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Exhaustion Zone...really?


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But then you'd be able to see the shoddy poorly textured terrain that is outside of the series of corridors this game forces you to go through.




love the microsoft paint backgrounds they have on planets too, really adds that immersive feel.


There is a place in Tatooine DUne sea in north east corner that is for the IA class quest, There is no ''low texture just sand and ...dune.. yeah, and it is separated from the rerst of the zoen with an exhaustion zone .....its weird because you can ''almost'' run from one side to the other, THis is somethign that was not needed . On Hoth in between a heroic quest area (imperial side) you are like 2 hexagon from the border of the map and get into an exhaustion zone :S

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Case in point: Tatooine. Exhaustion zones separate the faction entry cities from the rest of the map.


This should not be like this, on pvp server (where world pvp is almost inexistant and I am playign n an average server), I t would be so much better to have them connected to raid ennemy faction zone on pvp server, Imagine camping the spaceport on tatooine (you can camp Alderaan spaceport easily once inside especially as a concealment IA)

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SWTOR has persistent worlds, as persistent as anything in WoW. You think the entire world of Azeroth is really connected? Then why have the ships that take you to a loading area and then dump you off on the next continent? You think the entire continents in WoW are really connected? You've been deceived. Each area is connected to the other at the borders by loading areas. That's why travel speed has to be limited so much. If you moved too quickly you would see through their magic tricks.


SWTOR is constructed in much the same way. They use a series of deceptive loading tricks that allow the user the illusion of consistency and continuity where there is none and considering you guys think those exhaustion areas actually are there proves that those tricks work.



I think you are wrong you can clearly and definitely physically walk in teh exhaustion zone, it iis there just to prevent you hitting the reall finite border of the planet sandbox, Liek I wrote above some of them are FULLY walk-able, this means what you are saying is TOTAL utter ******** crap, the stuff is there, those are polygon they just have to turn a parameter into the engine to make an object doodad player, npc , walktrought or solid, please stop stating such stupid things.

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Exhaustion Zones...please get rid of these. I am not talking about the borders of the map, I am talking about the ones arbitrarily placed in the MIDDLE of terrain; over content that is there and can/should be explored. There is no point to them. They make exploration incredibly obnoxious at times. How about trying to cross the water to get to the "Lost Cylinder" vendor on Balmorra, anyone?


You can get to that guy easily without going into the exhaustion zone, learn to explore.


Or people trying to quest on Tatooine?


If you are referring to the exhaustion zones surrounding Anchorhead and the imperial starting town then most likely they are there to stop the opposing sides having access to those areas.


They serve no point. Most of the time they are in the dumbest of spots. Get rid of them. That is all.


No point that you are capable of working out.

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I think you are wrong you can clearly and definitely physically walk in teh exhaustion zone, it iis there just to prevent you hitting the reall finite border of the planet sandbox, Liek I wrote above some of them are FULLY walk-able, this means what you are saying is TOTAL utter ******** crap, the stuff is there, those are polygon they just have to turn a parameter into the engine to make an object doodad player, npc , walktrought or solid, please stop stating such stupid things.


It is walkable only up until the point where the highest possible HP player character would die due to exhaustion. That's the way it's built. The rest of it doesn't really exist. And you can say I'm spouting nonsense and curse at me all you want, but that doesn't make you any less wrong.



Edited by Blackavaar
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If you are referring to the exhaustion zones surrounding Anchorhead and the imperial starting town then most likely they are there to stop the opposing sides having access to those areas.


There are more believable ways to deal with such issues, than masking off HUGE areas in front of the cities. For instance, more level 50 npcs patrollling through the cities, turret emplacements, etc, etc.

Edited by Tarka
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There are more believable ways to deal with such issues, than masking off HUGE areas in front of the cities. For instance, more level 50 npcs patrollling through the cities, turret emplacements, etc, etc.


Turrets would be cool, sitting in some base and you look over to the horizon to see a foolhardy sith lord be blasted to bits by automated blaster fire. neato.

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I mean the graphics we see as we travel over them in taxis is really just an illusion. The graphics are there, but they are not solid. In reality what you are seeing while traveling through those areas is actually a very deceptive loading screen that is going on as the area you are going to loads.


