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The Republic has given up


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while it could in theory work, it would just annoy every single person who did it legitimately, no matter what happened I mean what if someone got lucky and got 3 bits of gear from their bags that day, if that happened to me I'd be pretty peeved.


Cause if you do reset everyone, then everyone who was honest is going to rage over this and start leaving because bioware will set up a precedent of just blanket fixing problems with no sense of justice

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I think today's patch fixed some of yeseterday's problems (with Ilum, not warzones), but I feel like Republic players have been scared away from PvP in general by the valor farms that went on yesterday and videos like
one. On Carrick station, players are constantly asking "Is Ilum safe?", "Are the dailies doable now?", and the honest answer is no they are not. Not unless you already have a group before you get there.


I lead a small republic guild (which unfortunately seems to be all the republic has) and we are completely helpless to finish the dailies. Win 3 warzones? We play in 13, lose 11 of them. Spend an hour and a half on Ilum and complete 10/30. Travel to Ilum in a 15 man raid? The Imperials have a 30 man raid. None of the Republic players seem to even want to try anymore. Players are constantly quitting in WZ's because of the constant losing/awfulness.


The patch fixed the mechanical problems on Ilum. The only problem now is that Republic players are too scared to go. Also, there are still serious problems with warzones from the patch. All the lvl 50 bracket did was pit mobs of geared Imps against Republic players who are generally not geared. This may have helped players who are not max level, but it has made winning for the lvl 50 Republic players impossible on my server.


Let's face it. The Empire is a thoroughly better faction. But does that mean that the Republic players are just supposed to sit here and take these lashings on the chin? I want to finish my dailies every day, but I simply don't have enough free time to do it. And I have a lot of free time.


What has happened in the last Month or so means nothing. The Republic will be better off once we get rid of the whinners. None of this stuff will matter in the coming updates, don't u realize that? We are already doing better cause the baddies have left for imp. It's call Vanilla.

Edited by Zoggel
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while it could in theory work, it would just annoy every single person who did it legitimately, no matter what happened I mean what if someone got lucky and got 3 bits of gear from their bags that day, if that happened to me I'd be pretty peeved.


Cause if you do reset everyone, then everyone who was honest is going to rage over this and start leaving because bioware will set up a precedent of just blanket fixing problems with no sense of justice


You're just looking for something to be upset about. The point of this thread wasn't to discuss what went on on Wednesday or how to fix it. It was to discuss that the Republic players have already stopped trying to do PvP and a lot are quitting. The factions are unbalanced in numbers and skill and fixing this unbalance is the only thing that will fix PvP.

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It's sad but true. I hit 50 two days ago and have tried to finish my warzone daily since. I've only run about 10 matches, but they were all miserable losses. It's disheartening and it's making my guildies question their desire to participate in PVP on our server.


Nobody is talking about switching to Empire side, they're just talking about quitting.


Then they probably should not pvp. No offense, but people are acting like its the end of the world. You are outgeared, you get spanked alot, you perservere until you are also geared and then you start to be competitive. Its the same for everyone, the people that want to be and are competitive, do not quit - they just keep on fighting.


Most mmos are like this, people are acting like swtor is the only one.


What exactly do you propose to do about the situation?


People moaned when they were getting farmed by higher levels, now they are moaning because they cant beat people who are better geared than them - of course you can't thats the whole point. That's why people pvp in the first place - to obtain gear to make them more competitive.

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You're just looking for something to be upset about. The point of this thread wasn't to discuss what went on on Wednesday or how to fix it. It was to discuss that the Republic players have already stopped trying to do PvP and a lot are quitting. The factions are unbalanced in numbers and skill and fixing this unbalance is the only thing that will fix PvP.


again more troll lies, republic will be fine. quit posting and L2p

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Then they probably should not pvp. No offense, but people are acting like its the end of the world. You are outgeared, you get spanked alot, you perservere until you are also geared and then you start to be competitive. Its the same for everyone, the people that want to be and are competitive, do not quit - they just keep on fighting.


Most mmos are like this, people are acting like swtor is the only one.


What exactly do you propose to do about the situation?


People moaned when they were getting farmed by higher levels, now they are moaning because they cant beat people who are better geared than them - of course you can't thats the whole point. That's why people pvp in the first place - to obtain gear to make them more competitive.


That would be a good point, if we could actually get gear. We can't. Most servers (not all, just most) can barely complete their WARZONE daily, let alone the ilum daily. Not saying the dailies are our only source of gear, but they do help, alot.

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You're just looking for something to be upset about. The point of this thread wasn't to discuss what went on on Wednesday or how to fix it. It was to discuss that the Republic players have already stopped trying to do PvP and a lot are quitting. The factions are unbalanced in numbers and skill and fixing this unbalance is the only thing that will fix PvP.


