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Request to unbind the " \ " key.


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I am making a request about this since some patches alredy arrived and they still didnt fix the problem with the keybind " \ ".


I am very frustrated with the fact that i press the key so many times by mistake and also that it doenst only open a normal window, but it opens the bug report window and that you gotta click with the mouse to close it.


Not just that, but i like to think that it is not just me that uses the " \ " key for something else (in my case i use it for skills) it really bother me that i cant bind it to something else.


Who is with me?

Edited by Paralassa
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Not to sound like a tool... But how do you hit this by mistake? I just looked at a keyboard and thought how? Maybe it is my small hands?


It's right above the enter button. It's really really easy to pull your right hand off the mouse to type and miss your home key (j) and end up hitting it by accident.


It's incredibly annoying, especially since you have to click to get rid of the screen that pops up.

Edited by Paralassa
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Not to sound like a tool... But how do you hit this by mistake? I just looked at a keyboard and thought how? Maybe it is my small hands?


Constantly hit it pressing enter, I don't have bid hands, but my pinky can reliably hit that if I'm not paying attention.

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Given the other problems in this game, this one is about priority number 1 million.

It's just not an issue if you don't flail around the keyboard.


It "Should" also be a quick fix.... And like every other problem it's best to be brought up, than just overlooked.

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Not to sound like a tool... But how do you hit this by mistake? I just looked at a keyboard and thought how? Maybe it is my small hands?


Most of the time it's when I'm in the middle of typing something in chat, and then suddenly I need to divert my attention to something else in the game world, e.g. fight an imp who's advancing my way. I hit backspace to erase what I was typing, but accidentally press the \ key due to close proximity. If I remember correctly, it takes three mouse clicks to dismiss the resulting bug report windows (one to click the close button, one to click Yes to confirm cancelling the bug report, and another click to close the Help dialog). Very annoying.

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Please, God, yes! It is SOOOOOOO annoying. I cannot tell you how many times I have accidentally opened that damned thing when trying to do something time-sensitive. And then, of course, you can't just quickly close it. You have to confirm that you want to cancel the ticket first. Please tell me why we need a keybind for this in the first place! And why does it have to be one of those secret keybinds that you can't unbind?!?!
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Given the other problems in this game, this one is about priority number 1 million.

It's just not an issue if you don't flail around the keyboard.


Can I just love you.

Just pictured some 16 year old flopping around like a guppy on his keyboard trying to type.

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The fact that they don't even allow you to unbind this, and damnit I tried, is absurd.


Yes Bioware, I really want a clunky and awkward window popping up every time my finger slides .3' above the "Enter" button, which I am forced to press constantly if I want to engage in dialogue! WHAT A GREAT IDEA, NOTHING CAN POSSIBLY GO WRONG.

Edited by Paralassa
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well, for the judgmental types out there, i know you must all be perfect typists who never miss the enter or backspace key when typing and trying to fight 4v1 in pvp while eating a sandwich and smoking a cigar, but for us NORMAL people, this is the most annoying thing ever.


And for those of us who aren't so normal...like me, well, it IS nearly gamebreaking.




I play lefthanded. In every game since before time existed, i bind the \ key to something time-critical, like a taunt or an interrupt. It's force of habit. I hit that key and boom...i'm screwed.


Please, i've been submitting this as feedback every week since 3 months into closed beta. please change it.

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