere to keep us in line.


This had happened in other MMOS for long time. WOW have tons of examples of this.


If you keep shouting loud about this, what you may get in the end is not a fix on the skill, but a "fix" on the tooltip (like BioWare taking out completely the 50% extra crit damage on accelerated projects).


Just send a ticket once, and let Bioware do their job. They surely know about this.



Edited by Lokken
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As for what I've seen ingame, so far the Kinetic Shadows seem to be the tanks with highest DPS output (at least on non-ranged encounters, where our melee condition is not a problem for us)


Cannot confirm this without a proper combat log/metrics, though.


Anyway, if this is the case, they won't probably fix the error anytime soon, as it would exacerbate even more the DPS difference with other tanks, and other tweaks (a.k.a. nerfs), would be needed elsewhere to keep us in line.


This had happened in other MMOS for long time. WOW have tons of examples of this.


If you keep shouting loud about this, what you may get in the end is not a fix on the skill, but a "fix" on the tooltip (like BioWare taking out completely the 50% extra crit damage on accelerated projects).


Just send a ticket once, and let Bioware do their job. They surely know about this.




i would definitely believe you, if it was broke on both sides and not just on rep side.. unless the shadow one is broke on both sides.. all i know is the sage tele momentum is only broke on rep side...

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If you keep shouting loud about this, what you may get in the end is not a fix on the skill, but a "fix" on the tooltip (like BioWare taking out completely the 50% extra crit damage on accelerated projects).


Just send a ticket once, and let Bioware do their job. They surely know about this.




I appreciate your sentiment - this is how it SHOULD work but it is not.


The Jedi Knights has a similarly bugged ability that was not doing extra damage. They created a thread and got hundreds of replies to it and not only did they get a developer response, but it is now getting fixed. (See dev tracker...) I seriously doubt our issue is harder to fix than their issue, but because hundreds of people decided to post about it, the developers decided to take the time to fix it.


Edit: Let me linky it for you: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1931343#edit1931343


VERY similar issue to ours... ability basically missing the 30% extra crit damage or such, and on page 7 they get a developer response and their ability gets fixed. Meanwhile we are left wondering if the developers even read the counselor forum.


Bottom line is they are only fixing things if they feel like it is impacting enough people to make it worth their while. There are many players I have seen who are not even aware of this issue, each time a new thread is made.


We need to raise awareness and I'm sure once everyone knows they are being *SCREWED* out of so much damage they will care about it being fixed.

Edited by inseeisyou
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Since I don't believe everything I read, I went ahead and tested this. I can confirm (for what its worth) that this is indeed an issue.


(Tested via camping the same mob for a while making sure the level was similar each time.)


It is sad to see another issue around project...a very major ability for my Shadow Tank. : (

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I appreciate your sentiment - this is how it SHOULD work but it is not.


The Jedi Knights has a similarly bugged ability that was not doing extra damage. They created a thread and got hundreds of replies to it and not only did they get a developer response, but it is now getting fixed. (See dev tracker...) I seriously doubt our issue is harder to fix than their issue, but because hundreds of people decided to post about it, the developers decided to take the time to fix it.


Edit: Let me linky it for you: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1931343#edit1931343


VERY similar issue to ours... ability basically missing the 30% extra crit damage or such, and on page 7 they get a developer response and their ability gets fixed. Meanwhile we are left wondering if the developers even read the counselor forum.


Bottom line is they are only fixing things if they feel like it is impacting enough people to make it worth their while. There are many players I have seen who are not even aware of this issue, each time a new thread is made.


We need to raise awareness and I'm sure once everyone knows they are being *SCREWED* out of so much damage they will care about it being fixed.


You didn't read my post at all, did you? (or you did not understand a word of what I said). Anyway, here goes again...


What I said is that Bioware won't fix this FP-AP issue soon, but not due to consular-hate, nor due to lack of awareness or lack of forum-spamming. I think they won't fix it soon simply because it is not needed.


The Accelerated Projects-Force Potency issue cannot compare to that bug you refer on your post:

On one hand, Jedi Sentinels (and Marauders) are pure DPS classes, so if a core DPS ability of one of their specs is broken, all the spec lacks and suffers. We don't.

On the other hand, the bleed builds for Sentinels/Marauders are not the absolute best terrific DPS dealers, not even with the Bleedout ability fixed.


We Consular Shadows have probably the best DPS of all tanking class specs, even with Force Potency bugged, (well, until a proper combat log parser could be used, only Bioware could be sure on this, but this is the common belief rightnow), so giving us even more firepower fixing this would be probably overkill. So, fixing the issue of the Accelerated Project crits with FP is not such a simple fix, but would need a complete reevaluation of our DPS output when in tanking spec if done right. Which, most probably, would result in nerfs in our DPS somewhere else.


If you want to rage and rant to Bioware, nice, go on. But we have far worse issues with our class, like stated at http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=172944. Take a look at there. THAT are serious Kinetic-Shadow issues.


We have plenty of DPS on our tanking spec. Seriously, please stop yelling for even more (even if it is a bugfix), or we may get the opposite effect, (a DPS nerf for us). Put a ticket if you want, make a mention of it in the forums, and just wait for a fix.


As for the other Issues discussed here about consular Sages, I don't know the class so I cannot speak for them.




P.S. Edited. Typos and some unfriendly words removed.

Edited by Lokken
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You didn't read my post at all, did you? (or you did not understand a word of what I said). Anyway, here goes again, just for the slow-minded...


What I said is that Bioware won't fix this FP-AP issue soon, but not due to consular-hate, nor due to lack of awareness or lack of forum-spamming. I think they won't fix it soon simply because it is not needed.




I am going to reply to this because I can see both sides of the argument here and bring an unbiased opinion (as I don't play Shadow anyway.)


Your stance is completely valid, so long as you can answer yes to the following question: Is this ability also broken for Assassins?


If the ability is NOT broken for Assassin, then it would most certainly need to be fixed. Otherwise you have another case of faction imbalance across mirror classes/specs (of which there are many apparently.)

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To tell the truth, I've no idea if Assasins have the same issue with their Energized Shocks and Recklessness, as I haven't played empire side since the beta. Maybe, but better ask them for sure.


As a pure PvE player, though, my benchmark and game 'rivals' are mostly not just my empire mirror class, but all my class role-siblings (tank specs).

If I can take on PvE content on (almost) equal terms that other class tanks, I'm fine. And so far this issue does not cripple my tanking ability in any way (I have yet to find a single one tanking scenario in which I miss the Force Potency extra 50% Acc. Project damage).


That's why I understand this Force Potency issue as just a very minor annoyance (if any), while there are far more critical problems like our lack of avoidance due to our combat mechanics compared to other tanking classes ( again, http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=172944 for reference).


Anyway, just for curiosity it would be nice to know if any Sith Assassin player can confirm us if this work for them with Energized Shocks and Recklessness. In this case, it would be indeed another case of faction imbalance across mirror classes/specs ( as you say, there are already a few of this, so nothing new under the sun)



Edited by Lokken
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