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Bag RNG System: Aging Poorly


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Thank you! I truly appreciate it. :)


Least you got one right?


Man. My *********** heart bleeds for you guys. I can't believe how crappy this system is One in EIGHT is a good roll? Jesus H. Christ am I ever glad I haven't dinged 50 yet.

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Besides the worst drop rate for BM comms, there is absolutely NO point in PvPing because you can't even buy another BM box....only two a day. How ****** is that?


I've always figured it's bad design to essentially say 'that's it for today, you have to stop until tomorrow'.


Daily caps and such are silly unless they're so far up there that no one will see them unless they're exploiting like crazy in some way (like, average Valor per hour multiplied by 24 and then tripled kind of high, unreachably high for non-exploits) and even then they're a band-aid fix for a deeper problem.


Really, you should be able to work your way to as many as you want. If they want to throttle your progression, they should figure out a way to make it almost impossible to make more than two bags per day for a hardcore player, and if you DO make more, whatev's, you earned it.


I'd be worried about that stuff if you could give gear to your guildies or sell it on the AH, but in classic modern-MMO style, no achievement whatsoever is fungible or salable in any way. :(

Edited by JackKerras
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Not 50 yet, but completely agree.


This system could work very nicely fgor leveling in PvP, too! Adding a quest with viable XP bonuses and gear rewards (not just 20, all pieces, 40, all pieces, but pieces throughout the leveling process) could be of real benefit to those of us who like the main story but find sidequests entirely too boring to tolerate.

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Is there any official word from devs that they are even looking to make changes to this current & horrible RNG system?


Sadly, there is not. I wish I could give you better news, but all I can do is keep this somewhere people can see it and hope a developer reads it and likes my idea.


Hell, I'd work for 'em for intern cash and move on my own dime. I love doing this crap and I don't eat very much! XD

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valor rank 34 here, only missing my gloves and i've only gotten a repeat on my offhand...




Yep! Some folks are just plain luckier than others.


But my roomie still has identical pants for every other day of the week. And no lightsaber.


It's a real shame! I mean, Hell, I have none of the gear at all and I'm VR34. I play more PvP than you, though, if you're 50 and 34 and I'm 44 and 34. :)

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Great idea. Sounds fun. Much better than RNG.


Glad you think so! Star it up and keep the bumping going, we'll get somebody's attention if it gets me a forum ban for solicitation!


im valor rank 65 i have 2 centurion pieces still and ive opened enough battlemaster bags to have gotten 70 plus champion marks.... please rng gods just help me out a little here


You don't need help from the RNG gods. You need help from the game designers. You need them to design you a system that will allow you to actually progress in their game without relying on ******** gambling mechanics to carry their subscriptions into the coming months.


We're hearing the cries of no more gambling bags already and we're barely two months in! It bodes well for better systems and more guidance for folks who just queue for the Hell of it and fight because they don't have clear goals.

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im valor rank 65 i have 2 centurion pieces still and ive opened enough battlemaster bags to have gotten 70 plus champion marks.... please rng gods just help me out a little here


You do realize that at 70 champion commendations you realistically should have only gotten 1-2 pieces for any other game's rational gearing rate. You should not have 1 piece of the highest pvp quality per every 5 bags like people seem to want to happen.


The only issues here are:


1) You can get the same item multiple times


2) RNG is RNG and you can get 1 item in every bag if you're really lucky or no items in 50 bags which is extreme.


No items in 20 bags or so is not that bad considering a lot of other games it would take you about 2 weeks to obtain 1 piece of the top end pvp gear. More than 25 bags with no gear is where it starts to get bad, but at that point, you're just getting completely boned by RNG and might wanna go buy a rabbit's foot.

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You do realize that at 70 champion commendations you realistically should have only gotten 1-2 pieces for any other game's rational gearing rate. You should not have 1 piece of the highest pvp quality per every 5 bags like people seem to want to happen.


The only issues here are:


1) You can get the same item multiple times


2) RNG is RNG and you can get 1 item in every bag if you're really lucky or no items in 50 bags which is extreme.


No items in 20 bags or so is not that bad considering a lot of other games it would take you about 2 weeks to obtain 1 piece of the top end pvp gear. More than 25 bags with no gear is where it starts to get bad, but at that point, you're just getting completely boned by RNG and might wanna go buy a rabbit's foot.


See, this is my problem.


You should not need a rabbit's foot for this stuff. People keep playing CoD for years on end because no matter what, that bar is always climbing.


Opening twenty bags for no gear isn't progression. Each bag does not give you a higher and higher chance to get more gear from subsequent bags; they have no effect on the overall drop rate of their fellow bags, so no matter how many you open, you may very well be either equally lucky or equally screwed.


There's no effect. There's no way to say, yes, I am getting closer every day. Yes, each game I play gets me that much nearer to my crazy crazy lightsaber. There's no way. The current system destroys the sense of momentum needed to create insanely hooked-in players like Modern Warfare 2 or even Battlefield have. In our game you can't even swap weapons and start getting new commendations just to shake things up, or swap to your Revolver and go around trying for wheelgun headshots to keep yourself amused.


