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Bag RNG System: Aging Poorly


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*********** mods closed the thread on this ins the PvP forums. Are you kidding me? Majority of people on the pvp forums do not come here.


So I will speak for them. Nobody, not 1 person, not a single individual, agrees with your RNG bag system. It is unfair, it does not fulfill it's purpose, and it is hated among the entire community.


So how does Bioware respond? By making the RNG even worse. They are making the bags EVEN MORE RANDOM?


Nobody under valor rank 60 wants centurion gear. Infact, nobody at any level should want centurion gear. If you're going to increase the drop of centurion gear, THEN MAKE CENTURION GEAR DESIRABLE. Increase the stats, because currently, it's worse than crafted gear with BLUE mods. Unacceptable.


Why are battlemaster bags dropping Champion commendations? Very few people who have actually reached valor rank 60 need *********** champion gear. Is this some sort of elaborate way to make us GEAR OUR COMPANIONS? W.T.F Bioware


Honestly, how long can you head in the sand before people just stop trying, and go to a game that actually fills their needs? ... WAKE THE **** UP, for the love of god, this is getting bad

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Agree with OP. I'd say add in another part to the class specific piece of the quest: Warzone wins 5/35 or something that could replace Ball passing or door capping. Not everyone should be running the huttball and scoring (i.e. support and healers). Not everyone should be in the thick of battle at the voidstar door long enough to cap it. Edited by EbbnFlow
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Agree with OP. I'd say add in another part to the class specific piece of the quest: Warzone wins 5/35 or something that could replace Ball passing or door capping. Not everyone should be running the huttball and scoring (i.e. support and healers). Not everyone should be in the thick of battle at the voidstar door long enough to cap it.


The objectives would be counted in an AoE. If you're standing near a person who picks up the Huttball, or you -get- near the Huttball, or pass it, or have it passed to you, all those are worth points. :)

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The whole PvP system needs to be deleted and start again from scratch along with Illum.


Its all so bad its unbelieveable.


Before you decide on any system you need to decide what the principles of the game are.

You can't start out saying we are going to have a game where gear matters then turn around as say gear shouldn't matter as much. Pick one approach stick to that. If people don't like it that don't have to play the game. If you want to cater for the mass market you should have done your research before designing the game. I think its already too late to recover this game.


On the assumption that the game is still going to be around in a few months, if you want a good PvP system you need the game to be fun to be played. If you have a system where people just play it to farm items, then when they have them all they are bored it won't be around for very long, unless you keep introducing new levels like a certain game which is a load of crap.


You need to decide how much gear is going to make a difference to strength of a character and how long you expect the average person to play to get that gear to create the appropriate levels of gear.


Then you need to create an appropriate currency and determine how it is going to be gained by players.


Of all the games I've played, RIFT actually had a great PvP gear system although it was very long and had poor Open RvR.


Favor & Prestige for kills, with Prestige unlocking tiers of gear, and Favor paying for them.


Valor and commendations are similar in this game.


I think both need to drop from player kills, however you must significantly reduce the amount of currency gained from a kill.

One player is worth x amount, that amount should be shared between all players that played a part in the kill. You cannot give 10 or 30 players the full amount each or it will be too freely available.


You should not be able to farm it. Players that are killed should not be worth as much if they are killed again in a short period of time.


You have currency to gain pvp levels and currency to buy items, now you can decide how many levels and how much to give out.


kills in war zones should count....getting currency just based on winning or losing is rediculous, but you also need to prevent people from farming them with a good team.


Bags are crap.

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i did not read all replies so im not sure if this has been said but MAIN HAND WEAPON TOKENS ARE EXTREMELY RARE IN A PVP EPIC BAG i opened around 40 or so before i actually got a offhand weapon. im almost in full epic but im still using the correllia commendation main hand saber, which i have just modded to epicness.
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I just hit 50 and guess what I got in all 6 of the bags I had ready to go?


****-all. Naturally.


Oh, and I finished a round with 20k Objective Points from hauling *** and defending a ton, and that's at 50 in 44 gear. Second on damage, top kills.


So it ain't like I'm some terrible player along for the right, here. >:|

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Three more bags today. 9 more Commendations.


This system sucks ***. My guildie opened his six bags (from having one bought and 1000 of each Commendation when he hit 50) and pulled -five pieces- out of his, including a mainhand. Me, I get ****-all.


I'm always very hopeful about these things, but I might very well just **** off and play games that are worth my time.