Please explain to me your resentment to punishing those who deserve it and leaving everyone else alone? everyone is happy and you get what you want out of it. I'm actually astonished you're going on about a full server reset for the day when both outcomes have the same result except one suggestion has less angry people.


Also as you say it's about republicans quitting pvp, In warzones it is was a matter of skill, and in all honesty the empire pulled ahead before this screw up and if you want to win do what I do and form a dedicated group of like minded people tactics will always beat the mindless zerg.


In open world do I have an honest answer that will make everyone happy? No I don't but then again that's why I'm not a game designer.

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People moaned when they were getting farmed by higher levels, now they are moaning because they cant beat people who are better geared than them - of course you can't thats the whole point. That's why people pvp in the first place - to obtain gear to make them more competitive.


All fair points since this is how the game works, but imho it would be more fun if gear wasn't such a deciding factor when equally skilled players fight each other.

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That would be a good point, if we could actually get gear. We can't. Most servers (not all, just most) can barely complete their WARZONE daily, let alone the ilum daily. Not saying the dailies are our only source of gear, but they do help, alot.


You can gear up, its just hard work for a while. As frustrating as it is I really do not see any other way than to just get on with it?


No one is going to throw you a cookie when eveyrone else has played the system the same way. Sure there were less geared people when the first 50s dinged but there are always instances of people outgearing others - we all went through it, and continue to do so. The more you play, eventually things begin to even out. Find a dedicated group, 2-3 healers a couple of tanks and perservere. That is the only way. There is no easy fix other than to just play im afraid.


I get that people are frustrated, but I think throwing the towel in because you get killed by well geared people is pointlesss. We all have alts, we all face the same situation.

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A lot of it prolly has to do with defeatist attitude.



On hydian way server I asked on the fleet how Illum was and people were as you say, extremely negative about it.


After going there myself on the first day, we at first got creamed, but after a bit of a "culture" of starting an ops group/joining it as soon you hit planet side developed, it turned out we could easily go toe-to-toe with the imps and get dailies and weeklies done while having fun and even fights with the other side.


Just goes to show that even on largely balanced servers the negative self perception of the Republic side may hurt us.

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The problem comes down to the retarded stat Expertise, anyone starting new on Rep. can get to 50 then get added to the meatgrinder because non will have expertise gear against all battlemasters on empire side thus not able to compete.
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those supporting the fact people cheated an exploited an did not earn anything, are obviously the same ones that did it in first place. there should be a flat rollback of every account in the game, make it clear its because of the idiotic teenagers who cheated an they will will be treated by everyone els how they deserve cos people will be pissed at them for causing it.


It's about time someone taught them consequences for your action's.


None of the 50s earned anything, they did it simply put because they are greedy, an lazy an saw a fast way to exploit something they didn't deserve.


Now grant you nothing is going to be done since its Bioware/EA nothing was ever going to be done. But I think many people are waiting now for GW2 an some real pvp.


I already had some toolbelt on Hoth attack me while I was on the flight platform, he ran up an started hitting me, I just laughed at him an watched while he did it.... they dont deserve the respect of fighting back.

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Expertise is a problem, but not the stat one.


Pains me to say it but the imps just have superior organization.


I solo que warzones and when we get creamed it's not because expertise gives me 5% bonus while the imps 10%, it's because they know what they're doing - premades with healers, people guarding, communication etc. etc.



That's gonna be a problem till a "premades" bracket gets put in. Till then I'm looking for a guild on hydian way that does PvE and PvP premades on the side, and is somewhat casual friendly lol. PM me. :p

Edited by aeterno
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The problem comes down to the retarded stat Expertise, anyone starting new on Rep. can get to 50 then get added to the meatgrinder because non will have expertise gear against all battlemasters on empire side thus not able to compete.


I am astonished this still needs to be explained.


Many Republic haven't surrendered to Empire, they've surrendered to BW. Either they rerolled Empire or like myself, just unsubbed from this pitiful mess.


Cheers -Gratus

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You either keep playing til you also have expertise, or dont bother. That's the only choice you have. The "problem" is people don't want to make the effort.


you didn't either, you exploited it, so you didn't actually earn anything.... :)

Battleground farming for shinys has never been pvp anyway, an as usual wow trashed proper pvp in MMOs in favor of a system that is at best a joke, an at worst an insult to any adults intelligence.

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Every1 who blaming Reps ppl here, should shut up and dont even response here.

I dont know what mature argument you can post on issue like :


200 imp players camping taxi point and respawn on illum so every1 and every reinforcement were instantly killed before his loading screen ended..


So pls argue to me now ! And jerking liek Kegster who posted only

" you are an idiot sir " and " L2P" ...


Every1 who play something with currents benefits will always defend his side and advantage.. Thats just normal human attitude...

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Expertise is a problem, but not the stat one.


Pains me to say it but the imps just have superior organization.


