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The Republic has given up


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I do nothing but world pvp day in day out, in the actual worlds an to be honest even I have given up. I just wave an continue on now. if they attack I go make a coffee an come back when they are finished. It isn't worth it to fight people I rate as cheats. Along with the fact we get nothing for world pvp, an I am sick of killing for nothing :)

Best post by far i am ashamed that BW as a whole havn,t sorted this mess they are total amateurs when it comes too a MMO can we call it that i rolled a imp bc of my guild and only experience the game from the god mode side

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When you create a character and you start by picking Republic or Empire there should be clear indicators of what you are really making.




**Add up the major population imbalance for Empire, class imbalances in Empire's favor, the patches that favor Empire, the favoritism towards Empire by the Bioware devs, and the animations for core abilities that also Empire gets.

Oh yea.... their end game gear even looks cooler too.


Republic = HARDMODE






BioWare always has this option in their games one way or another....

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When you create a character and you start by picking Republic or Empire there should be clear indicators of what you are really making.




**Add up the major population imbalance for Empire, class imbalances in Empire's favor, the patches that favor Empire, the favoritism towards Empire by the Bioware devs, and the animations for core abilities that also Empire gets.

Oh yea.... their end game gear even looks cooler too.


Republic = HARDMODE






BioWare always has this option in their games one way or another....


Light side quest option: Go all the way back to Anchorhead, then buy moisture vaporators for 5,000 credits, then travel all the way back.


Dark side option: Kill the sand people chieftan.

Edited by LKaras
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They didn't fix anything, you can't expect any real pvp when it's 3 to 1 odds, sheer numbers with nothing to balance it. Simple fact is, you can be the best pvper and in best gear, but in 3on1, you'll probably lose, add that to the lagfest when you have a 20vs40+ and what you get to mash a few attacks before you die?


They ruined it by not rolling back, now all the guys (mostly imps) who valor farmed to BM the first day are going to start getting geared..


Even on my server you can tell from all the new BM tags on Imp side, good thing they're still in like lvl 40 pvp gear or blues so they can still get rolled, but give it a week when they start getting champion/battlemaster gear and we'll see a even great imbalance in world and wz.


It'll take months now because of biowares complete lack of action at a pivotal moment for the republic to recover, and good luck, most are unsubbing or rolling imp.


This game is on course for failure due to someones bad decision.

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The imbecile who thought of same faction warzones should be fired. The fact they want to ADD MORE, only shows how clueless they are.


No, it just shows that endgame pvp is not their priority right now. Level 50 pvp is pretty much the only thing that is ridiculously broken by the faction imbalance. If they wanted to, say, make the game halfway fun for everybody during the first 49 levels, so, you know, those people subscribe, then same-faction warzones are exactly the right idea.


Your post is slightly off anyway, punishing people for choosing a faction is never a good idea. The current pvp endgame situation is the best example for this.

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Would I be annoyed in your situation yes, hence why I've said I sympathise, but constantly saying "Punish the empire" isn't going to fix it, either come up with a legitimate FAIR fix for the problem or don't bother.


The thing that bugs me the most is I've said that something needs to be done and that part of my posts is mysteriously ignored, but you can't screw over one faction because of a mistake that Bioware made, because then we'll have exactly the same issue with the empire complaining, which would solve nothing, and you know what? I bet that's why they haven't done anything YET because they need a workaround that makes everybody happy. but as I've stated, I'm gonna get hung out to dry no matter what I say purely because I'm on the faction you so despise.


p.s. Going with the insults, classy move also you yourself said its a bad analogy so why bother using it? because it isn't the same thing by any stretch of the imagination.



As you said, "you can't screw over one faction because of a mistake Bioware made," and I believe this too. The thing is, and what you fail to see, is the the Republics have already been screwed over by a mistake Bioware made, multiple in fact. So how would it be fair to let the Empire just roll around in their unfairly gained, advantageous armor? And continue to have their unfairly programmed animations?


