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UI Customization is not enough, we need Addons.


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How are they going to know if it's 'not enough for them' without the data? If DPS is light (say you missed an enrage timer) how do you know WHERE it's light?


Considering that generally speaking you're looking at a max of 16 people in a group...


On average though, you're looking at 4 people...


If in EITHER of those you cannot tell who is not holding their own, you don't need meters, you need glasses. That's why there are nifty things called icons for buffs/debuffs, visual cues in animations and 'theatrics' for skills, and other various things.


Addons and meters are crutches for the VAST majority of people.

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You're right. We don't *need* them. However, they add tremendous value. Why would you not provide something to your customers that gives tremendous value?


When it detracts "tremendous value" from other customers. Look, I'm not 100% anti-addon. I wouldn't mind seeing a damage meter and UI customization, but I hope those are things BW will put in to prevent "having" to go elsewhere all the time. As for anything above and beyond, no. They aren't needed and they take away from gameplay by automating too much of it. Yes, DBM automated things YOU are supposed to do like pay attention.

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How does anything in what you said require meters though?


I don't expect people to carry me, I expect people to explain to me if what I am doing is not enough for them. I don't need people to tell me I'm a "baddie" and kick me from a group, as that does nothing to help me understand why.


Look, meters aren't needed, common courtesy is.


How do we know if what you're doing is "enough" without meters?


The information is used to help players get better, but we have to have the information.


I did a raid awhile back on my Mage alt in WoW. Maybe my second raid on that dude ever, so I had little experience with the class. Did my research, thought I was doing it right, but then my friend in the raid on his Mage is doing like 30% more damage than I am. "uh oh, I must be doing something wrong!". I asked him about his rotation and yeah I was misunderstanding part of the mechanic, fixed that, and got my DPS up to where it should be.


I'd never have known without access to the information.


I don't understand arguments against having access to information that helps you improve and track your progress.

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So you can vivvisect them and create an arbitrary number as to what the bottom is allowed to be.


The game designers tell us what the bottom is allowed to be. This is what an enrage timer is. You need X amount of DPS spread out across Y amount of people to beat the boss in Z time. If person A isn't performing within that limit and isn't 1.) a tank or 2.) a healer, then that person needs help.


Also, Damage meters help judge what the max potential of a class is. From there, you can start subtracting DPS from that max number based on FPS, latency, player skill, player knowledge, etc. and come with a pretty baseline low number required to be a part of an encounter.

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I don't understand arguments against having access to information that helps you improve and track your progress.


Outside of a few ostensibly very paranoid posters I've seen who felt that their information should be theirs and theirs alone, it's not so much having the information that people are afraid / apprehensive / angry / clueless about as it is their perceived notions of how the information could / would be used.


Personally, I'd be fine with any combat log information not being made available to any addon API that might be added. I don't want a timer between a boss' aoe's or a damage meter. I do want infinite customization and expression of existing information on a local level, however. The developers are perfectly capable of providing only very specific abilities and API calls to mod authors.


Blindly refusing a limitless amount of interface improvements and customizations based on problems with an extremely limited and finite subset of addons from other games is throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Edited by Ronamo
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Yes, DBM automated things YOU are supposed to do like pay attention.


And how has DBM automated that? I'm pretty certain you're still required to pay attention, even with DBM running. After all if you weren't paying attention then it'd be pretty pointless for DBM to throw out any warnings wouldn't it?

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The game designers tell us what the bottom is allowed to be. This is what an enrage timer is. You need X amount of DPS spread out across Y amount of people to beat the boss in Z time. If person A isn't performing within that limit and isn't 1.) a tank or 2.) a healer, then that person needs help.


Also, Damage meters help judge what the max potential of a class is. From there, you can start subtracting DPS from that max number based on FPS, latency, player skill, player knowledge, etc. and come with a pretty baseline low number required to be a part of an encounter.


And then, now that you have played God and told everyone else what YOU think the max potential is, you then begin expecting others to live up to that and create restrictions on people.


At which point, the developer retunes future encounters and enrage timers around your obsessed data miners.


Yeah, that's awesome. Let's get that in there ASAP.

Edited by EvanSnowWolf
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No, "we" don't need them. The game is fine, playable and easy enough as it is now (in regards to anything that could be affected by the "most popular" addons). UI customization will be a plus that will make it better for many people too, but sometimes you just have to know the limits of how much "customization" you can allow.



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Considering that generally speaking you're looking at a max of 16 people in a group...


On average though, you're looking at 4 people...


If in EITHER of those you cannot tell who is not holding their own, you don't need meters, you need glasses. That's why there are nifty things called icons for buffs/debuffs, visual cues in animations and 'theatrics' for skills, and other various things.


