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To Everybody thinking about quitting


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lol, totally disagree with this statement, you cant compare a product that has been out for over 5 years, to a product that has been out for only a month...


Actually, yes you do. Because this product that has been out for only a month is directly competing with the one made years ago. And you can bet 99% of customers won't care how long the game is on the market - there are some things an MMO must have.


But how about a comparison to Rift? That's a fresh game and somehow it was released with a ton more features than SWTOR.


And before another reading-impaired troll strolls here: we do not complain about content. We complain about features.


Try to remember that, k?

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Any and every WoW clone is going to crash and burn horribly. The developers don't realize that WoW got big because it was in the right place at the right time, basically a total FLUKE. People think WoW has some magic formula that guarantees success, when it fact, all they did was win in the lottery.


If you want your MMO to succeed, DONT copy WoW. Make your own game like Guildwars and EVE did.

Edited by youwillburn
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See, this is what I don't understand. I have never once had a FPS issue. They fixed Ilum yesterday unless you're talking about something else, and Bioware can't force people to roll republic. but your last thing sounds legitimate.

No they didn't fix ilum, they made it so you can't zerg INTO base but you can still gather 200 imps and camp the entrances to base which they are still doing, the faction-imbalance is ridiculous (and yes they can fix that).


Not to mention FPS fix is something A LOT of people are experiencing.

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I do realize the game just came out, but do you realize that in general beta most of these things BW is all of a sudden paying attention to like the UI customizations, were brought up in general beta by testers that knew these things would be wanted by the masses at release. We got no response from the devs. Now magically they are pretending "they are listening to the customer and giving us what we want"...BS they already knew the issues people had with the game in beta, they just chose to ignore those testers and keep listening to the bum kissing ones instead.


People actually believe this, which is scary.


As a developer, it is very irritating when I see people say things like this. They were working on UI customization long before launch.


People need to stop thinking that feature X will be implemented at the flip of a switch.


Not to mention, that by the time the development started, they HAVE to stick to the guidelines that their bosses set out. Maybe a few tweaks here and there, but nothing major. Beta is for BUG FIXES and MAJOR MAJOR issues. It is a feature complete game.


The fact that they fix bug X and not bug Y is again, bug Y might need more development time. In the case of ability delay. They need to be as thorough as possible, or it very well could break HALF of the abilities from even being able to be used.


"Why is bug X fixed but we cannot get feature Y????"


Obviously because feature Y will take a long time to be developed.

Edited by Nighthawked
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Coming on the forum to say I'm only here to see game fail=troll.


No, that's really not what a troll is. A troll is someone who says something they either don't believe or is not in their personal style in order to garner reactions against that person, be it calling them stupid or flaming them or whatever.


The "it's called an XBox 360 because I see it, do a 360 and walk away" thing is a classic troll because you get legions of people going "lol your dumb 360 is same way lol" (sic). Criticising the game is not trolling.


Please people, learn to internet.

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Not to mention the biggest feature(the VAs) that TOR has been touting for ever, GW2 has it too, and has had it before TOR.


Oh, and they're doing their own special coding for certain things so you can see boulders that other players are shooting from a draw distance that would make this game crash.


I don't know how you could claim GW2 has had VA before TOR, GW2 is definitely not even out yet.


I love this, the hype for GW2 is insane. If you are going into GW2 and expecting it to be perfectly functional with content that is also perfectly functional rolling out consistently then you are going to be quite disappointed.

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I kind of agree with what you're saying.


They ARE trying to fix the game, and they ARE trying to add content.


But you don't compare vanilla WoW to current SWTOR. You compare current WoW to current SWTOR.


I think you compare a brand new MMO to a legacy MMO if the former is attempting to replace the latter. That isn't the case here.


TOR isn't attempting to replace WoW. It's attempting to forge its own identity. It's a science fiction MMO, WoW is a fantasy MMO. The only thing the two broadly have in common is they're both theme park-style MMOs. They share some UI commonalities, and use the same input methods.