And really, you would rather have these huge desolate expansive areas where there is really nothing except the occasional critter to see anyway? It would take you longer to travel across those areas than just to take the taxi in first place and there is literally nothing to see there. Why would you want that? I mean, some of the areas that you can travel across on Tattoine, for example, are almost completely dead and take a long time to cross as it is. And you want more of that?




You say they are not solid, really?

  • How do you know?
  • If those areas aren't "solid" to venture onto, then why can you see npc animals on that terrain as you pass near them? Perhaps those npcs are positioned just so it looks like they are "stood" on the terrain but are in fact hanging in 3D space? ;)
  • The HeroEngine allows for "transition areas" to interlink different areas, that's how the flashpoints work. But, unlike the flashpoints, you don't see the tell tale "green doors" and you don't see any loading screens. In essence, unless you go through a "green door" the different exterior zones on Tatooine are complete and uninteruppted playfield.

In essence, I do believe that you're just pulling excuses out of.....the air..... in an attempt to defend the devs decisions.


And yes, I would LOVE to see huge desolate areas on places like Tatooine and Hoth. Why? Because places like that are SUPPOSED to be desolate. Deserts are supposed to cover masses of terrain, not just a fraction of it.


And players don't HAVE to be forced to experience such masses of desolation if they don't want to. There are already taxi points that leapfrog over such areas if the need arises.

Edited by Tarka
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Turrets would be cool, sitting in some base and you look over to the horizon to see a foolhardy sith lord be blasted to bits by automated blaster fire. neato.


Precisely, "Champion" level 50 turrets and npcs could be a good enough deterent.


And if the other side wants to "raid" it, then why not?

That's how the Tarren Mill / Southshore PVP battles got popular.


This game needs more freedom to experience more dynamic elements in the game.

Edited by Tarka
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Sorry but that is a wild guess. And an incorrect one at that.

The terrain isn't "being conjured up". It's static, permanent, already there. There's just no actual npcs, or features to it besidees the ground under the characters feet.


Unfortunately "exhaustion zones" are in the most part regions around the edge of the map that prevent players from actually reaching the edge.


There are, however, exceptions. Most noticably, certain areas of Tatooine which for some explicable reason are not the edges of the map but still separate the faction cities from the "common areas".


My assumption is that they are there in tattoine to make 100% absolute certain that regardless of ability, one faction can't get into the other factions base area. (to keep datacron balance or whatever other reason)

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You say they are not solid, really?

  • How do you know?
  • If those areas aren't "solid" to venture onto, then why can you see npc animals on that terrain as you pass near them? Perhaps those npcs are positioned just so it looks like they are "stood" on the terrain but are in fact hanging in 3D space? ;)
  • The HeroEngine allows for "transition areas" to interlink different areas, that's how the flashpoints work. But, unlike the flashpoints, you don't see the tell tale "green doors" and you don't see any loading screens. In essence, unless you go through a "green door" the different exterior zones on Tatooine are complete and uninteruppted playfield.

In essence, I do believe that you're just pulling excuses out of.....the air..... in an attempt to defend the devs decisions.



  • Because I'm a graphic designer and I've worked on these kind of games.
  • The critters you see aren't really there either. They are part of the trick, like the black felt lined box in a magicians illusion. They are there to sell the trick.
  • And you just explained it right there. In these transition areas, they use a graphic display to hide the load time of the transition. Tattoine is not an uninterrupted play field. They've just given you the illusion that it is.


And it's really the best way to do it when you consider how few people would use those areas if they really did exist. Even you have to admit that after the first couple of times wandering around those areas you would likely never visit them again. So, they save development time for other things by creating exhaustion zones to keep you from going there and simply not building a completely open world.



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I also hate the exhaustion zones. These could easily be replaced by mountain ranges or cliffs or ocean. We still get maps of a limited size, but without the arbitrary dead zones. FPs could still go over these new spaces separating faction towns from raiding, but with more asthetic appeal. Similar to FPs flying over ocean or mountains in WoW. Edited by gordafurious
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People! Please understand that I am talking about exhaustion zones that are placed in the MIDDLE of the maps. Not the ones you'd encounter trying to leave the confines of the actual map. I'm talking about questing. Going from Point A to Point B, I am encountering these stupid zones on marked paths on the map.


ive encountered a grand total of ONE of these, and ive been through every planet, some of them several times. that one single exhaustion zone that isnt the border of the map is the one outside of the main towns on tatooine.