This is why something unfair MUST be done to the Empire, unfortunately. Something must be done for the Republics to bring back balance to the severely tipped scale.

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No, it just shows that endgame pvp is not their priority right now. Level 50 pvp is pretty much the only thing that is ridiculously broken by the faction imbalance. If they wanted to, say, make the game halfway fun for everybody during the first 49 levels, so, you know, those people subscribe, then same-faction warzones are exactly the right idea.


Your post is slightly off anyway, punishing people for choosing a faction is never a good idea. The current pvp endgame situation is the best example for this.


Well they're running off a lot of the experienced MMOers in the process. From my faction too. As if the balance wasn't bad enough already. Endgame PvP is a pretty big thing to simply ignore.

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As you said, "you can't screw over one faction because of a mistake Bioware made," and I believe this too. The thing is, and what you fail to see, is the the Republics have already been screwed over by a mistake Bioware made, multiple in fact. So how would it be fair to let the Empire just roll around in their unfairly gained, advantageous armor? And continue to have their unfairly programmed animations?


This is why something unfair MUST be done to the Empire, unfortunately. Something must be done for the Republics to bring back balance to the severely tipped scale.


I would be happy for all the people who made use of the exploit to have their stats rolled back, but what most people are proposing is a server wide rollback, I for one did not take part in the Ilum event and gained my lowly valor rank 42, should I be punished and sent down in the ranks because of what part of my faction did?


Punish the exploiters through proper channels but don't call for a blanket fix because that isn't what is needed as it will just make the honest people on the empire angry and the whole thing starts over

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I thought that BW will add Legacy system in 1.1.

But they didnt.


What could Legacy bring us ?

For example better leveling and valor bonus for your alts.

With these options some ppl would eventualy reroll Reps.


With faction imbalances comes one strugle, wich annoys reps player fun indicator.


And thats gear. Its no fun at all to fight againts battlemaster/champ gear while u could do few parts of cent/champ gear in same time as opossite faction.


So... Did Rep give up ? Perhaps...

What need to be done to underdog faction?

Bring da buff - xx % + experience gain

+ xx % valor gain.


No1 wants to reroll when they have nicechars.. cool gear. alrdy made some alts and now gearing them too.


Well i play JK.. well what was my feelin when i saw our samurai gear ? WHo wants play that ? its hand to hand already.. One fix wont fix all issues.

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I would be happy for all the people who made use of the exploit to have their stats rolled back, but what most people are proposing is a server wide rollback, I for one did not take part in the Ilum event and gained my lowly valor rank 42, should I be punished and sent down in the ranks because of what part of my faction did?


Punish the exploiters through proper channels but don't call for a blanket fix because that isn't what is needed as it will just make the honest people on the empire angry and the whole thing starts over


If you actually did achieve it honestly, then you wouldn't lose very much if all valor earned on January 18, 2012 was erased.

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but it isn't about quantities, its about the principle of the matter, I have done nothing wrong yet your suggestion punishes me, you may be happy for your stats to get rolled back but a lot of people wouldn't be.


And if you're trying to have a fair solution punishing those who played by the rules really isn't the way to go

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If you actually did achieve it honestly, then you wouldn't lose very much if all valor earned on January 18, 2012 was erased.




Like I said, people who are complaining that Republic players are giving up have no one to blame but the Imperials who took advantage of mass numbers and a mistake patch the DEVs made.


People like to win from time to time, but if your going to be out geared, which apparently is more valuable than good team work and tactics, than no one will want to even try anymore.

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but it isn't about quantities, its about the principle of the matter, I have done nothing wrong yet your suggestion punishes me, you may be happy for your stats to get rolled back but a lot of people wouldn't be.


And if you're trying to have a fair solution punishing those who played by the rules really isn't the way to go


People who "played by the rules" won't lose anything than if they erased all valor earned on January 18th.

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but it isn't about quantities, its about the principle of the matter, I have done nothing wrong yet your suggestion punishes me, you may be happy for your stats to get rolled back but a lot of people wouldn't be.


