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Swtor or wow


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i hate how everyone is comparing star wars the old republic to world of warcraft.


they are completely different games.


star wars the old republic has laser swords


world of warcraft does not have laser swords


please stop trying to compare star wars the old republic to world of warcraft, they are completely different games.

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Honestly... Rift.



SWTOR is a buggy mess that looks and plays like it was made in 1995.

WoW is superior by FAR in virtually every aspect, but Blizzard has gone off the deep end.





WoW is "superior" right?


Is that why you're here instead of in Wow?

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WOW was made for 12 year olds, swtor was made for 40 year olds acting like 12 year olds.


Really they both can be fun playing the first time through "IF" you have a few friends or a guild to play with. While both are solo friendly, some things require a group.


Is one better than the other? Depends on what you are looking for and how much time and money you want to invest in the game.

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WOW was made for 12 year olds, swtor was made for 40 year olds acting like 12 year olds.


Really they both can be fun playing the first time through "IF" you have a few friends or a guild to play with. While both are solo friendly, some things require a group.


Is one better than the other? Depends on what you are looking for and how much time and money you want to invest in the game.




time and money though seem the same to both :)

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i hate how everyone is comparing star wars the old republic to world of warcraft.


they are completely different games.


star wars the old republic has laser swords


world of warcraft does not have laser swords


please stop trying to compare star wars the old republic to world of warcraft, they are completely different games.


quoted for brilliance

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i hate how everyone is comparing star wars the old republic to world of warcraft.


they are completely different games.


star wars the old republic has laser swords


world of warcraft does not have laser swords


please stop trying to compare star wars the old republic to world of warcraft, they are completely different games.


are those 2 really the only ones you can think of?


They both have quests that say: go kill, go gather go talk to.

The crafting takes as much time but doesn't payoff as much as it should do.


They are similar games in gameplay, at the moment WoW is better, so I suggest coming back in a year :) untill then, WoW is better.

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Opinions are subjective. Saying WoW or SWToR is better is like saying apples are better than oranges. In my experience the games are totally different. I haven't been level 50 yet, so I cannot comment on endgame.


Wow is about getting to max level fast and focusses completely on gear and loot with token grinds and daily grinds. Leveling is boring and long. Raiding can be fun when you have a nice guild. Pugging usually is a disaster because of the nerd ragers you meet. You can play the auction house and make money with your professions which can be a whole game on its own.


Swtor is about game immersion and focusses on the story during leveling. This makes leveling a lot of fun and the flashpoints in between a logical step in the leveling process. The community on my server has been very mature and pugging is a blast. Again, I do not know how endgame will be, but for now I don't care because I have enough to do leveling my characters.


What people tend to ignore is that Wow has been around for quite some time, people are used to it and know they're way around. SWTOR is new, some people had perhaps wrong expectations and the game itself is still a work in progress.


As always just pick the game you like best.

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Opinions are subjective. Saying WoW or SWToR is better is like saying apples are better than oranges. In my experience the games are totally different. I haven't been level 50 yet, so I cannot comment on endgame.


Wow is about getting to max level fast and focusses completely on gear and loot with token grinds and daily grinds. Leveling is boring and long. Raiding can be fun when you have a nice guild. Pugging usually is a disaster because of the nerd ragers you meet. You can play the auction house and make money with your professions which can be a whole game on its own.


Swtor is about game immersion and focusses on the story during leveling. This makes leveling a lot of fun and the flashpoints in between a logical step in the leveling process. The community on my server has been very mature and pugging is a blast. Again, I do not know how endgame will be, but for now I don't care because I have enough to do leveling my characters.


What people tend to ignore is that Wow has been around for quite some time, people are used to it and know they're way around. SWTOR is new, some people had perhaps wrong expectations and the game itself is still a work in progress.


As always just pick the game you like best.



The problem is that they did not do any innovations.

Like I stated earlier, before I said my opinion, the problem is that if you actually took the time to read all the quest texts, this game will offer no different feeling.


They merely voiced it and I just can't notice anything else they did different than other MMO's.


Sure it is an innovation in itself, but it's not enough for the most of us. at least not for me. I already quit WoW 5 years ago, maybe it's longer coz time sure flies by.

And some stories are interesting, but try going through every planet with an alt just becoz you want to experience a different story, and you will notice the same things I have.


A game needs innovation to be good, SWTOR just didn't do enough. Flashpoints are just dungeons. If they did it the ame way they did with the Esseles and Black Talon then it would've been different. but the other flashpoints just don't have the story feeling in there. It just feels you going down a path and kill someone you never even heard off, and you do it again bcoz of the loot, not bcoz you really want to do it again.


And now I am stating facts, not my opinion.. Like I said, I hate WoW, and the more I read the forums about bugs, and the customer support, my hatred is coming as well..

Edited by Ordryth
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