You can't customize WoW's UI without the use of third-party add-ons. You can't move the mini-map, you can't move the hotbars, you can move the chat boxes, which is the same in TOR. TOR is making it so you can play with the UI to the point of at least resizing it and moving individual elements of it. I don't think they have the ability (though I don't know for sure) to alter its actual look a lot; LucasArts is tight-fisted when it comes to what they'll approve for Star Wars aesthetics.


I think this game is fine. I'll keep paying as long as it remains fun, I'll stop when it isn't. It doesn't affect my WoW subscription at all, nor does what that game does affect this one.

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no you dont lol


You compare a new game to a new game, you cannot compare an established game to new game

Unless its the same company and same engine


its actually really funny when people do though so please continue


Yes and no...


You can't compare the 2 in terms of the amount of content available, agreed. It takes a long time to build that much content.


However in terms of functionality and features, yes you absolutely can compare them. You wouldn't buy a car that had the performance and reliablity of a Model T based on the promise that they will improve it over time, when there is a car available with modern features available for the same price would you? Every product in the world in any industry works on the principle of either having what are considered the standard features and/or improvements above and beyond what is already available. Companies that produce products that aren't as good as what other companies are putting out just don't succeed.

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I don't know how you could claim GW2 has had VA before TOR, GW2 is definitely not even out yet.


I love this, the hype for GW2 is insane. If you are going into GW2 and expecting it to be perfectly functional with content that is also perfectly functional rolling out consistently then you are going to be quite disappointed.


Not nearly as much as the disappointed as with SWTOR. GW2 is not going to be drawing comparisons with WoW or any WoW formula MMOs. It'll only be compared to GW1 and from here it looks like it's a lot better.

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I think you compare a brand new MMO to a legacy MMO if the former is attempting to replace the latter. That isn't the case here.


TOR isn't attempting to replace WoW. It's attempting to forge its own identity. It's a science fiction MMO, WoW is a fantasy MMO. The only thing the two broadly have in common is they're both theme park-style MMOs. They share some UI commonalities, and use the same input methods.


You can't customize WoW's UI without the use of third-party add-ons. You can't move the mini-map, you can't move the hotbars, you can move the chat boxes, which is the same in TOR. TOR is making it so you can play with the UI to the point of at least resizing it and moving individual elements of it. I don't think they have the ability (though I don't know for sure) to alter its actual look a lot; LucasArts is tight-fisted when it comes to what they'll approve for Star Wars aesthetics.


I think this game is fine. I'll keep paying as long as it remains fun, I'll stop when it isn't. It doesn't affect my WoW subscription at all, nor does what that game does affect this one.


Thank you I needed a good laugh.

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No they didn't fix ilum, they made it so you can't zerg INTO base but you can still gather 200 imps and camp the entrances to base which they are still doing, the faction-imbalance is ridiculous (and yes they can fix that).


Not to mention FPS fix is something A LOT of people are experiencing.


That's a fix. Before, the problem was that even if people wanted to form a group to combat the hordes of Imperials they couldn't because they couldn't teleport to Fleet to go recruit.


Now they can go and do so. This is how open world PvP is supposed to work. If the odds are against you, you grab friends, who grab their friends and so on until you can turn the tide.


I know faction imbalance is a problem and until there are more Republic on unbalanced servers it still means it'll be an uphill battle for them but Ilum is a lot closer now to being "as intended" than it was before.


Calling for reinforcements and slowly building a huge team of people was as important to Southshore/Tarren Mill as it is in Ilum. It's one of the biggest community development tools we have and it's those epic battles, when you finally pull them off, that bitter vets will talk about in five years time about the "good old days".


Incentives to rolling Republic on under-represented servers are preferable to further Ilum changes at this point, in my opinion.

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Okay I know Im probably gonna get hated on for posting this thread but whatever. Im seeing alot of people sit here and talking about quitting the game or Im bored as hell or this is whats wrong with the game blah blah blah...listen you all have to realize that this game has JUST started. This isnt like WoW where it has take 5+ years to build itself up. There are going to be bugs there is going to be missing content. Patience.


