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Swtor or wow


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You are comparing two mmo's. Ofc. the games have similarities. That is why they are called mmo's.


The big difference is in the story line and the details in the mechanics and playing style.


So when asking if one of them is better then the other, it really all comes down to what you prefer. WoW is based on a fantasy world and Swtor is based on a sci-fi world.


I like both games and both "Worlds" but personally I have gotten quite bored with WoW and the fantasy mmo's after playing them for years so Swtor is a nice refreshing game to play.

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The problem is that they did not do any innovations.

Like I stated earlier, before I said my opinion, the problem is that if you actually took the time to read all the quest texts, this game will offer no different feeling.


They merely voiced it and I just can't notice anything else they did different than other MMO's.


Sure it is an innovation in itself, but it's not enough for the most of us. at least not for me. I already quit WoW 5 years ago, maybe it's longer coz time sure flies by.

And some stories are interesting, but try going through every planet with an alt just becoz you want to experience a different story, and you will notice the same things I have.


A game needs innovation to be good, SWTOR just didn't do enough. Flashpoints are just dungeons. If they did it the ame way they did with the Esseles and Black Talon then it would've been different. but the other flashpoints just don't have the story feeling in there. It just feels you going down a path and kill someone you never even heard off, and you do it again bcoz of the loot, not bcoz you really want to do it again.


And now I am stating facts, not my opinion.. Like I said, I hate WoW, and the more I read the forums about bugs, and the customer support, my hatred is coming as well..


I disagree that a game needs to have innovation to be good. That's why I said people were perhaps expecting too much. It's an MMO similar to others and for me that is a good thing. There is only so much you can do with a proven game concept.

And because of the similarities with existing MMO's it's very accessible to players. I do not have to learn a whole new way to play a game when starting in swtor if I have prior MMO experience. I like that.


About the similarities with wow you see:

Killing boars for livers in westfall is a bit the same as killing rakghouls in Taris *but* I do it with pleasure in SWtor because it fits the overall storyline. Doing flashpoints in swtor is comparable with dungeons in Wow *but* in swtor there is a story to it and a moral choice to be made when in wow it's teleport in, kill everything, collect loot, requeue.

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Main differences?


My humble point of view:


Mechanics: basically the same, but since WoW has been the MMO with the most player base for several years, this is honestly not surprising at all. If something works, why not using it?


Story: I like SW:TOR story better, mainly because it has a story, that is centered (or at least gives the impression it is) on your character.

WoW never had a story that could be grasped by everyone, regardless of the lore knowledge.


Graphics: more or less the same, but I think SW:TOR could use a little bit more polishing on this side.


IP: they are way different, one is classic High-Fantasy; the other one is Sci-fi... not really much to compare on this.


PvP: the both need an awful lot of work on this side.


In two words: It depends :)


Personally I played WoW for several years, and it has changed from being a pretty hardcore game (vanilla) to easy-mode-we-like-nutella boys (Cataclysm);

SW:TOR feels new (mainly thanks to the different IP, obviously) and has a lot of space to improve.

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i hate how everyone is comparing star wars the old republic to world of warcraft.


they are completely different games.


star wars the old republic has laser swords


world of warcraft does not have laser swords


please stop trying to compare star wars the old republic to world of warcraft, they are completely different games.


They ARE competitors, for the same public. Its as saying "I hate yall comparing these two gyms! They are completely different!"


That said, Swtor is 10 times better for new players, and players fed up with wow, Awesome Quests, and story, amazing looking abilities, great pvp (If u dont spend more than 1h doing it). Most importantly while you level you are basically "trained" for high level content. Meaning u can't get to lvl 50 complete ur class quest and be a complete noob in ur class... (Not to say there can still be room for improvement)


Besides the International Association for Human Mental Health has deemed WoW leveling bad for your mind. Having high chance of deteriorating ur reasoning abilities, ur memory, and plainly make u dumb.

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They ARE competitors, for the same public. Its as saying "I hate yall comparing these two gyms! They are completely different!"


That said, Swtor is 10 times better for new players, and players fed up with wow, Awesome Quests, and story, amazing looking abilities, great pvp (If u dont spend more than 1h doing it). Most importantly while you level you are basically "trained" for high level content. Meaning u can't get to lvl 50 complete ur class quest and be a complete noob in ur class... (Not to say there can still be room for improvement)


Besides the International Association for Human Mental Health has deemed WoW leveling bad for your mind. Having high chance of deteriorating ur reasoning abilities, ur memory, and plainly make u dumb.


