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Coming Up in STAR WARS: The Old Republic


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And now you're getting them.


It takes time to add content and features. It's not just a matter of asking for it, can't believe I even have to explain this to anyone at this point.


Can't believe I have to tell over 9000 times already BUT they got 7 years to develope, 1.5 Years in BETA to add features. And you would tell me they can't implement guild bank?

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I am glad they are finally implementing the UI customization.. It is too bad they couldn't get this ready for the released version, since it was begged for for the entire time I played beta (3 months).


It does bother me that they present it like it is a brand new idea and how creative they are to come up with something when they never ever responded to the community in beta and now they make it look like it is their idea. PR rhetoric not only sucks, it is so obvious and doesn't fool anyone that is actively involved. I'm surprised BW doesn't know that by now.


I'm not a big fan of the scaling thing. They have that in Rift and it does not really allow me to place things the way I want to be, but I know I have to wait to see it and play with it before I can make a call on that.


I also would like to say that claiming to listen to the player base is empty words when you don't engage the playerbase and interact with them.


The last thing I would like to mention is it sure would be nice to have some maturity and decorum displayed on these forums.


This thread has so many pages and it is littered with cynical nastiness by so many. Some people call it the entitlement generation. I can certainly see where that comes from. Some people call it the hipster generation, where perceived imperfection is blasted with every gun they have. I can see where this makes BW afraid to actually come in to threads with anything but acting as police for the forum rules.


But I sure would love to see some intelligent discussions and some direct and informative responses from the community managers.

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Updates sound good. I'd like to see more info on when bugs and more important issues will be fixed. Specifically for me, I want better frame rates. This game should run at least as well as Rift and it doesn't. Both advertise the same minimum system requirements, yet I get terrible fps in SWOTR and not in Rift.


Loving the game regardless.


That dude should look me in the eyes when he talks :p

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We need better Graphic support, it lags waaaay too much in the game + where is worlds like Kashyyyk, Endor & dantooine? Give us more specialized classquests even after 50 they're the real fun part. Modify your own starship, name it, colour it whatever.
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Allot of grumps like posting on this forum. I want to ask for things i would like to see without sounding like some kind of grumpy commenter as I actually like this game above all other games out right now.


*Tatooine sunrises/sunsets

*More Cantina interaction and immersion

*3d space flight like swg but with swtor graphics, implemented in the already cool space combat system

*I want to sit down in any chair I see

*I want to name my ship, pimp it out and furniture.


I would also like to see a scale model of the Defender ship!


And I want to hear talk about plans to work on "Star Wars Galaxies II: Revenge of The Sith" to be released before 2016.

Edited by HiddenPalm
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This is a Public Affairs crisis control video!


Don't get me wrong, the information was good to give, but the timing of it screams of crisis management.


The UI customization is not the type that have been asked for by the threads I have read. Being able to move items on your screen is not the same as UI customization.


PvP needs more than warzones - we need a whole planet for guild vs guild city building!


I will address your concerns in order;


  1. What crisis are you talking about? It's way too early in the game for crisis, so stop being an alarmist.
  2. By it's very definition of action, being able customize the way your UI is layed out and sized is definitely "UI Customization"
    ( even if it's not the kind of customization *you* want ).
  3. Patience young one... Give it time, awesomeness will come. It's taken Blizz over 5 years to make WoW the monster it is today. BW is doing a superb job and we all need to remember that this game is just now only *one month* old.


So let's relax, enjoy the game, and watch it evolve into the most expansive, immersive, and amazing massive game in history.


May the Force be with us all.

Edited by KonaiNobi
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Well if I could choose what to chance about the game it would be the following:


1) More customization for end game gear.

2) Remove restriction on colour crystals.

3) Cross faction trade between your characters, so that you don’t need 2 crafters with the same proffesions, one on for each faction.

4) More purple lightsabers.


The future content I would like added soon as possible = more single player story, the sith warrior class story line was GREAT, I can’t wait to see more of it 

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Originally Posted by Rhinoplat

This is a Public Affairs crisis control video!


Don't get me wrong, the information was good to give, but the timing of it screams of crisis management.


The UI customization is not the type that have been asked for by the threads I have read. Being able to move items on your screen is not the same as UI customization.


PvP needs more than warzones - we need a whole planet for guild vs guild city building!


I will address your concerns in order;


  1. What crisis are you talking about? It's way too early in the game for crisis, so stop being an alarmist.
  2. By it's very definition of action, being able customize the way your UI is layed out and sized is definitely "UI Customization"
    ( even if it's not the kind of customization *you* want ).
  3. Patience young one... Give it time, awesomeness will come. It's taken Blizz over 5 years to make WoW the monster it is today. BW is doing a superb job and we all need to remember that this game is just now only *one month* old.


So let's relax, enjoy the game, and watch it evolve into the most expansive, immersive, and amazing massive game in history.


May the Force be with us all.


What crisis? Have you been reading the forums? There is a lot of screaming going on, and whether you want to admit it, it is going out "there" and the vibe is pulsing that the game is not delivering.


The UI scaling is a minimal response to the playerbase's request for the sophistication of a game released at this time. With all the information out there and the other games and their superb UIs, the one given us by BW is probably the laziest one I have ever seen. Even really old games, like Lineage II, have a user friendly UI that makes you laugh at the one given us by BW. I am astounded at its lack of sophistication in this day and age.


