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Coming Up in STAR WARS: The Old Republic


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Whelp you asked what I wanted to see as a player. That would be cross server Warzone queues, cross server LFG system and ability to start developing mobs. Also I would like to have music that loops because it just feels creepy questing in one spot for a half an hour with no music.
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Okay, awesome stuff. I particularly like the part of the family tree.


One problem with this tho, I have made alts for mules atm but will grind them up. Please show specifics in this part because it sounds like I will need to reroll more toons when this comes live :o. However i do like the idea because it brings depth into play.


Ranking right now in PVP warzones is kind of redundant because PVP zones you do 80% dieing and respawning due to gank fests and uberlete geared out 50's. I find open world and people around my level or up with no uberlete gear I own them up front and in their face.


In-game now: Please fix crafting, it is too simple in complexity and not much involved like there was in SWG. I really like the crafting and minning in that game and no other game has come close to the crafting aspect.


1. I want to make and design my own saber hilt, something that I make that gives me a sense of achievement and to carry with me. Make me feel like a jedi.


2. The double blade needs 2 color crystals so we can make one end a different color if we so choose to.


Just a small run down for now but I like the what's coming for TOR trailer.

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:hope_02:I like the new updates. What the community needs to understands is that they won't come out with every little piece of detail or what you want at launch and we're still in the launch stage. So the more of content is there the more fixing is involve. Unless you want to wait until the game release like say......um I don't know 2020. So I for one enjoy it, just offer new ideas let them work at it or just go back to WoW who was around for almost a decade doing the same thing like ToR fixing bugs and play there new kungfu panda expansion. :D Edited by Alukah
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See what you have to look forward to in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™! This new video highlights just some of the new content and game systems coming out over the coming months, including a look at the expanded Legacy system, UI customization, and information on new Warzones and Flashpoints!


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Oh, how lovely it will be when the UI Customization is released!!!


Thank you, thank you! It is also nice to hear that the old BioWare team working on SWtOR is still there doing their jobs. Thank you EA for not doing what you've done in the past with your acquisitions. This goes a long way to redeeming yourselves, in my eyes. (You knew me as Terraseer [baja & Origin], aka Counselor Lord Magister [Oceania] from UO).


Thank you, please keep up the good work and the focus on community and user friendliness. Also, please take your time on fixes and additions. Do not be rushed by the impatient - as long as I know you're working on something, I am willing to wait for however long is necessary for it to be released as stable as possible.

Edited by Zebular
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People need to understand that bug fixes work in teams. Meaning the team that is fixing the bugs are not the same team developing new content and that team has nothing to do with PR and server fixes (which the fixes to the server themselves are probably more related to the team that fixes bugs). So for people who are bit pissed off at PR, just know it's obviously not their fault if their is no communication between teams.


I will state that I'm looking forward to the expansion of the Legacy system, however the video needs to go into a bit more depth so I know what to expect.

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Can we get DLC Character slots?


Im out of character slots, i like to buy more slots :)


Yea, i know, that i can make new character on another server... but uhm thats Not gonna happend.


Bit hard to send items cash ect to your alt's... if their not on same server.

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As for what I wanna see as a player, I want to see more solo story content developed for the future. I hate to be forced to group and I love this game cause you can solo so much. I see plans for alot of group content and aside from legacy nothing for people like me who can't devote 3 hours to a group in one sitting.


Please keep up the great stories!


New playable races like the togruta, zeltron, Chagrian, and Cathar wouldn't hurt my feelings either.

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I have already began leveling my alts as the end game is far from running smooth.I sure hope there is a option once you unlock legacy items to customize your toons , I am not going to delete level 20 alts because the legacy system was not ready at launch.


If the end game wasn't broken I would push just 1 toon to 50 but since I see no reason to push to sit and wait for fixes I leveld all of my toons when they have rested and they are all around 15 - 20. Give us a tailor session or something to use our legacy items or it will just be wasted rewards since legacy doesnt transfer to different servers. Or give us more slots .

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Plays fine for me. Despite all the Nay sayers I really like the game and will be here a long time.


Agreed, video worked first time for me. Can't wait for legacy system, though I hope I'm not lvl 50 on all my toons by them cause I won't be able to make a Sith Miraluka.

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When I first started to play his game after Christmas I saw it as a pause From WoW while I waited for MoP. But really, this game has something completely different, it has a great story and philosophy over what's good and evil (bad might be a better choice of words).

It might not be as comical or varied as WoW, but it is it's own game. I mean the story of WoW was buried in references and silliness- leaving a game that was not quite “Warcraft”. SWTOR somehow feels more pure, as if it's really the Star Wars Universe (shame we can only play near-humans so far :jawa_frown:)


WoW was just a leveling race to me, and that despite being on a roleplaying server (Argent Dawn). SWTOR gives me a more pleasant leveling experience, I do not have to hurry and I can fully enjoy all the quests given to me. Furthermore thanks to the alignment system my character actually takes shape as I level :jawa_biggrin:


There's but two things that I can say I do not quite like with the game, as I stated earlier one is the lack of “real” playable alien races. The other is the male Bounty Hunters voice, I just cannot make a face that fits with it :jawa_mad:

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Legacy system could use a bit better sneak preview. At least some "shell" of an explanation on mechanic like it was done for advanced classes under game info.


So far this could mean anything. I interpret it as getting other classes race combinations but I wonder what the part about their powers meant.


Obviously it would be silly for Sith Warrior to get rifle or Inquisitor powers so the only way I see this work is if classes can unlock their mirror's ac trees and gain access to their weapons.

Edited by Vengola
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Amazing that even when Bioware tries to address the issues that you all complain about, they still have to take crap for it. "It should have been there at launch". Bioware's trying to rectify their mistakes and it's still an egregious offense. Bioware just stop trying to please your community; they wouldn't be satisfied even if you gave all your subscribers force-feedback codpieces and fairy dust.
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No mention of adding the missing SGRA's. :confused: At least they are finally adding in UI customization (kinda sorta), get around to adding in macro's, addons, combat logs, and the already mentioned SGRA'a and we're starting to get close to what the launch content should have already included....


Yeah, I have to kind of agree here. They've announced pretty much all of the promised, post-launch stuff in this "upcoming content", except the SGRAs. what the heck?

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