They just now released a video today talking about upcoming content. New Warzones, New Flashpoints and Ops, UI CUSTOMIZATION (Been seeing alot of people wanting that) and Finally! Legacy features. So just have patience people, its gonna take time for this game and devs to build this game. If you have suggestions post them in the forums not you making a thread talking about how the game is boring and how you hate it doesnt have this feature because you arent helping the game at all by doing that. You wanna see a change or improvement then make a good logical post in the suggestions forum.


Yes, This MMO is a lot different that alot of those other ones out there. Why? Because this isnt the type of MMO that you just rush through and try to get to 50 within a week that way you can get the 50 gear. The devs made the game to where you take your time with each character. The game is still FAR from perfection. Problem is is that you got ALOT of people coming from WoW over to this MMO and they are so used to WoW that this is something completely 100% different than what they are used to. If they made this game exactly like WoW than what would be the point in buying it. WoW has been the dominator in the MMO industry for years and nobody has been able to even touch it. But SWTOR is doin a very good job on making some competition for them. But all thats irrelevant. All Im saying is be patient and the features you love and miss will come.


May the force be with you!


Nice try and I agree with you. But sadly, we live in a world of instant gratification (especially americans). If whatever the product is has any flaws it's immediately labeled a loser by these people. You can't save them or convince them IMHO but it's good to see someone try.

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TOR isn't attempting to replace WoW. It's attempting to forge its own identity. It's a science fiction MMO, WoW is a fantasy MMO. The only thing the two broadly have in common is they're both theme park-style MMOs. They share some UI commonalities, and use the same input methods.


Not sure if serious...

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Yes and no...


You can't compare the 2 in terms of the amount of content available, agreed. It takes a long time to build that much content.


However in terms of functionality and features, yes you absolutely can compare them. You wouldn't buy a car that had the performance and reliablity of a Model T based on the promise that they will improve it over time, when there is a car available with modern features available for the same price would you? Every product in the world in any industry works on the principle of either having what are considered the standard features and/or improvements above and beyond what is already available. Companies that produce products that aren't as good as what other companies are putting out just don't succeed.


No you CAN NOT. Software development is not like cars. The law STATES that they need the basic functionality like air bags.


The car comparison is a horrible comparison.


Software development, at a scale like BW, HAS to be thought out before the development even starts. This is before feature X was in MMO Y. This set of rules is referred to a Software Development Document or a Game Development Document. Look it up. When a business this big starts to develop a game, they need to follow this development document by the letter.


This document is approved by the developers bosses, legal department, and everybody else in the company. A few MINOR tweaks can be changed here and there, but the developers need to go through the same process (their bosses, legal department, and what-not).


If this game NEEDS to compete with 2012 WoW, then expect this game (or any game) to never be released.


We would essentially have another Duke Nukem Forever

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I kind of agree with what you're saying.


They ARE trying to fix the game, and they ARE trying to add content.


But you don't compare vanilla WoW to current SWTOR. You compare current WoW to current SWTOR.


Not all products are the same. Cars, tools, mainly material things yes you do most of the time however games, movie and tv shows you don't. Hell I know some shows have age horribly but I still watch them without complaint.


Games are a bit different of a beast. You can compare one product refined with time to another just arriving.


It would be like comparing a new born colt with a 4 year race horse.

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I don't know how you could claim GW2 has had VA before TOR, GW2 is definitely not even out yet.


I love this, the hype for GW2 is insane. If you are going into GW2 and expecting it to be perfectly functional with content that is also perfectly functional rolling out consistently then you are going to be quite disappointed.


Well, I could be wrong. But I believe development for GW2 began before TOR.


I've actually kind of stopped with all the hype, though I do get excited when I hear things from time to time about GW2.


Again, someone said it best, no one is complaining about content or lack there of. We're complaining about crappy features and a huge lack thereof.

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