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Coming Up in STAR WARS: The Old Republic


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me too - being a Dad with 2 small kids and work and stuff and RL I cannot commit the time to grouping a lot due to things in RL....


so BW - like a LOT OF PEOPLE who play MMOs BTW - I play mostly in solo mode....


the fact that once I hit lvl20 in any class I find that I have trouble doing the elites solo is a real pain. I need to be 2 levels higher to do a lvl20-30 elite/boss...


Start a Trooper, seriously. I take down +2 elites on a regular basis, just takes knowing how to kite them and in my case, letting Jorgen do the hard work. A lot of folks use our medic companion much the same way- just poke your head in our forum and ask about it. We'll do good by you.

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"Our first part comes right away, the second part comes in the future - that's how epic this story is."


They really do think we're idiots.


Actions speak louder than words, Bioware. I heard the new content isn't due until March. In the meantime, I've cancelled my subscription until you develop enough (WORKING) content to justify a monthly fee. Honestly, the only people I've met yet who don't rage constantly about the unplayability of this game haven't hit 50 yet. I really believed in you, I have always been a huge fan of Bioware's works, and I have put a great deal of faith in this game turning out. I try to be positive, but never in my life have I played a game this broken for the level of publicity and money behind it.


TL: DR - I feel thoroughly let down.

Edited by Pearz
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Dear: Star Wars The Old Republic HQ and Fanbase.


-You Know What This Game Really Need's Its Day Cycle and Weather To Make It Feel More Real. Like The Sunset Of Tat or The Night Skyline Of Courscant.

-More Species We Would Love that. I Mean Who Wouldn't? Grrrrr Wookie!!! Rodian, Calamari, Trandoshan, Nautolan, Bothan.

-Open World Sandbox Like SWG. Because Tat Itself Was Probably The Biggest Planet Of All and Corellia.

-Make More Classes Like Engineering, Entertainer, Make Bounty Hunter Neutral So It Can Collect bounties From Both Factions Same For Smuggler and Work For Both.

-Add Mini Games/Activities Swoop Racing In Tat, Gambeling In Nar Shaddaa.

-I Love Space Flight Its Easy and Fun But I Would Also Like To Explore You Know Like Intense Spaceflight Dog Fight.

-More Customizable Clothing Items, Space Ship Look.

-Add More Planets like Kashyyyk, Mutafar Cause I remember That On Swg There Was Old Republic Ships And Stuff on Mustafar. Naboo. Dantooine. Geonosis. Yavin 4. Lego. And Dathomir.

-Als Last But not Lease Housing But Dont Make To Complicated.

You Guys Probably Think Omy God When Is this Person Going To Stop. :)

P.S I was a lil Bit Upset Wit Courscant. Its Probalby The Biggest Planet In Star Wars And I Was Really looking Foward To Explore But You Guys Only Showed 4% Of The Planet I Feel. I Really Want This Game To Take Over W.O.W and Every MMO.

Please Add More Of What You'll Like To Be Aded Cause We Together Can Make The Game Better/Funner/Longer/and A Memory

If I made a list,this would be it.

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I don't think I will get reply to this but it was just a query.

To Bioware: I understand the advantages to keeping the team intact that developed the game, but what I really want to know is how you keep it fresh for yourselves? For many of you it must have been at least 5 years working on this project so what do you do to keep objectivity of the work? I know for me with the software development that I have done (all be it very small) that you have to walk away to get a fresh perspective once in a while. How do you guys achieve that?

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the fact that once I hit lvl20 in any class I find that I have trouble doing the elites solo is a real pain. I need to be 2 levels higher to do a lvl20-30 elite/boss...


This really depends on your class/build/equipment. I am in the same boat as you (though for work reasons instead of family reasons)


I have played the game mostly solo, except for a few times that I have grouped up with IRL friends. I am currently maining a lvl 42 jedi sage. I made this character specifically because I was planning on mainly being solo. I took synthweaving so that my tank companion and I would also have good gear. I went all into the healing tree to make sure my tank companion and I stay alive. Once you start getting to higher levels I would recommend ALWAYS taking commendations from your quests, and always doing the bonus missions of every quest. use the commendations to buy modable armor/mods, this will help with your survivability.


But I do hear you that some classes/builds do not work well solo. I have a sith maruader as well, and I find that I have a lot of trouble staying alive in some of the harder battles. This can be helped by leveling biochem quickly and using stims/medpacks to stay alive.


So, my main point is that the game IS possible to solo. You just have to plan ahead and build your character specifically for soloing. going straight DPS is probably not going to work, you will need some combination of healing/tanking either through companions or yourself.