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Yeh i cancelled my sub because of the bags. RNG is absolute crap, i do agree with the op in his post, sounds much better and would make better teamwork and more fun. 13 days to get a fix out bioware! This isnt one to "Chuck at monthly content" This has to be done NOW if you wish to retain a player base.
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I still dont know why people complain about the bags ... right now theyre fine ... 3 days of pvping and I got every slot filled with champion not to mention the doubles triples quadruples and yes even quintuples of the relic tokens I got.


Next patch however theyre making it harder to get gear which is really confusing.


In fact, what theyre doing wouldnt be a horrible idea if it was done before game release. So many people already have champion and battlemaster gear... that the people hitting 50 are gonna be frustrated that theyre facing people with gear that takes forever to achieve.

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I still dont know why people complain about the bags ... right now theyre fine ... 3 days of pvping and I got every slot filled with champion not to mention the doubles triples quadruples and yes even quintuples of the relic tokens I got.


Next patch however theyre making it harder to get gear which is really confusing.


In fact, what theyre doing wouldnt be a horrible idea if it was done before game release. So many people already have champion and battlemaster gear... that the people hitting 50 are gonna be frustrated that theyre facing people with gear that takes forever to achieve.


If you got all your gear in that much time, that's awesome.


I hit 50, bought 6 bags, got nothing. Finished all my dailies, got nothing. Finished another few dailies, a weekly, bought more bags, nothing.


In three days of PvP I have barely enough to afford one Centurion piece and you're in full Champion. Therein, as they say, lies the ****in' problem.

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It's obvious from comments here that the patch note is not specific enough, so we'll get it updated before the patch goes to the live servers. Here are some specifics:


Champion Bags now always contain 15 Centurion Commendations AND 7 Champion Commendations. Battlemaster Bags now always contain 15 Champion Commendations. So Centurion gearing up progression for new level 50s is increased significantly and Champion gearing up progression will be steady.


We do still intend on adding more intro level 50 PvP items as well as change how Battlemaster Commendations operate toward the same 'steady' goal. It's just the scope of that change was more than could be done in a weekly patch as it included vendor changes, conversions to existing commendations on players already, etc.


That being said, the current interim 'gearing up' system will change significantly when we introduce Ranked Warzones (aiming for Game Update 1.2). Stay tuned for more details on that.


- Gabe


Just curious if this "conversions to existing commendations on players already" will be back-dated, or is it just going to take away from people? For example, if a person has gotten say 50 bags, but still isn't in full Champion gear (my Op has probably gotten more than that and is still missing 4 pieces of CG), will said person get Champion Commendations equal to 7 Comms X 50 bags? Or are you just going to convert some commendations into others, leaving people short changed?

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I have been 50 for a month now and doing daily and weekly pvp quest and buying bags when i can ... I am well over 90 bags and still am missing 2 items to fill out my Champ set. Also I am 1.5 levels from Battlemaster.... I know some people that have gotten almost 3 sets of champ gear and they have done just as much pvp as I have. System is still borked....


the patch notes said

The number of commendations in Champion and Battlemaster Bags has been greatly increased, and the direct item trade tokens appear less frequently in Champion Bags. This change allows players to obtain PvP gear at a steady and significantly more predictable rate with an occasional bonus.


Umm I think you done understand the issue here... its not that we get the items to often it is that the crap that drops is worthless when you have already gotten it 15 times. With this patch the items that i cant use will now drop less often dropping the odds of completing a set even more.....AWESOME!


On the up side I will be in Battlemaster gear before i finish my Champ gear.


Fail attempt in trying to mimic wow gear gathering imo.


but as Allfader said.. what about the people who have 200 Centurion comms? How will the change help them? they are still missing gear that with the new setup they could have bought the gear they needed already. Somehow I think they will get screwed.

Edited by Doktar
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This is actually a really, really good idea. +1


I like to think I have great ideas.


I have, as of this writing, already cancelled my account. The change they're making to fix this is the most incremental little thing they could possibly do, addressing only a single problem of the multitude of systemic issues plaguing the game's PvP system.


I dealt with tiny baby-steps iterations throughout my lengthy tenure in Warhammer Online and I used up all my give-a-**** doing that. I'd love it if they'd hire me to revamp their ****, but they won't, no one knows who I am, and there's no such thing as an entry-level design position.


**** my life.

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:( It seems like it takes even longer to get champion gear now.. Valor 50 with 5-6 champ pieces and full centurion for the rest with 350 centurion commendations left and it takes like 10 bags to get 1 piece of champion armor :(


I always forget that when you make things consistent, you also have to make them consistently trashy. :/


It's unfortunate that absolutely none of the neat **** they could have done to fix this actually got done. It's a shame that these folks either aren't able or aren't allowed to effect positive change in their game systems. I wanna go out there and fix 'em. :( I'd buy the ticket and everything. Goddamnit.

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