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I'm Not Mad at the Developers I'm Mad at the Elevators


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So think about this long and hard. You have all the developers making this game and busting their asses to make this game ******. Then you have the Elevators who obviously are letting **** slip by without really telling the developers what the hells going on. All of this could have been avoided if We had Elevators who either A: actually gave a **** enough to go through the game bit by bit and haul all the issues and how to solve them with constructive criticism. B: The other side of the story is the Elevators are actually doing their job and the developers arent listening. So which one is it? Edited by Haam
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I was hoping this was a rant against the Elevator Mob's that result in many deaths and wasting of time and hope the Dev's would be kind and remove them from the game.


Elevators in swtor have killed more players than any mob or world boss, -gravity kills.

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