Addons and meters are crutches for the VAST majority of people.


Just because you see somebody casting doesn't mean they're playing well. Maybe they're using the wrong abilities at the wrong times. Maybe they're not timing attacks correctly for various procs and buffs. Maybe they didn't understand how their class works and they're stacking X when they should be stacking Y?


In WoW physical hit cap is 8%. Hit chance over 8 does nothing and is completely wasted. I saw a hunter once with 14% hit.


So are we supposed to inspect every player in the group to dissect their gearing choices? And watch every ability they use and in what order to identify who's not pulling their weight?


If only there were some sort of additional modification you could add to the game, that might somehow track the results of a "log" of the combat data and then present it to players in some sort of meter...hmmm...

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So you can vivvisect them and create an arbitrary number as to what the bottom is allowed to be.


The number's not arbitrary. When it's a fight that requires everyone to pull 20k DPS and people are doing 6k...


Would you not want that information? If you were the healer in that group you'd be fine wiping over and over again because the 6k guys think it's fun just to roll their faces across the keyboard? Is that a fun gameplay experience for you?

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The only reason not to want DPS meters is so you can hide your poor performance from others.


Would not possibly be the constant spam in group of what everyones dps is after each fight and completely ruining the atmosphere of a group.. naaah that wouldnt sway people against this addon at all.


As a tank.. i neither want nor need a dps or threat meter unless it was PERSONAL ONLY. ie i could see my own dps/tanking statistics to know miss/block/deflect rates and such so i can figure which gear is working better for me. (and for my DPS alts i can figure which abilities to use more than others and get a good rotation right)


Also DPS meters encourages BAD play in some bad players, who rather than follow scripted events and encounters correctly will stay on a boss to detriment of raid just to try and top the dps meter... neither need nor want that kind of behaviour in groups or operations.


Oh and i cannot wait for the UI customisation :) looks great

Edited by Ainianu
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And then, now that you have played God and told everyone else what YOU think the max potential is, you then begin expecting others to live up to that and create restrictions on people.


At which point, the developer retunes future encounters and enrage timers around your obsessed data miners.


Yeah, that's awesome. Let's get that in there ASAP.


So you're saying they don't already tune encounters around what a class should be doing? You're telling me the game developer doesn't have an idea of what class is doing what amount of DPS? Also, there are already restrictions in place set by, you guessed it, PLAYERS! Yay, players, happy community filled with sunshine, rainbows and unicorns like everyone says it should be.


Here we have one doing it for selfishness:



One who refuses to group with people who skip the story:



Kicked over a title, yay:



I guess it's like Santa Claus and M&Ms... they DO exist.

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Would not possibly be the constant spam in group of what everyones dps is after each fight and completely ruining the atmosphere of a group.. naaah that wouldnt sway people against this addon at all.


As a tank.. i neither want nor need a dps or threat meter unless it was PERSONAL ONLY. ie i could see my own dps/tanking statistics to know miss/block/deflect rates and such so i can figure which gear is working better for me. (and for my DPS alts i can figure which abilities to use more than others and get a good rotation right)


Also DPS meters encourages BAD play in some bad players, who rather than follow scripted events and encounters correctly will stay on a boss to detriment of raid just to try and top the dps meter... neither need nor want that kind of behaviour in groups or operations.


Oh and i cannot wait for the UI customisation :) looks great


Absolutely agree with this....


Have had raid wipes because *don't dps the boss* would take some-one from that number one spot on the meter. Bad players are not the ones with low dps in many cases.


Add ons no thanks and if BW listen to the minority but loud whiners and just turn this into WOW in space good luck.

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I disagree, strongly.


UI Customization is all that is needed.

No 3rd party add ons.

No Damage Meters.


Just my opinion of course :)

While there is plenty of room for improvement in terms of customer service and official statements clarifying these issues, Bioware are heading in the right direction.

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Problem with an "optional" thing like addons is that, if enough people start using them, devs are forced to develop future content taking them into account. Increasing your overall performance implies that players using them would overcome challenges easier, and that would be reflected on their metrics, thus requiring changes on content. Else, that same people would say that the game is too easy.


The example with the physical peripherals is not exactly the same as addons, and one of you has already said the reason: hardware costs money, addons are free. That means that the amount of people with an advantage by using those peripherals can be neglected when compared with the amount of people that could use any given addon.


When something "optional" becomes mandatory for a vast amount of players in order to be able to play the game and stay competitive (even if they don't want to use them), then I say that it's not good at all.



Edited by Lethemback
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Addons help address issues way faster. An addon can be made a few weeks to a couple months to improve something. Where it could take 6months to a year BW to address it.


If there were addons there would probably be better a better actionbar system and raid frames available.

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