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Bag RNG System: Aging Poorly


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'Let's see if purples drop' is getting old fast.


Every guild has a guy who's opened thirty bags and not gotten a single piece of gear out of them. My guildie has been doing PvP dailies and weeklies for a solid month and still doesn't have a mainhand lightsaber that's worth a damn.


There's another guy, same class, who is purpled out. These two guys have been running together this entire time; one is geared, the other is shafted.


There're a bunch of ways to fix this, but I think that the -best- way (that still remains reasonably easy to do) is to have a quest chain.


In progress, they may look like this!


Mercenary Warzone Mastery I:


DPS-focused Medals in Warzones: 22/36

Healing Medals in Warzones: 5/8

Complete Huttball passes, Ball Handler Kill Assists, Bomb Plants/Disarms, or Terminal Slices: 47/64


Sniper Warzone Mastery IV:


DPS-focused Medals in Warzones: 27/44

Solo Kill Medals in Warzones: 20/20

Complete Huttball passes, Ball Handler Kill Assists, Bomb Plants/Disarms, or Terminal Slices: 68/75


Reward: One piece of PvP tier gear, your choice. Each reptition of the quest, the numbers get a little larger; 38 intead of 36. NO BIG JUMPS. Progression, not sudden, irritating grindwalls.


Give people a real objective instead of 'get bag, hope for loot'.


And adding passes, plants and slices to this equation means even people who only want to kill will have a -good reason- to complete victory conditions instead of going straight for killing enemies. Don't say 'win games to get bags', say 'do these objectives to get gear'; winning games will progress naturally from people having a good reason to do objectives instead of just fight the enemy.


Random bags are not interesting, they're not fun, and they do not drive the player to do anything except show up for games. Yes, winning has incentive. No, winning does not have clear goals set before players who do not have the interest to play the gametypes.





Extra notes:


This is intended to be an easy fix that fits on top of the current system without making any significant, coder-necessary changes to the way PvP in general, including medals, reward systems, and actual gear progression works. This could be done by an intern and would require very little time and money to implement; that is the goal.


This is intended to have a set of quests that fit for different specs in the case of Mercs or Operatives, who have both main-healing and main-damage specs.


I use Medals in these examples because they are a way for the developer to choose how long they wish each step to take; one Solo Kill Medal requirement means a good 15 minutes at least of playing in Warzones, as only one Solo Kill medal is available in any single Warzone.


In a perfect world, objective counts could be iterated in an AoE, so being present for a cap. bomb plant, or running alongside the Huttball carrier would count; this would mean players would not -have- to sprint in and try to cap first for quest credit.

Edited by JackKerras
Clarifying title, adding emphasis and notes
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I'm basically replying to this just to bump it.


But yeah! I think a questchain like this with increasing requirements and always-the-same rewards on a tier-by-tier basis would be a very good thing for PvP. At least you'd KNOW you were approaching gear. Not approaching the chance to perhaps get gear that can be a copy of your old gear, but saying okay, this quest completion is my lightsaber, -neat-, let's keep capping points and punting carriers.

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Something needs to be done. ANYTHING. I cant stand pvping much more and being disappointed over and over when i work hard to win a few games, open my bag, and find nothing. OR even better, a duplicate item, or something i cant even use like an offhand gun my powertech just gets to sit and stare at.

not to repeat something an above poster already wrote but i see people walking around with full sets of champion gear and are like valor rank 20-30. Im just a bit past them at valor 40, but ive gone almost 20 lvls of valor now without getting anything but duplicates and stuff i cant even use.


i have 6 relics, 4 implants and 2 off hand weapons(cant use) and 2 helms...


Im not sure if this is BW's idea of making gear difficult to get or what but its just annoying, disappointing over and over and no fun.

Edited by mistan
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Commendations needn't even enter into this equation.


This is not a replacement for the current broken, boring, irritating system that gives you duplicate loot and leaves you at the mercy of the Dice Gods.


This is a way to get gear as an assured progression, a way to be -certain- that after a bunch of games (and the amount would be quite significant, considering I-X (assuming five armor slots, two implants, one earpiece, one on-hand, one off-hand) would add up to a -substantial- number of games played, many hours of work.


That said, those many hours would all be working -towards- something.


In the current system, it's possible to be completely geared in ten or twelve bags... or it's possible to open 40 and get the shaft from start to end.


This is a better, more progression-oriented system for distributing PvP loot. And it's just shoehorned in! You could make better changes if you would go with systemic changes instead of just tacking a quest chain on!

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I'm so fed up with this &*^$&*^ @*(&@#&*( *****#@* system of gearing. It is miserable and soul crushing if you're a dedicated PvP player. There is a Valor 52 on my server with one piece of Champion gear. (Timmeh is his name) Edited by TheRealBrave
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If they implemented your idea, people would get gear faster, whereas with this current method they ensure people play longer and roll the dice more often, thus ensuring longer subscriptions. Tried and True MMO retention method.
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If they implemented your idea, people would get gear faster, whereas with this current method they ensure people play longer and roll the dice more often, thus ensuring longer subscriptions. Tried and True MMO retention method.


True enough. That's why I said 'it's getting old'. It's outmoded. It is a poor substitute for creating gameplay that really works, and rewarding progression systems.


There's damn near no random stuff at all in CoD, and that sells a TON, and people play it FOR EVER.

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If they implemented your idea, people would get gear faster, whereas with this current method they ensure people play longer and roll the dice more often, thus ensuring longer subscriptions. Tried and True MMO retention method.


True. But there's absolutely no reason, aside from possibly a companion that has gear with the same stats as you, to have duplicates in your bag while you need something else instead. There should either be a failsafe for it, or the possibility to exchange them for another token.


I feel you, OP. But I wouldn't expect any changes soon. I'm not sure the devs read this, and they sure as hell ain't going to respond or whatsoever.


Bringing ideas up on these forums is as useful as talking to a brick wall.

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Oh, don't worry! I realize what I'm getting into, here, or rather that I'm basically shouting out into an uncaring, unfeeling universe that will never so much as acknowledge my efforts.


Still. This is a great idea, and it should get at least a bit of attention. IT doesn't have to be fast... it just has to be -consistent-.

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I am rank 65 and not full champion and I have only had one drop of battlemaster gear in 25 bags.


System is a joke.




I've been watching my roomie swear up and down about duplicate drops and no-pieces and I've-never-seen-a-Goddamn-main-hand for weeks now. It's silly.


Making it so flagrantly unavailable (while feeding you absolutely worthless, untradeable, unusable gear) is patently ridiculous, and we really need to move ahead of this terrible, creaky, old-fashioned mechanic into a more modern area of video game design.

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Personally, I'm at least 60 champ bags deep, and I have 4 copies of the same item in my bank. Very aggravated with getting pvp pants over and over and over again. A system like this would remove the wasted items that are irrelevant.


What, you don't change your pants at least once every other day? Everyone needs at least four pairs of pants.


Psh. They're just being realistic. PSH.

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