One more thing, if you ever really need an extra evel, and hate pvp/grinding. You can do the daily space missions, these give a pretty good amount of credits/experience. Also, try to get your companions to like you, the missions of going to your ship and talking to them can give large amounts of experience if done early enough.

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I feel that the game was released at about 90% completion. I agree with the general consensus of problems, but not so strongly that it's ruining anything for me. The Star Wars story and lore elements are totally keeping me entertained.


However, why can nobody just appreciate any of the upcoming features and solid existing ones. The upcoming content all looks amazing, and things can only get better. Especially UI customization and Legacy content. They just better get it right and get it out by the end of February or risk people not willing to wait for promised content.

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I feel that the game was released at about 90% completion. I agree with the general consensus of problems, but not so strongly that it's ruining anything for me. The Star Wars story and lore elements are totally keeping me entertained.


However, why can nobody just appreciate any of the upcoming features and solid existing ones. The upcoming content all looks amazing, and things can only get better. Especially UI customization and Legacy content. They just better get it right and get it out by the end of February or risk people not willing to wait for promised content.


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Dear: Star Wars The Old Republic HQ and Fanbase.


-You Know What This Game Really Need's Its Day Cycle and Weather To Make It Feel More Real. Like The Sunset Of Tat or The Night Skyline Of Courscant.

-More Species We Would Love that. I Mean Who Wouldn't? Grrrrr Wookie!!! Rodian, Calamari, Trandoshan, Nautolan, Bothan.

-Open World Sandbox Like SWG. Because Tat Itself Was Probably The Biggest Planet Of All and Corellia.

-Make More Classes Like Engineering, Entertainer, Make Bounty Hunter Neutral So It Can Collect bounties From Both Factions Same For Smuggler and Work For Both.

-Add Mini Games/Activities Swoop Racing In Tat, Gambeling In Nar Shaddaa.

-I Love Space Flight Its Easy and Fun But I Would Also Like To Explore You Know Like Intense Spaceflight Dog Fight.

-More Customizable Clothing Items, Space Ship Look.

-Add More Planets like Kashyyyk, Mutafar Cause I remember That On Swg There Was Old Republic Ships And Stuff on Mustafar. Naboo. Dantooine. Geonosis. Yavin 4. Lego. And Dathomir.

-Als Last But not Lease Housing But Dont Make To Complicated.

You Guys Probably Think Omy God When Is this Person Going To Stop. :)

P.S I was a lil Bit Upset Wit Courscant. Its Probalby The Biggest Planet In Star Wars And I Was Really looking Foward To Explore But You Guys Only Showed 4% Of The Planet I Feel. I Really Want This Game To Take Over W.O.W and Every MMO.

Please Add More Of What You'll Like To Be Added Cause We Together Can Make The Game Better/Funner/Longer/and A Memory


I support your suggestions. :)

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New UI is a good start. Also would like to see...

Easier to use AH

LFG tool

more FPS

Dual Spec (not dual AC, just tank/healer and DPS options)

non-buggy cut scenes (no eyes, no cloths on companions, silver models, etc.)



There is a lfg tool, it is in the social window. The "AH" is fine to use, and has a name filter if you didn't notice. And you can respec your points at time by paying... I could see maybe keeping a "preset" extra tree or two for each character, but paying to change back and forth is more than fair. in my opinion. I do agree that the cutscenes need a bit of polish, but this game is by far one of the best I have played, even with the bugs/ glitches that are present. Many praises to Bioware for an excellent game!

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I think this is a nice start. It'll give us some sense of customization, plus the game's been out a month. And already it is fantastic. I haven't run into any major problems with the game itself, so I'm pretty happy.


I'm not gonna ask for any changes (even though I have a few in mind), and just accept that the guys behind SWTOR are making tremendous progess with the game, and I can't wait to see what it'll be like in 3 months, or even a year :)

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is the Legacy (surname) the ability to name our characters without having to worry about other players having that same "first" name because now the surname will act as a unique last name identifying us individually? That works great on another mmo and would be nice in swtor
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I'm loving all of the new content that's coming out especially the U.i. change since im use to the U.I. of a particular mmo. lol, One thing i would like to see changed is the actual gameplay, it still seems a little sluggish? and the camera also seems a little sluggish. Also I'm playing a commando trooper (which I am loving since my character looks ******) but the powers seem to be lagging a little bit especially "mortar volley" favorite power, but lags when activated. Anywho keep up the good work and dont listen to all of the haters their just angry cause they dont really have anything to really B**** about. lol


p.s. dont worry haters you'll be able to play your pandas in a little bit. <3

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