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Why do you stay with your (buggy/broken) trooper instead of rolling bounty hunter?


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Multiple choice?


1.Is it because you like the story better?


2.Is it because yo have friends that play republic? or like the side better?


3.Is it because you think trooper looks cooler?


4.Is it because you leveled your trooper too high and now you just do not want to re-roll?


5.Is it because you do not think the bugs are that bad?


6.Or did you quit your trooper already?


All of the above? :)


It's fun when you can read just the title of a thread and know that the poster has an axe to grind.

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I find it hilarious that because of a delay on one skill the class is instantly buggy and broken. Mortar Volley in all truth is more of a PVE skill than PVP, unless you manage to catch 2-3 enemies unaware and busy with your allies. Mortar Volley may start a little slower animation wise, but it is far less of a give away than your beloved Death From Above. Also, with my Mortar Volley I can start moving against before it finishes it's animation and get off those last 2 shots.


I use Mortar Volley to weaken or wipe out trash pulls, why do I care if it takes .6 seconds more of animation time? I've never been in a race for 50, if I was I lost a long time ago. BH story for me was okay, but in truth... I'd rather enjoy my trooper who is the best of the best, not some no-name BH being helped out by a cute, but clueless slicer.


In the long run, I also prefer ammo over heat. I have a lvl 30 BH and when healing, which is what I do on both, I found it easier to manage my ammo consumption than heat output. The simple fact that there are WAY too many Empire characters helps make the choice of trooper easy too.


My only complaint with the trooper is what I call "The Idiot Ray" or hammershot in combat support cell during pvp. :p A merc can half-way getting away with using their equiv during pvp and not be caught, for a commando this is an easy way of saying "Kill me! I R healer!" lol...

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Fair question.


Last night I rolled a Bounty Hunter just to try it out and took it to level 12.


1) There's a lot less people Dark Side. Some might like this. Some might not. But if you need people for (a) grouping (b) crafting - might get lonely.


2) I don't see why one should ever play at being evil. Granted one can be a Light side Bounty Hunter and I am trying that. But think about it. Why even play at being a ruthless butcher?


3) So far I am finding the Bounty Hunter *much* easier to play than my Trooper. First companion is a healer. And Bounty Hunter seems to have higher DPS. Opening volley instead of almost killing a group of weak mods - it actually kills them. Maybe this is just because I'm more familiar with game and if I level another Trooper it will seem much easier the 2nd time around.

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Assault Cannon & (when it looks right) Trooper Armor make 'em look (ridicilously cool). I haven't finished BH story yet. I cracked up towards the begining w/ the 3,2,1 countdown alla KOTOR. Trooper story is great until the end of Chapt. 1 then it just deflates into the obvious cannon.
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Bounty Hunter doesn't kill faster. DFA seems like it kills more weak mobs easier because mobs on Drummond Kaas ARE weaker than those on Coruscant, at least until you get to the Dark Temple, then they get near the same. Sure, DK gets a heroic zone right off the bat, but even all of those strongs are laughable in comparison to any other point in the game. Best part of those strongs? leveling up Bioanalysis.


Healer companion is okay, assuming you aren't a healer. My Merc and my Commando are both healers... Mako, while nice, is not so useful to me. I get my next companion at the END of Tattooine. Yes, lvl 33ish before I get another companion. Not so great. I will take Jorgan over Mako any day...

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My Vanguard is no harder to play than My powertech was. The only difference is that I'm much less reliant on my channeled aoe, due to the slowness. Other than that, how exactly is it buggy/broken? I tank fine, and in any warzone I play in, I'm an instant threat for taking placing in the top three. Edited by sanctified
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All my friends played Republic. So I had to.


Now they are all quitting and I'm level 43 so I don't wanna start over.


The Trooper is...SO...boring compared to the BH. *********** grenades in no way match up to wrist rockets and jet packs. NO WAY.


I need friends who play empire.

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I'm buggy and broken? Doesn't seem to matter at all to me because I'm a healer, and all I've noticed is sages having more utility skills than me (vs my stronger burst heals)


I addition, I would never, ever live in the Empire and I think the Sith are absolutely wrong and would never roll one in a million years. I only play classes that are tasteful to me from a lore perspective... It's just how I roll. That being said, BH is actually the only Empire sided toon I would consider playing, but Trooper is my favorite class so far. I like feeling like I'm a hero standing up to the Sith bullies with nothing but my blaster, some explosives and my wits.

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the class is not buggy or broken. this is more sensationalist crap to add the the doom and gloom on the boards.


OP - if you don't like the game, why not leave instead of trying to convince others that the game is broken? <- real question


I have been playing a trooper/vanguard since launch and there are only a couple of occasions that I found lacking and those occured when my PC locked in a warfront and I had to reboot.


I swear, the complainers/forum trash will run off more new prospective gamers then the game itself ever could !!!!

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