And if you're trying to have a fair solution punishing those who played by the rules really isn't the way to go


Go ahead and be upset on a matter of principle. Meanwhile me and the rest of the Republic are upset because we were victim of terrible game design.

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I'm sorry but if you roll on a pvp server/zone you have to expect your going to end up in some sort of fight, fighting is ment to happen none of this care bear trade of daily/ weekly between factions. Rebs on the station asking is it safe to go to llum, serious why don't you all talk to each other and go on mass to llum.
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I'm sorry but if you roll on a pvp server/zone you have to expect your going to end up in some sort of fight, fighting is ment to happen none of this care bear trade of daily/ weekly between factions. Rebs on the station asking is it safe to go to llum, serious why don't you all talk to each other and go on mass to llum.


Regardless if you go 'en masse' with all the Republic in Ilum, you'll still be outnumbered by quite a large margin on most servers. What's happening right now isn't fighting, it's punishing the Republic for bothering to even go there. Then again, I don't believe punishing the Empire is a good idea either.

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Go ahead and be upset on a matter of principle. Meanwhile me and the rest of the Republic are upset because we were victim of terrible game design.


Do you not think it's a bit selfish to say "we want to punish the eploiters to make the game fair again" then say "but we don't give a damn about the innocent party" what was wrong with the suggestion of wiping all the exploiters ill gotten gains? that way everyone who played fairly isn't disadvantaged and Balance is restored.


If you want fair treatment then give fair treatment

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I'm sorry but if you roll on a pvp server/zone you have to expect your going to end up in some sort of fight, fighting is ment to happen none of this care bear trade of daily/ weekly between factions. Rebs on the station asking is it safe to go to llum, serious why don't you all talk to each other and go on mass to llum.


There are fewer Republic players than Empire. We don't have that capability to simply overwhelm them. Have you been paying any attention at all?

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Do you not think it's a bit selfish to say "we want to punish the eploiters to make the game fair again" then say "but we don't give a damn about the innocent party" what was wrong with the suggestion of wiping all the exploiters ill gotten gains? that way everyone who played fairly isn't disadvantaged and Balance is restored.


If you want fair treatment then give fair treatment


If you lose 300 valor, and the cheaters lose 200,000 valor then no. I don't think that's selfish. I think you would be the selfish one. You refuse to support a game wide fix because you don't want to lose an hours worth of PvP. Yeah.

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I suggest Geared and ungeared pvp lobbies. The long queues for empire would make Republic popular in a hurry.



...and end some of the WZ pwnage.


Stupidest thing ever..... Nobody is going to reroll and level to 50 again. They just cancel the game. And find another pvp fix. Dev's know this so it wont happen.

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If you lose 300 valor, and the cheaters lose 200,000 valor then no. I don't think that's selfish. I think you would be the selfish one. You refuse to support a game wide fix because you don't want to lose an hours worth of PvP. Yeah.


Your desired results can easily be achieved without screwing me over and 3 valor levels is ever so slightly more than 300 points. I'm honestly failing to see why the idea of "punish the exploiters and reset their stats and leave everyone else alone" is being ignored, surely if they have their stats reset, they lose their 200,000 points (though I'd like to see some proof somebody actually got that much) and I get to keep my 300 points that way everybody is happy and we can all get on with our lives.


I'm more than happy to support the exploiters being punished, I just don't see why I should be thrown in with a bunch of idiots because I happened to choose their faction

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Your desired results can easily be achieved without screwing me over and 3 valor levels is ever so slightly more than 300 points. I'm honestly failing to see why the idea of "punish the exploiters and reset their stats and leave everyone else alone" is being ignored, surely if they have their stats reset, they lose their 200,000 points (though I'd like to see some proof somebody actually got that much) and I get to keep my 300 points that way everybody is happy and we can all get on with our lives.


I'm more than happy to support the exploiters being punished, I just don't see why I should be thrown in with a bunch of idiots because I happened to choose their faction


I didn't say Republic wouldn't be wiped too. I think that would be the fairest solution.

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