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The I am not unsubbing thread.


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Hi Peeps,


Loving the game and warts and all and I understand the problems and pains that this game is having and is going to have, but that's still not stopping me from having fun.


So, yes, please take my sub money.:)


Heck, if I can pay £10 squid a month for a peice of crap like STO, then I can pay double for this gem (okay devs, joking, still charge me the £10 pls ;)).


So, all you naysers who are unhappy, I say, go now and come back if/when, the game changes to your liking. If if never does, move on to the next big MMo (GW2?).


To those like me that have come across bugs infrequently, love PVP and the crafting, love the Starfox shooter, love the story and getting excited that's theirs 7 others left to see and generally are having a blast with friends playing TOR (except wheres my purple lightsaber man), sign up here...:D


P.S. Yep, I am a fan boy/bois. Love SW, Love BIoWare, Love TOR...

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