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With the Coming UI Changes: ArcHud and Power Auras


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There is no question here that this is both an argument for and against mods. But the solution is achievable with either. Fundamentally, we are all different, so we all game differently and we all have our own preferences.


So, my suggestion would be to choose Mods or No Mods considering the following as the base requirement:


With Mods:

Start of with a very strict API that let's you do very little (e.g. interact with existing frames) then, over time, extend it. Real thought would have to go into every API addition to make sure that the API doesn't introduce something that simply isn't relevant to what SWTOR is trying to achieve, or blatantly open exploits, hacks and all those other undesirables.


Without Mods:

Every frame should be configurable (e.g. size and position) and based on the functionality of the frame, customisable (e.g show/hide/change what you get in the frame, based on your role).



Something that, I feel, spoiled my gaming experience (in WoW) was the need to use mods to tell you something that you should be able to identify easily from the action. For example, meters. I shouldn't need meters to work out how I'm performing in terms of DPS / Healing / Threat, and I certainly shouldn't see how I'm performing in comparison to others like some kind of spreadsheet, it just doesn't make sense in the midst of action.


I'd suggest something like this:


Threat:- The Threat Plates addons in WoW did this really well. They show you're level of threat with those you are engaged in the action with.


Party/Raid Frames:- you should be able to discern everything you need to know to manage your party, such as buffs/debuffs and support mouse over casting.


Boss Abilities: Ideally it should be obvious what the boss is doing/about to do. Maybe cast bars on the threat plates would tell you enough? One thing I don't want is an addon telling me everything I need to do and when to do it. I should only need to know what's going on and as a player, I'll learn what to do.


DPS/Healing: A simple indicator that shows my performance as a proportion of the party/raid's. Am I below of above the average. Let's say the raid average DPS is 1000 and mine is 750. All I need to know is 75%. This means I'm underperforming compared to the others and that I need to focus / up my game / take a look at my spec / review my gear...

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Avid wow player of 5/6 years and these addons look disgusting, it clutters the screen so much.


Nope, I would hate it if this was implemented. It'd be good as an ADDON only.


Just give us the customisable UI asap and it'll be great.


They would obviously be optional.


Not every feature added to the UI has to be for everyone, even now their are options for bars people may not like or skill queuing or using Op frames as party frames.


Hence, since those are all optional, so would these additions be.

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I used Addons extensively in wow, in fact I rebuit my entire UI several times.


But I hated ArcHud and its imitators, I just don't like having things in my way when I need to see things. It might be because i'm a tank and needing to be able to see whats going on is so important. And in SWTOR I think the visual look would be spoiled.


Powerauras is a good addon and I used it in WoW. I can see how it would make things easier, but I don't really see the need. Dumbing down the challenge of gameplay isn't something I want. And if its in for some everyone will have to use it or be considered at a disadvantage.


Your way or my way, neither is inherrantly right or wrong in this case.


I agree, dumbing down the game is not good.


Luckily, all power auras does is move information from your bars to a location where you can see it on your character.


It's no easier than looking at your bars, it's just displayed in a better place.


It's no different than moving your action bars so they surround your character or are stacked underneath them, it's just a more elegant solution than that.

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With so many classes and talents being revolved around procs, we really need to be able to customize our buff bars, or have some sort of aura implementation.


Any argument against this, has to surely be folly. Why wouldn't you want to be able to track your procs and buffs during combat? Even bio-ware must want this, otherwise they wouldn't have said talents in the first place.



Surely no one actually enjoys squinting above their health bar while in combat.

Edited by Navakai
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With so many classes and talents being revolved around procs, we really need to be able to customize our buff bars, or have some sort of aura implementation.


Any argument against this, has to surely be folly. Why wouldn't you want to be able to track your procs and buffs during combat? Even bio-ware must want this, otherwise they wouldn't have said talents in the first place.



Surely no one actually enjoys squinting above their health bar while in combat.


This is exactly what I am getting at.


These two additions to the UI would not provide new info, just provide it in a more elegant way than before so that one doesn't have to keep squinting at their buff bar.

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Just for the love of god allow add-ons and be done with it. Man the more stuff I see from WoW the more I want to check it out lol I only played for like 20 hours back around vanilla or maybe after first xpack and didnt like it. Both of these mods are pretty cool :cool:
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As a Carnage Marauder, a lot of my abilities are proc-driven (or, at least, have optimal times to be used under different circumstances) so I would absolutely love to have an in-built aura thing. At the very least I'd like to be able to scale and move specific buff icons to be nearer the middle of my screen.


As for ArcHud... well, I prefer IceHUD but yeah agree entirely. Being able to see important things like my health and Rage without looking away from my dude is such a massive boost to improving play.


So yeah, put them in the game - just make them option for the innevitable group who'd prefer to turn it off. If they're an optional part of the base UI I don't see any reason to complain about it really.


In my opinion the biggest reason to have a modding community is to get ideas for how to improve your base UI. Blizzard finally cottoned on to this idea during WotLK (though why that game still doesn't have a built-in threat meter that actually works is beyond me) and it's been a great success. I don't know of anyone who complained about the Quest Helper, PowerAuras, BagSearch or other addons that Blizzard "adapted" because they were made available to all.


Good post, OP :)

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Just for the love of god allow add-ons and be done with it. Man the more stuff I see from WoW the more I want to check it out lol I only played for like 20 hours back around vanilla or maybe after first xpack and didnt like it. Both of these mods are pretty cool :cool:


I think they now do an infinite-length free trial now up to level 20. I play (and greatly enjoy) both WoW and SW:TOR before anyone gets at me for "advertising Blizzard" - it's not only possible but, I'd argue, highly likely that someone would enjoy both games. I know I certainly do.

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I think they now do an infinite-length free trial now up to level 20. I play (and greatly enjoy) both WoW and SW:TOR before anyone gets at me for "advertising Blizzard" - it's not only possible but, I'd argue, highly likely that someone would enjoy both games. I know I certainly do.


I think most rational ex-WoW players would agree that it's not a bad game, it's just become boring for those of us who've played since Vanilla.


I also have personal issues with the direction the game world's lore went, but that's nothing against the gameplay itself.

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