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But then you'd be able to see the shoddy poorly textured terrain that is outside of the series of corridors this game forces you to go through.




love the microsoft paint backgrounds they have on planets too, really adds that immersive feel.


But yet here you are ... still playing the game...

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  • 2 weeks later...
I thought the purpose was pretty cut and dry. The only one I've run into is outside Mos Ila on Tatooine, and that's clearly there to prevent raiding the opposite faction's main planetary hub.


Sorry for posting to an old thread...


I ran into my first exhaustion zone today so I did a search and found this thread. Was a little bothered by it myself but this explanation does help understand why it was done, and I can accept that.


Now I can die in peace :o

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Exhaustion Zones...please get rid of these. I am not talking about the borders of the map, I am talking about the ones arbitrarily placed in the MIDDLE of terrain; over content that is there and can/should be explored. There is no point to them. They make exploration incredibly obnoxious at times. How about trying to cross the water to get to the "Lost Cylinder" vendor on Balmorra, anyone? Or people trying to quest on Tatooine?


They serve no point. Most of the time they are in the dumbest of spots. Get rid of them. That is all.


EDIT: Since many are incapable of grasping the crux of this discussion, we are NOT talking about the exhaustion zones once you leave the boundaries of the map. We are discussing the annoyance of the seemingly arbitrary exhaustion zones in the MIDDLE of the maps.


Get rid of them or what?

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They serve a point, you just don't seem to understand it. Exhaustion zones are areas of the map that have no content what so ever. The terrain is all being conjured up as you walk across it, because it's not a programmed part of the game. It's the same with WoW and their Fatigue zones. You can't go there because it doesn't exist.


Also some of theme serve the purpose of keeping certain people out. Such as on Tattooine (which I suspect the OP is referring to) with the last stage of the Agent questline. It serves the purpose of the story (without giving too much away) so it's necessary and put there for a reason. I suspect that the OP simply doesn't understand the reason for something so assumes it must have been put there by a dev to annoy him and for no other purpose.

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Jesus wept, this game has some of the largest zones I've ever seen in any MMO and people are still whining and whingeing about the fact that they're actually of a limited size.


Look, either it's an exhaustion zone or it's some other mechanic, or the map has impassable terrain. But map sizes are limited, and that has to be represented in game somehow.


And to the OP: if you didn't want a general discussion of Exhaustion Zones don't make "Exhaustion Zone ... really?" the thread title.

Edited by Averran
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People! Please understand that I am talking about exhaustion zones that are placed in the MIDDLE of the maps. Not the ones you'd encounter trying to leave the confines of the actual map. I'm talking about questing. Going from Point A to Point B, I am encountering these stupid zones on marked paths on the map.


I know, like the one that is one hex wide that is between the last speeder location and the rest of the Dune Sea. I thought I could cross the one hex area without dying....bad idea.

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I hate them, died twice to them on Tatooine ... they were not at the map edge & by the time I worked out how to retrace my steps I had already died. Even WoW's 'Fatigue' gives more time & a more visible Visual Indicator ... instead of just taking great chunks out of my hit points.


I understand the map needs to direct players away to to places but a giant Crater, or Rock Formation/Mountain would serve much better, be a more natural looking 'block' & be less frustrating. No one likes to see their Character die for no apparent reason.


But, that is just my experience & I guess BioWare don't have any MMO experience as yet - wish they'd brought in some experts - must be some from Blizzard they could have poached, so I hope maybe one day when BioWare gain more MMO Experience they will fix these moronic 'Exhaustion Zones' & build a Mountain instead. :p


[This is just my Opinion, people] :cool:

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Among the first series of quests you get at Anchorhead sends you just outside of the city, you can see you destination from Anchorhead. Try to travel there on your own and you hit an exhaustion zone not 50 feet from the city, you have to take the taxi that takes you in the complete opposite direction and then you run 3 times the distance to get there, its ridiculous. That is just one example and is the norm not the exception. The way exhaustion zones are implemented leaves one to believe that the one in charge hates players in general and wishes to them have a crappy experience. Edited by Kraye
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