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Bag RNG System: Aging Poorly


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The vendor idea isn't a bad thing, but it's a case of treating the symptom before the cause. The reason why you'd have gear to trade in for tokens is because you have a system that rewards people at random rather than intelligently doling out progression based on time spent, appropriate effort made, or both.


Maybe you misunderstood my intent on that one :)


I meant to just add into the existing PVP vendor (where you trade for Merc Comms) the ability to trade:

Centurion Comms for Champ Comms

and Champ Comms for Battlemaster Comms


I'm not fully convinced that it is a "bandaid" solution, is it ideal? No, but it is a progression reward system. This would reward players time spent in Warzones, the more time you've spent in WZ's, the more commendations you have to trade in and the closer you are getting to a new shiny bauble :D


Still all in all I would prefer I complete rework of the rewards system for PVP, I'm just trying to stay realistic :)


I would be happiest with your solution where you get rewarded based off of objectives/doing your job. As it stands right now alot of players are out for number one and only number one. Makes the entire experience somewhat tainted.

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Maybe you misunderstood my intent on that one :)


I meant to just add into the existing PVP vendor (where you trade for Merc Comms) the ability to trade:

Centurion Comms for Champ Comms

and Champ Comms for Battlemaster Comms


I'm not fully convinced that it is a "bandaid" solution, is it ideal? No, but it is a progression reward system. This would reward players time spent in Warzones, the more time you've spent in WZ's, the more commendations you have to trade in and the closer you are getting to a new shiny bauble :D


Still all in all I would prefer I complete rework of the rewards system for PVP, I'm just trying to stay realistic :)


I would be happiest with your solution where you get rewarded based off of objectives/doing your job. As it stands right now alot of players are out for number one and only number one. Makes the entire experience somewhat tainted.


Oh, true enough, but the WAR guys already demonstrated that they won't do things like that. No trading up for Royal Crests even if it would cost 750 of the regular kind to do it. :/

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24 straight bags with nothing


Now, would you rather have that, or would you rather have spent the same amount of time and been guaranteed at least three pieces of gear? Four if you worked really hard.


There can be gambling elements in these games; God knows I would have sent all of Gheed's kids through college even if he were the progenitor of the entirety of China. That said, you should never, ever have to rely on sheer, simple, -fickle- luck to progress. That is crap from one end to the other.

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I can instantly see a problem with this.. With adding the objective requirements on all these quests you would force everyone to interact with objectives. That is good, if it weren't for the fact that EVERYONE would do that. Yes, everyone would do it, hoping that He would be the one that got the count. So, in voidstar for example, we would have 8 guys on each side desperatly running towards the doors trying to get a plant/disarm instead of fighting each other.


Defenders: Would have a easy time, just interrupt the 8 enemies desperatly going for the plants.

Attackers: Would all be going for the plant, because lets face it. Getting your progress>>win the WZ.

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I would have to agree with the majority of sentiments in this post... the RNG for PVP based gear is not "working". There is no true feeling of progression when something is left up for chance to get a particular piece of gear. And when it comes to BM, although I am not there yet I can't see any great incentive for them to PVP (I know we should all PVP because it's fun :p) once they have opened their bags (from weeklies / dailies) and once again achieved nothing; this is demoralising to the player base. It's heartbreaking to know that someone can put just as much time and effort as you in the game and completely out-gear you because of the RNG Gods.


I love the idea of quest chain progression, the potential in this game is limited to ones imagination when it comes to adding quest elements. You could have elements for each class, trees, or WZ objectives. And I know some classes don't score as many as other in Huttball or some don't get the data download because you can't Force Speed, you could make them team specific not just individual achievements. You could even spread the population over the universe by adding Kill x number of players in Tatooine PVP Area etc; like I said it's limitless. Or dumm... dummm...dummmm... add some PVE elements as well get all the population mixing.


Could this be implemented?... I don't know but something needs to change, I even like the idea of having another vendor to "break down" duplicate pieces for hand in for other items, or how about sniffing for gear. I think most people would even settle for a slightly less chance of getting an item as long as it means it's an upgrade.


Its all food for thought for the developers... most compelling article I have seen yet on the forums GG OP and all those who have contributed.

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I can instantly see a problem with this.. With adding the objective requirements on all these quests you would force everyone to interact with objectives. That is good, if it weren't for the fact that EVERYONE would do that. Yes, everyone would do it, hoping that He would be the one that got the count. So, in voidstar for example, we would have 8 guys on each side desperatly running towards the doors trying to get a plant/disarm instead of fighting each other.


Defenders: Would have a easy time, just interrupt the 8 enemies desperatly going for the plants.

Attackers: Would all be going for the plant, because lets face it. Getting your progress>>win the WZ.