I hope you don't mind if I quote this ^ it is a very nice example of someone who has Autism, Dyslexia and Downsyndrome.

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Ever heard of people wanting new content and experiences?



Oh, new content, huh? Is that what you call it?



The thing is if WoW is so "superior" to this game then why spend time here?


If this be the case then why waste time and money being in such an "inferior" game such as this one?


WoW is being changed into a pre-school game for kiddies, complete with cute lovable Pandas and Pokemen.


I could see why it's "sooooo superior" to this one.


It's a ridiculous statement to say the least.

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Short but sweet whats the differences?


And upsides and downsides to both ?






Play WoW. The quests are more diverse, the game is much less buggy, the user interface much more user friendly and the auction house not a mess.


It's a better game to start with if you're new to MMOs.

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Swtor over WOW in my humble opinion mainly because it isnt warcraft universe, i hated warcraft, warcraft 2 and the whole universe in general. Blizzard worlds just plain suck from my point of view.


So starwars over warcraft everytime.


In regards of game mechanics true this game still needs work but have potential, in regards of combat system in a MMO nothing beats age of conan.

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wow vet 5 1/2 years stopped playing right after cat came out after my first 85.

swtor casualty..1monthsub 3 months testing

My view and opinion



story~ none , few epic moments bout it


CSR~ minus the insanely long phone wait? Did there jobs knew the game and got **** done THAT DAY, even in game staff were on the ball


PVP~ Needed work gradual degradation that ended up needing to be overhauled that never really got fixed. for the "most part" balanced


End game~ Lackluster became the OP focus of the game didn't matter long as you hit lvl cap knew friends you were hoping your lucky dice got you the new released tier set cause everyone else already had it.


Graphics~ Fantasy knock off


UI~ easy to mod to customize your gameplay to your needs.


Macros~ Yes


Mods~ unfortunately evil that turned many decent gamers into elitist jackhats that turned many off to the game


Character custom ordered~ Meh some good some bad ideas I was always a tank..didn't care what I looked like long as the healer was awake the dps wasn't idiots.


Gameplay~ Vanilla took talent skill team play..now..one button end game win.


community~ festering blister of elitist gamers who don't care if your 4 yr old just started a account rolled into the golden lion in and said Hi guys over gen chat..will verbally cut your throat and laugh about it. Few and far between helpful cool guilds/players.



Story~ One of the few saving graces to this game..everything seems epic and your choices effect outcome.


CSR~ utter complete total failure..2 + weeks and they still can't fix my account 7 csr's and "specialists" later..upside? they tend to be quick to pick up the phone..otherwise pathetic


PVP~ unbalanced pops killed this..The imperial camp abuse is now gonna be a nail in bio's forhead. it gets worse but glance through the forums or youtube and you'll get the idea.


Endgame~ 50's are bored raiding glitched ops..not much else to say here. pretty lack luster.


Graphix~ take away the star wars factor. FPS issues, screen tearing, green fields, invisible pixel mobs or items that won't materialize or spawn. Sci fi/fantasy setting.


UI~ cramped unrealistic, can't be adapted or scaled *though soon to be promises othewise*


Macro's~ Nope


Mods~ Nope..less your talking about the forum droids who like to close threads and show you the suggestion page..


Character creation~ little more unique and I do mean little. still basic humanoid with a bit more features. *again same as above with me..I end up tanking..what do I care..I'm under armor anyways*


Gameplay~ typical mmo mash button win set up, odd glitches with some class skills


Community~ pretty much the same mentality just different locations. My daughter actually deleted her character over the verbal game abuse. Another reason I'm leaving the game outside of horrid C/s issues.


Overall I refuse to go back to wow with how fluffy its gotten..as for tor..Yeah I'm a starwars dork and had a lot of hope for this game and was looking forward to playing with my kid..But after a month of this junk..me and my family is going elsewhere for gaming


If ya read through..congrats to you before the trollers showed up. Just my 2creds

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SWTOR: Engaging storyline, meaty world it takes a bit of time and effort to explore, quirky and under-developed UI.


