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How hot is a Core i7 supposed to get?


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Couldn't have said it better myself, i totally agree with you! Exept it is actually a quad core tho. :)


grumble....i was made aware:) in fairness i should have checked.


i just got annoyed seeing so many pointless responces that didn't have a single valid point in comparison to the OP's issue.


and you probably could have said it better:)

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laptop = cooling sucks (compared to a properly built desktop)


The temps you're seeing (80C in some games) are common for laptops.


Safe temps for processors is < 65C. They melt at 100C.




Good luck.

Edited by Daemonjax
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no this is a legit problem for swtor, me and my friend both run i7 his a 920 and mine a 930.


we had our computers for a year or two now, im using a hydro 60 cooler. for since day one i ran mine overclocked to 3.8 and he had his at about the same speed.


come swtor and mainly warzones, my cpu goes from 60c in battlefield 3 to 90+ and reboots.


this game really really takes the piss out of cpus, atleast ours. right now i have to run my cpu at 2.8.



does this game really demand that much more than skyrim, battlefield 3 and other new top titles?


2600k @ 4.0, same cooler and it's never been over 62°C

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ok enough already with the comparisons to desktop computer temps.


ITS A LAPTOP as denoted by the qm at the end of the model number not to mention the fact intel have never made a desktop i7 2670qm.


clearly many here have no idea what the cpu even is or how cooling works.


liquid cooling is not a viable option so stop pretending it's something the OP can use and stop thinking it's cool as well, it's utterly pointless unless your doing high end rendering of and judging by some posts with it i would imagine you wouldn't even know how to stress your cpu to that degree anyway to fully utilise a cooling solution like that.


the lowest end i7 mobile and i could be wrong starts at 1.8ghz then uses turbo tech to push to 2.8ghz as it is a laptop so power saving is used instead of high clock rates all the time.


and no it's not a quad core it's a dual core with hyperthreading 2 physical cores and 2 virtual.


there are 2 posts in this entire thread of any value to the OP, one regarding the use of warranty and one prior to it cover many things about air flow.


OP the only responce to read is the one regarding the warranty, if your worried then go see the reseller and consult with them and see if it's an issue, alternativly geta cooling pad and see if you can't improve it yourself, in any case pick up the cooling pad to give your laptop that extra lease at life, despite everything laptops don't really respond well to excessive heat over long periods of time a cooling pad will help you there.


no one cares if your i7 2600k with a coolermaster blah blah only gets to 40 deg...it's completly irrelevent.



are you mad?

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no this is a legit problem for swtor, me and my friend both run i7 his a 920 and mine a 930.


we had our computers for a year or two now, im using a hydro 60 cooler. for since day one i ran mine overclocked to 3.8 and he had his at about the same speed.


come swtor and mainly warzones, my cpu goes from 60c in battlefield 3 to 90+ and reboots.


this game really really takes the piss out of cpus, atleast ours. right now i have to run my cpu at 2.8.



does this game really demand that much more than skyrim, battlefield 3 and other new top titles?


Your cpu produces the most heat when working at 100% usage.


No software will push your CPU past 100% usage.


Your cooling should keep your temps in a safe range when at 100% usage indefinitely.


If your temps at 100% usage are too high, you have a problem with your cooling.


The same goes for GPUs.



Safe temps for modern processors are < 65C (for 24/7 operation), and for GPUs it should be < 80C. I personally shoot for 60 and 70 when OCing.

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Something that I've found to be really important is to make sure you have negative pressure in the case. That is, you need to have more fans blowing out of your case than into your case. My case has an opening on the side without a fan attached to it, and I always get dust on the outside parts of that opening, which tells me that there's air coming into the case through that opening. This is what you want.


You're trying to get hot air out quickly. If you blow air in faster than it's being removed, the heat builds up quicker.


If it's a laptop, though, things are different. Get a cooling pad for underneath.

Edited by daeseer
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So I just got a new comp just for this, and while it runs awesome (and the game looks simply great on max in 1080) I noticed my CPU hitting 81C :eek:


It's a 2670QM @2.2OGHz. Anyone with the same/similar CPU know if it's supposed to get this hot during gameplay?