Got to agree with you, there. Still, without creating a new way for the server/client pairing to figure out what people are doing (I'm trying to use existent systems) it's pretty hard to figure a way to make it work.


I'd figure, in a perfect world, that these objective attempts would be counted for everyone in the area of the objective, or affect anyone who dealt damage to someone who dealt damage to a planter, capper, etc., for defensive points.


I agree that this could be a problem!


That said, I also figure that pretty much 90% of people are acting in Warzones as though they're in Team Deathmatches anyway, so any gravitation towards objectives would be a positive one.

Edited by JackKerras
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Ive opened up 16 bags n i still only have 1 piece of champs its getting really old


Yet I have opened 16 bags since hitting 50 on Friday night and 3/5 armour and a lightsaber + offhand + relic.


This is the problem with any type of RNG system like this.

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Yet I have opened 16 bags since hitting 50 on Friday night and 3/5 armour and a lightsaber + offhand + relic.


This is the problem with any type of RNG system like this.


Yep. The stuff is broken. Some folks randomly get great gear and tons of it, some folks get **** and shoved in it. It's a giant load, the system is -awful-.


I wouldn't even call it the work of a designer. Random ******** is not well-designed. Random ******** is phoned in.

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I hit 50 today and have had great luck in terms of gear to bag ratio... 5/8 so far.


However 3 of those 5 gear tokens were gloves.


What the ****?




Warhammer Online made the same mistake. Loot bags just always had ****in' shoulders in them for me. Always shoulders!


Also, nothing but White Lion gear dropped, and I never brought a White Lion to PvE with me.


THAT, at least, they fixed in this game. I don't see gear for classes that aren't present dropping very much at all, but I may be lucky.


The PvP loot system, though? Trash. My fix would bring it right up to spec and it would take HOURS for an INTERN to make happen. Why in the world we have no answer to this yet, I cannot imagine.

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I was thinking of making a thread about this myself.


Out of 44 bags I've gotten:


3 relics, 3 implants, 1 shield generator, 1 saber (36th bag btw).


The problem with this is: I'd rather have gloves, boots, chest, waist, bracers, legs. So of the 6 things I've been wanting, I've gotten a big fat 0... out of 44 bags !!!

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I was thinking of making a thread about this myself.


Out of 44 bags I've gotten:


3 relics, 3 implants, 1 shield generator, 1 saber (36th bag btw).


The problem with this is: I'd rather have gloves, boots, chest, waist, bracers, legs. So of the 6 things I've been wanting, I've gotten a big fat 0... out of 44 bags !!!


Well, thanks for bumping mine instead of making your own! I'm pretty sure it'll get more attention with, y'know, views in the five digits and all five-star ratings. ^_^


Here's hoping, anyway! I'd really like it if something could be done about this, and I tried quite specifically to make a solution that's easy to execute.

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Any kind of PvP loot progression system other than RNG, please please please !


Absolutely necessary, to my mind.


I'm not even hitting 50 yet. If nothing has been done about this before my next billing period (which is just about a month) then I'll start considering jumping ship. I'm generally very happy to stick with an MMO through some serious growing pains (I was with WAR since beta and subbed for nearly two years) but I have no interest in giving the same team money if they're going to make the same mistakes.


The PvP gear progression from 10 to 50 is -already- at the level that the WAR gear progression was at -in beta-, before it was released and changed to a stepped approach for all RvR-buyable gear. The stepped approach is much better for that whole momentum thing I've been beating on for the last thirty or so pages.


So! Yes. I need a change for this. I need to feel good about moving forward and getting stuff or I'm not going to stay interested in playing. Other folks get great stuff and my gear pieces are crap for no better reason than 'oops your rolls just aren't good enough', I peace out and poke my nose in as the months go by to see if ****'s fixed.

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I don't like how endgame pvp gear is acquired. Why not make each piece cost 1000 merc commendations, would take the same amount of time...


Please don't make suggestions like this.


This is the same lead designer who made my sidegrade wrench/gun pairing cost the equivalent of 118 hours to get, and that's if I won every game I played.


Making things cost a thousand of something that you only get between one and six of at a time (WAR's Scenario weapons) is a colossal grind. Yes, you are progressing towards a goal, but if I'm going to spend -several work weeks'- worth of time in PvP, I'd best ****in' come out the end of it with more than one piece of gear.


Especially with the -size- of the power-gap between fresh 50s and geared Battlemasters, I really think that making that linear progression less than six weeks long is worth a look. Not everyone has the sheer staying power to get wrecked on for weeks on end even if they -are- doing so for the promise of nice gear.


So, while I understand that you're being facetious and I know what you're saying, good heavens, please don't give them any ideas. They already did it poorly a couple times with the huge grind in Trial of Atlantis, New Frontiers, and the Scenario weapons in WAR.


Don't encourage them.


And do encourage this by continuing to bump and read, and thank you! :)

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