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*What* Would It Take To Make You Resub?


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If you don't mind me asking, when were they arrogant? Also, in the MMO world, fixing the Ilum thing happened REALLY quickly. I've seen gamebreaking flaws (not bugs, things like the Ilum issue) that have gone on for weeks before being addressed.

This is just your opinion -- not saying it is bad or wrong --, and mine is obviously different



In the interest of discussion (and not trying to change your opinion), I find their tone to be arrogant -- like the caricature of the arrogant French Waiter -- as opposed to being a Business that appreciates my business.


Some examples:

  • DE's comments about Players that like to play Non-Human Toons (ie Taurens, Orcs, Trolls, Ogres, Goblins, etc)

  • DE's comments about players that like free form flight.

  • The response to the Illium PvP issue

    • No apology for the inconvenience

    • Presenting what I consider to be a fake excuse of what broke -- imo, they simply failed to design the 'kill zone' they claimed existed.

    • No apology for the late response

    • No acknowledgement of the damage caused

    • Lack of concern for players that were 'trapped', and rumor has it they were chastising players using exploits to escape

    • Lack of remorse for what happened, and care to make sure it never happens again

    • No consolidation for the damaged caused (ie 1 free day, etc)

    • Transparent 'Founding Member' prize announcement

    • No additional comments after the 'prepared heartfelt speech'.


Again, you might feel that these are not arrogant, but that doesn't mean others may not.



Having played online games since MUD's and PBM's, their response to the Illum's problem was slow. In my experience, I have seen many patches come immediately down for far less, zones immediately turned off, and server roll backs.



Bugs can take a long time to fix. That is why they can sit in a game for a long time. However, major issues like the Illium issue, usually result in an immediate response. I have seen servers come down and roll back for less invasive issues. This is one reason, imo, you see so many upset about it.



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This is just your opinion -- not saying it is bad or wrong --, and mine is obviously different



In the interest of discussion (and not trying to change your opinion), I find their tone to be arrogant -- like the caricature of the arrogant French Waiter -- as opposed to being a Business that appreciates my business.


Some examples:

  • DE's comments about Players that like to play Non-Human Toons (ie Taurens, Orcs, Trolls, Ogres, Goblins, etc)

  • DE's comments about players that like free form flight.

  • The response to the Illium PvP issue


Again, you might feel that these are not arrogant, but that doesn't mean others may not.



Having played online games since MUD's and PBM's, their response to the Illum's problem was slow. In my experience, I have seen many patches come immediately down for far less, zones immediately turned off, and server roll backs.



Bugs can take a long time to fix. That is why they can sit in a game for a long time. However, major issues like the Illium issue, usually result in an immediate response. I have seen servers come down and roll back for less invasive issues. This is one reason, imo, you see so many upset about it.




They do tend to have a a very narrow and focused view of what this game should and shouldn't be. They certainly haven't presented a humble front to the people that bought the game and are unhappy or having issues.


Publicly admitting design mistakes puts their heads on the chopping blocks and they are likely very defensive right now.

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I've never had so much trouble with installing or patching/installer.


There's something horribly wrong when you have a minor patch that's less then 200 meg but when it errors out you have an installer that tries to re-install 19 gig of a game.


Also not having mirrored servers that actually feeds out corrupted data, which makes installing the game via streaming a complete game of random luck.


That'd be a start

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1. Let me kill Malavai Quinn and I'll resub for another month. :mad:


they really should have let you kill your companions if you genuinely dislike them. Just have your class' sponsor (imperial intelligence, mandalore, etc.) send you a droid equivalent of their role with no affection/quests/etc to deal with. I would totally launch Kaliyo and Skadge out the airlock if I could -_-

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For those of you thinking of quitting.


What could Bioware do to earn back your trust and keep your sub for the next 2 months?


Apparently all it takes is a title...or so they think, because afterall, a founder is only someone that sticks around after the free month...everyone that bought the game but isnt staying, isnt a founder.


It would be like if Washington left America after beating the britsh, his accomplishments founding the nation doesnt actually mean anything...only does if he stayed and paid taxes afterwards.


Bioware was hit hard with the stupid stick with this game...so much doesnt make any sense, not even if it was made by amatures.

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They charged me today instead of tomorrow, or I would have been gone. There's so much wrong with the game, I don't think they could get me back. I could tell in general beta the whole 11 months I tested, BW didn't have a clue, and they weren't listening to testers...Despite this, I gave them the benefit of the doubt, bought the game, now I knew it, I regret even wasting money on it.


I have however unsubscribed so that they can't bill me next month. I'd like a real pvp game, not one where I just sit and spam AOE's so my ops group can get valor, heh.

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Publicly admitting design mistakes puts their heads on the chopping blocks and they are likely very defensive right now.



For me, as a customer, I actually prefer companies that express humility and appreciate my business.


When a waiter makes a glaring mistake, taking responsibility for it, and then trying to make up for it, is what gets them the 20% tip.


Similarly, with a contractor doing remodel work on my house, or a vendor dealing with my business - it is the humble and 'takes accountability' types that get my business. The ones that hide mistakes, blame others or simply act like they do not care, that lose my business.

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Lag in pvp/raids GONE... no more, no less.