EDIT: It's a mobile CPU with Intel's "Switchable Graphics" deal paired with a Radeon 6970 (that runs cooler than the CPU even though I'm not using the Intel GPU!) Idles at a 50C average.


To give you a straight up answer I can totally vouch for.


Your CPU will automatically use its shutdown feature when you hit 100 Celcius, so it can take quite abit as you can imagine. Don't worry about that.


If you want your system to last for a long time though and not wear down as fast as it will now with 81C you need to get below 75C at 100% load, if you can do that it will last a very long time. It probably will on 81C aswell, but I would recommend aiming for 75C max.

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And you're right, it actually is quad core like all i7s. It's quad with hyper threading making it 4 actual cores and 4 virtual.


I've been playing with OC'ing my i7 930 (2.8ghz) up to 3.8 ghz, it's really worth disabling Hyperthreading and adding the extra mhz, it reduces temps by like.. 8-10C and you get alot more speed out of the extra mhz.

Edited by Blackweb
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laptop = cooling sucks (compared to a properly built desktop)


The temps you're seeing (80C in some games) are common for laptops.


Safe temps for processors is < 65C. They melt at 100C.




Good luck.

I had an air obstruction on ome of my old laptops and didn't know it and it regularly ran >100 degrees and the chip never melted.


Actually, I think 100c is about the max recommended temp for most processors. Meaning they will usually shut down to protect them at around that temp. They will not melt at 100c.

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I've been playing with OC'ing my i7 930 (2.8ghz) up to 3.8 ghz, it's really worth disabling Hyperthreading and adding the extra mhz, it reduces temps by like.. 8-10C and you get alot more speed out of the extra mhz.


Careful....2.8 OC to 3.8 seems a little risky to me. But I'm no pro with stressing my CPU so I'm not sure. But be careful you don't blow it.

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81C for a CPU means you have problems.


Bioware games have always pushed my CPU temps, it's a Bioware staple unfortunately. Most likely has to do with their engine designs. It's something I never liked about Bioware titles.



But again, if you're hitting 81C on your CPU you need to do some immediate troubleshooting.


Clean, dust, stop overclocking, make sure your cpu fan is still attached =P.

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So I just got a new comp just for this, and while it runs awesome (and the game looks simply great on max in 1080) I noticed my CPU hitting 81C :eek:


It's a 2670QM @2.2OGHz. Anyone with the same/similar CPU know if it's supposed to get this hot during gameplay?


EDIT: It's a mobile CPU with Intel's "Switchable Graphics" deal paired with a Radeon 6970 (that runs cooler than the CPU even though I'm not using the Intel GPU!) Idles at a 50C average.


81C for a CPU is very hot.. typically anything over 70 is very hot.. so 81 is practically scalding. You may want to check the thermal paste compound and/or re-apply it. What type of cooling do you have? Ensure all you fans are working as intended and if you have liquid cooling make sure everything is working correctly. A buddy of mine's exhaust fans stopped working. Once we replaced them his CPU temp dropped 10-12C.

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Originally Posted by Daemonjax

laptop = cooling sucks (compared to a properly built desktop)


The temps you're seeing (80C in some games) are common for laptops.


Safe temps for processors is < 65C. They melt at 100C.




Good luck.


Complete bull... i7 CPU's and the likes can last many many years on 75C @ 100% load, which you btw hardly EVER hit unless your comp is part of a renderfarm or something.

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All of you need to pay attention....the OP has a laptop! The i7 he is referring to is a laptop cpu. Quit giving advise based on what your desktop does please....it's just confusing.


It's not all that uncommon for a laptop to get to temps like 80c. The recommended temp for mine i9s like 65c and it jumps to 80 all the time and ran for years in excess of 100c.


Anyone expecting their laptop CPU to run at 10-12c is expecting too much me thinks. While it's possible that an i7 2600 may run that cool I wouldn't expect the same thing out of a laptop CPU no matter what it is.

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