There's nothing to break the monotony, and without a goal marching steadily closer, you get despair. With despair, you get people going to play other games, lost subs, and sour feelings throughout the community... like my roomie, who likes TOR but is mega pissed that he has five pairs of identical pants. It's going to drive him to quit; I know him well, and I can hear his 'I'm unsubbing' discussion coming down the road. It'll be a few months yet, but this issue -will- drive him to another game.


Or else Diablo will come out and he just won't care about anything but that anymore.


You see the issue here, though? Relying on RNG to grant gear is the worst possible way to do it. You -really- have to let people -progress- instead of just occasionally getting an upgrade.

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I agree man....valor 46 now...started at 24 and gained all it in WZ's...stopped counting after 50+bags and i have chest and boots....gotten about 8 relics 6 earrings and 8 implants...believe me i hear you...its getting to the point of why the **** even bother...thats when you see a valor 29 guy with full champ gear and 2 champ weapons....makes me wanna punch a baby
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I agree man....valor 46 now...started at 24 and gained all it in WZ's...stopped counting after 50+bags and i have chest and boots....gotten about 8 relics 6 earrings and 8 implants...believe me i hear you...its getting to the point of why the **** even bother...thats when you see a valor 29 guy with full champ gear and 2 champ weapons....makes me wanna punch a baby


That's exactly right.


All this kind of disparity does is sow discontent. Folks who are on the bad side of it get discouraged and leave. Folks who are on the good side of it have less people to fight and less entertaining fights to get into.


It's bad for all involved.

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I don't really think there's anything wrong with the way the system works post 1.1. As you're ranking up, you get a chance of getting an instant bit of high level PvP gear while building up entry level PvP gear slowly. At high ranked Valor you get a chance to instantly get a piece of high end PvP gear, or build up commendations to buy it more slowly.


Just think of it as a bonus loot day now if you get something. The bags drop Battlemaster commendations now, if I'm right? It should never have worked like it did before, which sucked.

Edited by Bakarn
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You do realize that at 70 champion commendations you realistically should have only gotten 1-2 pieces for any other game's rational gearing rate. You should not have 1 piece of the highest pvp quality per every 5 bags like people seem to want to happen.


The only issues here are:


1) You can get the same item multiple times


2) RNG is RNG and you can get 1 item in every bag if you're really lucky or no items in 50 bags which is extreme.


No items in 20 bags or so is not that bad considering a lot of other games it would take you about 2 weeks to obtain 1 piece of the top end pvp gear. More than 25 bags with no gear is where it starts to get bad, but at that point, you're just getting completely boned by RNG and might wanna go buy a rabbit's foot.




your right realistically i should have gotten something by now even by other games standards of gearing...... But let me remind you thats way more then 5 bags thats 26 bags now that I have opened. I would pvp more after rushing to 60 but seeing people just hit valor rank 60 with both weps and 2 pieces of gear makes me only do my dailies then stop for the day. Also did you see me mention the part were i still have centurion pieces? Dont get me wrong I love pvp in this game but the whole bag system makes me only do my dailies and nothing else cause it is frustrating to see nothing but champion commendations.

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I don't really think there's anything wrong with the way the system works post 1.1. As you're ranking up, you get a chance of getting an instant bit of high level PvP gear while building up entry level PvP gear slowly. At high ranked Valor you get a chance to instantly get a piece of high end PvP gear, or build up commendations to buy it more slowly.


Just think of it as a bonus loot day now if you get something. The bags drop Battlemaster commendations now, if I'm right? It should never have worked like it did before, which sucked.


The key phrase here is 'if you're lucky'.


If you're lucky, you get some gear! That's great, except that you will very often get worthless copies of gear which cannot be traded or sold for any significant amount of money. That blows.


You should be working towards getting it all the time. Some people should not just suddenly get lucky and have better gear for no better reason than they happened to open a bag and have something in it; when you're creating a progression system in an MMO, people don't just 'get lucky' and suddenly gain 100k XP from a random kill and gain a level and some at low levels, just because they happened to kill the right creature. Why does that happen in PvP?


EDIT: Extra point, here. My system is half about social engineering, also; it doesn't reward showing up for games, it rewards going to games, doing the objectives, and taking actions that suit your class. Instead of getting good stuff by chance, they're getting good stuff by doing what their class -should- do in Warzones; fighting near objectives, completing objectives, stopping caps or bomb plants.


Snipers will have to kill a lot. Healers will have to heal a lot. It's as much about making players who can't be arsed to understand the game they're playing play the game like they DO understand as it is about allowing progression to be more about personal achievement and team play than it is about randomly drawing a lucky card and getting a great item.

Edited by JackKerras
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*Peter Molyneuax voice*


Now imagine, just IMAGINE, if RNG chances were improved for the player with every valor rank earned. Imagine how that would encourage people to not only gain commendations, but also valor ranks. It would be pure synergy and revolutionary. And a new game mechanic is born: revosynergy

Edited by sw_dragon
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