I solo que warzones and when we get creamed it's not because expertise gives me 5% bonus while the imps 10%, it's because they know what they're doing - premades with healers, people guarding, communication etc. etc.



That's gonna be a problem till a "premades" bracket gets put in. Till then I'm looking for a guild on hydian way that does PvE and PvP premades on the side, and is somewhat casual friendly lol. PM me. :p


This. The Empire is simply a better faction. And no matter how many WZ's I try, I can't finish the daily.

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Just like in WAR they will have to start giving bonuses to Republic players in Ilum and maybe give a 10% valor bonus for WZs.


I am Empire (usually I pick the underdog... but my friends wanted dark side in this case) but I know the pain of being on the "other" side. The Republic will need some strong guild and strong players.


On my server it seems pretty ok... I have been steamrolled by Republic groups quite often.

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Every1 who blaming Reps ppl here, should shut up and dont even response here.

I dont know what mature argument you can post on issue like :


200 imp players camping taxi point and respawn on illum so every1 and every reinforcement were instantly killed before his loading screen ended..


So pls argue to me now ! And jerking liek Kegster who posted only

" you are an idiot sir " and " L2P" ...


Every1 who play something with currents benefits will always defend his side and advantage.. Thats just normal human attitude...


I'm a republic player myself and as I said, I can only go by experience on my server.


There I see defeatist attitude hurting us beyond what is realistic.


I have no doubt that there are servers out there where Republic is genuinely FUBARED and can't do anything to help itself.


On many other a server all it needs is to sack up and stand up to the perceived stronger side. So many little zergling noobs on the imp side, there to ride the gravy train - don't fear them when you can pwn them with minimal organization. I believe that it may not be possible on your server but it was on mine and probably many others.


This Republic pity party we have going for ourselves across the board has to stop! We're awesome dammit! Stick it to the Imp nubs! FOR THE REPUBLIC! :mad::D

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From my understanding the "cheat" was perpetrated by the Republics who could simply heal the turrets and then rack up the kills. I think there's a few confused people in these forums that died and didn't benefit from the "REPUBLIC" exploit.. Dying to an Imperial player is not an exploit.. rather a consequence of picking a weak and dying faction in a game where that faction is considered... gasp.. Weak and dying..
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Republics win about 40% of the games on my server (or atleast in my PvP games), yes expertise is a pain and valor well 50-60 is a pain (when you don't get a blatant exploit to help you).


The bit that annoys me is that the bags are random, I've opened 40+ bags now and have loads of cent commendations, 1 relic and NOTHING else! I see that as the main problem because you do all this work try really hard and the rewards? Nothing.

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It's a bit rough as the gear differential gets much worse Empire outgearing republic because of ease of wins and zerging for valor.


Exactly; the whole system is snowballing and it will only get worse from here on, the gear discrepancy widening exponentially as more republic players reach 50, getting ready to be farmed by vastly superior geared Imperials.


I did however lead a server first raid for the Republic today on Anchorhead where we drove the empire off Ilum pretty much entirely. You have to motivate, eliminate and dominate them to gain some morale for your faction. The top PvP guild on your faction needs to step up as a leader, it motivates those around you to do well and listen to those commanding.


There are several problems with this scenario.


1) Requires a decent population of level 50 Reps online simultaneously (not possible on all servers, believe me).


2) Someone with the time and willingness to set up a raid, bust his behind off trying to organize a raid full of pugs and hope the Empire won't do the same, because faction imbalance on most servers is at least 4 to 1 in Imperial favor, more often leaning towards 5 to 1.


3) Hope the Empire won't do the same as you and greedily seize this opportunity for some actual serious valor farming in Ilum.


Conclusion: You're right, but you're not right. This situation is treating the symptoms - with a huge margin for failure and the usual grief to Republic players - rather than the root cause. And it's an effort for you just to do your dailies. Please, digest this fact: Your daily pvp quests will most likely require a large effort, whispering individual players, getting guilds organized, getting groups organized... Just to do dailies. Every. Single. Day.

Is that fair? Is that how it's intended?


Don't forget when they camp your base to send stealthers behind to get on the cannons to own them. I got over 2000+ kills with particle cannons today.


Good for you. No, really. Your opposing team hadn't got the wits to organize a defence there. Wonder how long they'll take to learn, though.


It's rough though don't get me wrong, I'm sure most servers are far worse than mine. We are currently playing 1:3/4 ratio


I'm afraid this is the case as well. I am also afraid that the problem is already snowballing into an avalanche, seeing a far greater fallout among Republic players than Imperial players, dwindling an already hugely disfavoured playerbase.


Solutions like Wintergrasp's Tenacity buff like in WotLK could be a solution. Or blatant favoritism towards Republic to even the scales (like making Voss a playable race for Rep-only. I know such favoritism won't ever happen, but I cannot stress enough how serious this faction imbalance can potentially impact the game. If it hasn't already).

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