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Level 50 Help


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I know, this isn't a "new player thread" so to say, but I don't really know what to do at 50.


I have played Galaxies, I have played WOW, I typically kept to myself. No guild, no huge friends list, just a casual player that has never maxed out a toon. I want this game to be different. I am going to join a guild, do raids, operations, etc. I have a few general questions though.


1. Is there a lvl 50 guide out there that someone knows of.

2. Can anyone provide some of the abbreviations that are used. Someone mentioned Soa, I said what is that, he said the boss of EV. OHHH, that helps. I know this will come with time but any help would be appreciated.

3. Are there guilds for casual players. I am on Jedi Covenant(Wedge) and I want guild where they have events, but I'm not "required" to be there. I have a job, wife, life outside SWTOR so are there guilds for me.

4. I have never done any end game content. I have never maxed out a toon. Just an explanation of what kinds of raids there are, what they consist of(hell, what the hell a raid is), why am I doing the end game content, just any end game pointers for someone that knows NOTHING about it.


Any help would be appreciated.

Edited by TheOzzmanDPG
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I know, this isn't a "new player thread" so to say, but I don't really know what to do at 50.


I have played Galaxies, I have played WOW, I typically kept to myself. No guild, no huge friends list, just a casual player that has never maxed out a toon. I want this game to be different. I am going to join a guild, do raids, operations, etc. I have a few general questions though.


1. Is there a lvl 50 guide out there that someone knows of.

2. Can anyone provide some of the abbreviations that are used. Someone mentioned Soa, I said what is that, he said the boss of EV. OHHH, that helps. I know this will come with time but any help would be appreciated.

3. Are there guilds for casual players. I am on Jedi Covenant(Wedge) and I want guild where they have events, but I'm not "required" to be there. I have a job, wife, life outside SWTOR so are there guilds for me.

4. I have never done any end game content. I have never maxed out a toon. Just an explanation of what kinds of raids there are, why am I doing the end game content, just any end game pointers for someone that knows NOTHING about it.


Any help would be appreciated.


1. hello i dont know there is any spesific guides for lving up. but the game is pretty showing where to go anways if you follow your clasquest.


2. soa is a boss in a raid instance (OPS) in EV = eternity vault.

3. im not in the server but you can send me pm and i can try to explain as best i can.

4. well there is 2 OPS (raids) one named EV as you heard, a ops is 8 or 16man size,

else you have daily farming of tokens and pvp for endgame

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1. I don't know of any guide for 50s.


2. A lot of the abbreviations used are going to be for either flashpoints or operations. In fleet general chat, if you see HM, that refers to hardmode flashpoints.


3. There are tons of guilds for casual servers, I suggest browsing the Guild Hall section of these forums.


4. End game content is usually anything you either enjoy doing, or things that improve your character.

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I know, this isn't a "new player thread" so to say, but I don't really know what to do at 50.


I have played Galaxies, I have played WOW, I typically kept to myself. No guild, no huge friends list, just a casual player that has never maxed out a toon. I want this game to be different. I am going to join a guild, do raids, operations, etc. I have a few general questions though.


1. Is there a lvl 50 guide out there that someone knows of.

2. Can anyone provide some of the abbreviations that are used. Someone mentioned Soa, I said what is that, he said the boss of EV. OHHH, that helps. I know this will come with time but any help would be appreciated.

3. Are there guilds for casual players. I am on Jedi Covenant(Wedge) and I want guild where they have events, but I'm not "required" to be there. I have a job, wife, life outside SWTOR so are there guilds for me.

4. I have never done any end game content. I have never maxed out a toon. Just an explanation of what kinds of raids there are, what they consist of(hell, what the hell a raid is), why am I doing the end game content, just any end game pointers for someone that knows NOTHING about it.


Any help would be appreciated.


1. Grab your datacrons, make your matrix cube relic, farm Daily Commendations from Ilum and Belsavis (well Belsavis for Empire idk about Pubs). LFG (look for group) for some of the 48-50 flashpoints or even 50 HM (hard modes, note all the flashpoints regardless of level can be run on HM for level 50 fun and tom foolery). You can also work on your Crew Skills more.


3. Yes there are, by events do you mean raiding stuff or like guild ghost story night? There are lots of kinds of guilds, some types are harder to find than others. Use general chat to aid your search.


4. I have not yet done raids in swtor but the basic premise for all raids I've ever been in despite what it was is:

Kill trash mobs (non-bosses) leading to the Boss.

1 or 2 tanks (sometimes more based on raid size) tank the Boss and his adds (additional mobs he has or summons while fighting him)

The dd/dps (damage dealers/damage per second) follow a kill order (raid leader gives this out) and stay out of bad stuff like fire, poison, etc.

The healers keep everyone alive as best they can. Aided greatly by players not standing in the aforementioned bad stuff.

If all goes well sweet loot is gotten from boss and distributed via the raids loot rules. Rinse/repeat until last boss of raid is dead.



The best advice I can give ya overall is find a friendly helpful guild and keep a notepad and pen next to your PC. Jot down notes of things you wanna know more about. Skim the forums, lots of times people have already asked questions you haven't thought of yet. If all else fails, Google is your best friend.

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Don't know about later Lvl 50's but currently I’m picking mine up at a bulletin board at the imperial fleet. The dailies I'm dealing with now are flashpoints that are appropriate for my LvL. When completed and turned in, they hook me up with extra Stuff (XP, social, etc.) Again I don't know what you will receive at 50 but I was told doing them was beneficial. For me that means leveling faster.
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