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The real reason republic gets destroyed


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"Oh no we're outnumbered, this is bullsh*t things are so unfair i'm going to do stuff that isn't PvP related and make the gap between my rank and the sith players even higher"


not a troll, carefull observation


dude suggest anything to help reps and you will see every imp in game come to QQ here.


this game is amazing, i never seen such pathetic people in my life

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I dont care about being out numberd 4 to 1 on my server i just want the classes to be even between imps and republic. why do my spells require a hour long animation and imps are instant. i cant cast any spells till i get done throwing this boulder ie. project and if i proc a second crap im almost half dead cause they have casted 3 instant casts in the time it took me to do 1. tell me how that is fair?
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I dont care about being out numberd 4 to 1 on my server i just want the classes to be even between imps and republic. why do my spells require a hour long animation and imps are instant. i cant cast any spells till i get done throwing this boulder ie. project and if i proc a second crap im almost half dead cause they have casted 3 instant casts in the time it took me to do 1. tell me how that is fair?


these are fair complaints, i definitely agree.

However i don't feel it being an obnoxiously huge advantage

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Actually i would crush you, i can tell because you pretend to be able to read the skill level of a player off a forum post based on silly assumptions, which by the way is a huge indicator of being bad, and that's not to say this has anything to do with the subject at all because even if i'd crush you i'm still bad as well, since nowhere in my post did i mention skill level at all. But merely pointed out that the mentality of the average republic player is to quit rather than regroup and retry.


You just insulted yourself with this post. Fail troll.

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these are fair complaints, i definitely agree.

However i don't feel it being an obnoxiously huge advantage


O RLY???


Since when is having (x)ms delay, in this case due to animation latency, not a huge disadvantage in pvp?


Obviously you've never competed at a high level in any type of FPS or WoW arena.

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When Republic fight back, they are called stupid for feeding kills to the Empire.


When Republic stop fighting back, they are called crybabies for giving up.


Anything else we need to know?


If you click on "Empire" during the Choose your faction screen you automaticly become a PvP god and are a 300% better player.

True story.

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O RLY???


Since when is having (x)ms delay, in this case due to animation latency, not a huge disadvantage in pvp?


Obviously you've never competed at a high level in any type of FPS or WoW arena.


either that or you've never made full use of UI and team work.

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and jedis are supposed to have no passion and have only serenity. :D


And yet most of them in SWG spent their time standing on mountains of Empirial player corpses that they ***** in space ports. We cant really call people hypocrites because they dont really play something the way they should but the way they like.

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If you click on "Empire" during the Choose your faction screen you automaticly become a PvP god and are a 300% better player.

True story.


Best post on this thread.

Republic aren't bad pvpers, and they aren't good pvpers. Empire aren't good pvpers but they are also not bad pvpers. Its different for each server, different for each Warzone match and different every day. You win, and you lose. If you choose to give up, big deal. Just means you aren't willing to improve and have no motive to be a better pvper. If you don't give up, well that just makes you a better pvper and longer down the road "Not Bad"?:eek:

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Republic aren't bad pvpers, and they aren't good pvpers. Empire aren't good pvpers but they are also not bad pvpers. Its different for each server, different for each Warzone match and different every day. You win, and you lose. If you choose to give up, big deal. Just means you aren't willing to improve and have no motive to be a better pvper. If you don't give up, well that just makes you a better pvper and longer down the road "Not Bad"?:eek:


Oooohh, glorious sense! I second that notion!

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