This game has potential for sure but I'm not going to pay a monthly fee to wait around for it when the game plays like i'm wading through a world of quicksand.


When the lag is fixed I'll likely be back if any of my guildies stick it out.

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For me, as a customer, I actually prefer companies that express humility and appreciate my business.


When a waiter makes a glaring mistake, taking responsibility for it, and then trying to make up for it, is what gets them the 20% tip.


Similarly, with a contractor doing remodel work on my house, or a vendor dealing with my business - it is the humble and 'takes accountability' types that get my business. The ones that hide mistakes, blame others or simply act like they do not care, that lose my business.


yup i hear you on working for the general pubic, i myself do work for people and some are not happy with my work all the time but im return calls and spend some more time till they are happy. And also BW could use this bit of advice, never take on a job even if the money is real good if it way above your experience level.

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They would have to shake the game up. Make morality effect what side of the force you use. Tear down the two factions. Make the story feel real. Remove the mirrored classes- make the classes unique and available to each faction (either they add a third faction or remove them... two sucks, though). Make the ongoing story feel like a cooperative endeavor instead of each person being a precious snowflake. Honestly, the preamble to Icecrown Citadel felt better presented and more relevant to the world than the -no effect on the world at all- class stories. Add shards where all the mobs are elite for fun, full group play. Honestly, if I wanted to play WoW, I'd be playing WoW, but this game doesn't even do WoW as well as WoW.


Maybe if they shifted the Mass Effect team over to work on this game, I'd give it more of a shot. That would be something that would make me take notice. But they are keeping the project team as the live team, and I haven't liked what I've seen yet so I don't understand what I really have to look forward to. Did they not try up to this point? Is this where it gets serious? Is this when they finally start to listen to the players? This game needs someone at the helm who has a strong vision of what an online Star Wars game should play like, not someone who knows how to cram a laundry list of WoW's features and conventions into a Star Wars package.

Edited by Red_Cruiser
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Add a Star Wars Galaxies simulator in game as they did with the Rogue Squadron simulator they use as "space missions".


The game ends at 50 and they can not fix it with a patch.


This is a online KOTOR and I will not pay 15$ for play a single player game with internet option.


They lie to us saying this game will be different, they lie to us when they told this will be "our saga" and they lied to us when said this will be the definitive star wars experience.


I envy all the people who still had a game to come back.

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nothing will need to make me resub, I have paid for 3 months and intend to stay for as long as the game is around. As stated on the first page, this game is already further ahead than any other MMO on its first few month's of release. If you look on the website for upcoming events and news, you will see what can be expected and its great to see what they have in store. No other MMO ever advanced so fast after a release and already their patching is faster and more responsive than any MMO.


Just saying, most who are playing this now never saw WoW or EQ on release, wanna talk about terrible, yeah go back a few years and see what it was like to really suffer in an MMO release. So for those leaving, be quick and see you all when you come crawling back in 6 months or stay and play with the cuddly panda's and pokemon

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I generally don't like i quit threads, but you didnt come off as a pre-teen who screams for change ASAP. Alot in this game will change, and alot of your points is valid.

I will continue to sub along with my gf, since we like the game alot and it's a great casual game for us, we don't sit that much every day 2-3 hours at most.


But from what i can tell now, bioware has pushed out patches and fixed alot of things, they have also even put in new content in only 1 month. If you compare it to other releases BioWare is very fast.


Bugs/Tech issues will get fixed, but those things take time, especially tech issues, not that we have any issues here.


We will continue to sub, because BioWare hasn't failed either of us yet, and i wanna stay subbed so they can fix those things. Some people will leave, but imagine if 90% left?

SWTOR would go down, how can they fix things then?


I think BioWare deserves the same treatment as Blizzard, people that stick around and help BioWare when they need it with money ;) And let's face it. 15$ isn't much.

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nothing will need to make me resub, I have paid for 3 months and intend to stay for as long as the game is around. As stated on the first page, this game is already further ahead than any other MMO on its first few month's of release. If you look on the website for upcoming events and news, you will see what can be expected and its great to see what they have in store. No other MMO ever advanced so fast after a release and already their patching is faster and more responsive than any MMO.


Just saying, most who are playing this now never saw WoW or EQ on release, wanna talk about terrible, yeah go back a few years and see what it was like to really suffer in an MMO release. So for those leaving, be quick and see you all when you come crawling back in 6 months or stay and play with the cuddly panda's and pokemon


In six months we'll have Guild Wars 2 and The Secret World, if not out, then at least well along in beta... TERA will be out. Heck, Mass Effect 3 will be out. Let's see how SWTOR does compared to a real BioWare game. Probably see some Skyrim mods and DLC. THAT'S the problem... they are all promising something different from what WoW did. SWTOR is what WoW did plus cutscenes to accompany your Kill 10 Rats quest.


Stop pretending that we live in a world where are our choices are SWTOR or WoW.

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Basically impossible without changing everything about the game. Starting with the game engine.


Never going to re-sub.


Have to say if the engine is no good the game will never reach its goals because alot of people cant play it. Hopefully thats not the case but i can remember Aion and not sure what engine they had but id be in the world pvp and would get a huge video lagg spike when a enemy was entering the area. it was a cue that pvp was about to happen.

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