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Movement Heavy Boss Fights: Gunnery Commando will have problems?


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So basically a Gunnery Commando is a turret, so how does one output enough dmg when he keeps getting interrupted in fights like Hard Mode Ironfist and Vokk?


Neither of those bosses really require you to be constantly moving. When you have to move, throw out one of your instants or just use hammer shot to regen your ammo so you are full once you can stop and unload on the boss.

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  • 11 months later...

People that say commando is a turret don't know how to play commando.

The longest you have to stay still is during a full auto ot mortar volley, 2 grav rounds can be done in 3 seconds.

The rest of the time you run with hammer shot, sticky grenade, demo round, and high impact bolt.

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  • 1 month later...
Directive 7 last boss...that claw thingy decided to tag me...man was that annoying :D


Run, Grav round, run. HIB and Demo Round, Power Surge equivalent (sorry, my Commando is low level so I can only tell you the Merc name for that) for an instant Grav Round. Kite and shoot.


Alternatively... CC the claw if you're able to target it, and proceed on your merry way.


I haven't tried all the HM versions of Republic flashpoints, but in raids and such my Mercenary is fine on boss fights that require movement. You have to learn to time your casts, know when to use them, and MOVE when you're throwing your instants. Use extra instants or Hammer Shot if you have to keep moving and HIB and Demo Round are on cooldown (Stockstrike if you happen to be in range, Sticky Grenade, even Explosive Round if you have full ammo).


Often you don't have to move as much as you think, and often you have time to finish your cast before you have to move. It depends on the fight, the size of the red circle underneath you, and similar things.


The Annihilator Droid at the start of Eternity Vault, during Storm Protocols - keep casting until you see a red circle under you. When one appears, finish your cast and MOVE, but stop as soon as you're clear of the circle and resume casting. If you're just starting a Full Auto when you get a red circle, yeah, you'll probably have to move before it finishes, but let it tick a couple times before you go.


Red circle phase on Zorn and Toth - don't screw around with these ones. The circles are huge and take a second to get out of, so stop casting and ****. Resume casting as soon as you're out of the circle, though, you're probably not going to get another one for at least one or two casts.


Nightmare Pilgrim? **** of the circles immediately. There's no room to screw around on that fight. Even if the circle doesn't kill you some of them stun you, and that's more of a DPS loss than interrupting your cast to move. There is *one* of the three or four types of circles that shrinks from its initial size before going off (and thus hits a smaller area than you'd initially think), so you can stop moving sooner, but don't toy with that until you're familiar with it.


I can sustain enough DPS on my Merc to beat Snipers and Marauders. No reason a Commando can't do the same. It's just learning the timing of your casts and gaining experience with the individual fights.

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