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Why did they keep getting up in Ilum?


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Been sitting back pondering this for a couple days as it was bugging me.


The IMPS after a half hour should have starved for valor as any sane repbulic person stopped re-spawning.


So where did valor come from?


Taking BW at their word and assuming the turrets were not in fact giving valor and diminishing returns were kicking in...


After the first dozen deaths, why did the republic keep getting up? and why would the imps keep killing if they were not getting valor?


Putting on my tinfoil hat I considered:


"Kill trading with multiple accounts does not work in a warzone because you can never be sure your two characters will pop randomly into the same battlefield, then you have to run the alt to yourself, strike him down and repeat. Not efficient."


Then I pondered world pvp.


"I know where my alt will be"


I considered Ilum "They will pop up at the spawn every time I kill them"


Now all I had to do was figure out how to get around diminishing returns... and figured well if a couple people have alts, you can rotate them in and out as the diminishing returns kick in... or maybe logging them in and out will reset it.. and they will still be in the kill zone. They will pop up in the exact spot you need to strike them down again.


Any actual republics that pop in and out are just profit on that baseline amount of valor.


So assuming someone duel boxed it.. they would on one character keep clicking "respawn" until they had to refresh by relogging or something to clear the diminishing returns while on the other character just spam some aoe.


The more "friends" you have in on the game the higher the return in valor.


Easy, efficient, and makes sense.


No Imps would admit to this of course, but is there a flaw in there somewhere? Is it pure tinfoil hat on my part?

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I think you would need more facts before you can even come up with conclussions.


A) how many kills in x amount of minutes before deminishing returns starts, and how many kills before they are worth 0 valor.


B) if player 1 Emp. kills player 1 Rep, and player 2 imp kills player 1 Rep. does that contribute to the same valor deminishing effects


C) I don't think it announces to players that X player is worth no valor anymore, so they will keep killin gyou anyway...not that they need valor as a reason to do so. Its fun to zerg

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