WOW: Excessively speeded-up levelling, barely disguised gear treadmill once you reach the all-too-sudden 'endgame'. A more capable UI propped up by millions of user-made addons. Very accessible; some say too McDonalds.

Edited by Lheim
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i hate how everyone is comparing star wars the old republic to world of warcraft.


they are completely different games.


star wars the old republic has laser swords


world of warcraft does not have laser swords


please stop trying to compare star wars the old republic to world of warcraft, they are completely different games.



need 5 characters

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Yeah, SWTOR has it's bugs, it's going to... It is a new game.


I remember playing WoW when it was first released, and guess what... it was a buggy mess.


Actually I'm pretty sure it was worse than SWTOR at release, and not only that, it's customer support and developers didn't have nearly as many players griping at them to FIX IT NOW.


I think the reason so many people seem upset that SWTOR is having issues post launch is because they are truly sick of WoW, and at least some small part of them, secretly wants SWTOR to be so awesome that they'd never have to bat an eye at WoW again...


Well the above might be pure speculation, but from my view point... It took WoW several long years past its initial launch to even remotely resemble what you could call a well-oiled machine.


Not saying it ever really was one, just saying it's developers have had what... between 7-8 years now of live feedback from its playerbase to get where it is today?


That said...


WoW and SWTOR are both MMORPGs, true, but the appeal at least for me is going to be in the genre. I prefer science fiction over more of a medieval high fantasy setting, and that's what SWTOR offers.


I am more than happy to wait, at least a while, to see what SWTOR becomes. Feature wise, I'll again wait and let them get a stable release, before I start making suggestions for improvement there...


All these people complaining and screaming about going back to WoW sound completely ignorant to me -- half if not all of them were obviously not there for WoW's launch, or they'd know better -- give the game a few months at least; before passing a final judgement...


Now for complaints against how CS, at least in game, is handling things... I've had issues there too. The forum support seems much better to me I guess...


In game I felt like they didn't even really read my support ticket when they gave me either an automated or macro-copy-pasted response detailing the steps to take to trouble-shoot my problem... the same steps I told them in the ticket I already took. -.-


Anywho... back on topic.


SWTOR for me. 'Nuff said.

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i hate how everyone is comparing star wars the old republic to world of warcraft.


they are completely different games.


star wars the old republic has laser swords


world of warcraft does not have laser swords


please stop trying to compare star wars the old republic to world of warcraft, they are completely different games.


Completely agree, I'd also add that SWTOR is not a kiddy pew pew game. You need more than two buttons and know how to play tactiaclly. Also, you simply can't pew pew your way through instances/flashpoints.... you need patiance, good team play, and NO addons to help you play.


SWTOR is a very good game, it had some minor issues and still needs some more updates, and UI fixes.. but then WoW wasn't perfect when launched, infact it was shocking! Nor any MMO I can recollect. But, I'd play SWTOR over WOW any day... and I played WoW for 6.5 years, until Blizz and 1337 kids ruined it.


SWTOR is very story driven, which makes it feel a little linear at times, with that it doesn't feel very MMOish (but that's my opinion, other would disagree). The storyliners are great, but I don't like linear games.... Other than that, bloomin awesome!!


Rift, is a great MMO and has had some major updates. Been playng this over the past few days and loving it!! More WoW'ish but lush and vast, a true MMO imo.. so hard fitting two games into my schedule, but hey :)


If you want an easy game play WoW, if you want to ramp it up a notch play SWTOR or Rift.. or ait for GW2 :)


However, it would hurt to have a got SWTOR, you'll probably like it :)

Edited by nite_shade
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Played 7 years WoW and full of it... ugly graphics and childish look, way too easy nowdays.



+Great Graphics

+Great Lore

+Great Storylines

+Great crafting things



+semi-dynamic fighting

+More singleplayer and multiplayer only if you wan't to before end game.

+Fun PvP



-Bugs (new game)

-Somebody thinks this is too solo player...

-Rebublic has too few players in many realms against Imperials

-Unbalanced characters and classes (new game)

-And many more minor things.. (new game)



+Easy to start even new to genre

+Lot's of players





+works on older computers




-Ugly and old

-stupid players

-Too easy nowdays

-No help from GM's

-Gold spammers

-Cheaters (bots and stuff)





And note from me. These are MY opinions. Got it? :cool:

Edited by Jonathamus
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