The game is not just one month old. In fact, there have been betas out there for over a year. I played beta for 3 months. In every new build, the pleading went out for them to address the UI, the bugs, and many other things. There was NO response from BW and when the new build came and then finally the release build, too many of us were astounded that nothing had been done. So much effort into stress testings, and they refused to consider that the finer things, the little things (like the bugs and the UI) would make or break this game.


Don't get me wrong. I am playing SWTOR and have no intention of rage quitting. Just really am pursuing the objective of bringing awareness to BW and their priorities.


I also know that there isn't a single phase of this game that isn't bugged by something. NOTHING runs smoothly.


This advice of "be patient, young padawan" is dismissive, immature, and blind. Sorry.

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What could be cool if you put a Barber Shop where the player could change his hairstyle, his cibernetics if he is a cyborg, jewerly if he is a Sith Pureblood, because looking at the same desing of character on al the game can be quite boring at some times
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Looking good. Unfortunately other MMORPGs have kept their development team together and not split it up, so that inaccuracy sort of made me want to stop watching. But I kept watching.


There were statements that did cause me to wonder how long I would be playing the game. The first was specifically calling out that they planed to improve the PvP system. The problems was not in what was mentioned but in how it was mentioned. It really seems like the emphasis is on PvP for end game. That is something that does not interest me. I do enjoy a fun PvP system, but I will not play a game if that is all that is offered.


Next came the short comment on the legacy system. If it is a system that helps people level additional characters faster that is one thing. But the video implies that you will get game advantages beyond this by leveling up as many alternate characters as possible. This gives me the impression that the non-PvP end game will boil down into leveling alts to gain the greatest advantages for everything you do. This is not a plan that I would look very favorably on.


Finally there was the implication at the end that the players would be driving what the developers did. There is a big difference between listening to the player base for areas that are not working and need changes and implementing specifically what the players asked for. ST:TOR only has to look at SWG to see a game that fell apart mechanically and with the fans when the developers blindly implemented what players asked for. This was also repeated in the massive game churn in STO. Developers do need to listen to the consumers to understand area's that need work. But in 90% of the time the specifics of what is asked are just bad. There is a difference between a request to nerf an ability and fixing an overpowered class. The players who ask for ability nerfs will ask for things that often make that class far worse than the other classes. If the developers agree that a class is over powered, or under powered, the fix could and should be based on the class as an entity and other classes as entities and the fix will generally be better. (But of course some players will complain because the fix may not have been their request.)


The actions of the development team implements in the next two months will convince me that they do or do not understand how to keep an MMORPG fun and interesting for years or if this is simply a glorified KOTOR with a monthly subscription fee. (I liked KOTOR as a stand alone game. But it is also not one that I would have paid a monthly fee to play or for the option to play with others.)


Tiars, this is the most concise and objective rant I have read so far.

Although I have faith that BioWare has spent years studying both what made SWG great *and* why it failed.

I just felt your statements deserved a bump because they truly addresses some core considerations that need to be kept in mind.


May the Force be with you.

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What crisis? Have you been reading the forums? There is a lot of screaming going on, and whether you want to admit it, it is going out "there" and the vibe is pulsing that the game is not delivering.


The UI scaling is a minimal response to the playerbase's request for the sophistication of a game released at this time. With all the information out there and the other games and their superb UIs, the one given us by BW is probably the laziest one I have ever seen. Even really old games, like Lineage II, have a user friendly UI that makes you laugh at the one given us by BW. I am astounded at its lack of sophistication in this day and age.


The game is not just one month old. In fact, there have been betas out there for over a year. I played beta for 3 months. In every new build, the pleading went out for them to address the UI, the bugs, and many other things. There was NO response from BW and when the new build came and then finally the release build, too many of us were astounded that nothing had been done. So much effort into stress testings, and they refused to consider that the finer things, the little things (like the bugs and the UI) would make or break this game.


Don't get me wrong. I am playing SWTOR and have no intention of rage quitting. Just really am pursuing the objective of bringing awareness to BW and their priorities.


I also know that there isn't a single phase of this game that isn't bugged by something. NOTHING runs smoothly.


This advice of "be patient, young padawan" is dismissive, immature, and blind. Sorry.


My point is, that it takes years *after launch* for any massive game to reach a point where it's so polished that everybody is basically happy. "NOTHING runs smoothly" is a blanket statement that is only correct for you. Aside from some minor graphical glitches (TY BW for fixing those awefull green sheets everywhere!!), a little latency, and some bugged Tusken Raiders, I have not had, (and I realize that this is *just* my experience), any issues that warrant the outcry (and sometimes rage) that are flying around the forums.

"Be patient, young padawan." is not dismissive, immature, or blind. It is what people need to be when taking part in an enormous and constantly evolving system like this one.

Edited by KonaiNobi
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"Be patient, young padawan." is not dismissive, immature, or blind. It is what people need to be when taking part in an enormous and constantly evolving system like this one.


Actually, you seem to be assuming that the people wanting to discuss and inform BW of things that should be improved are not being patient. I'd venture to say that isn't so.


And besides that, it would be my own teacher that I would trust to tell me when I am trying to rush things, not some self-proclaimed such on a forums :)

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Yeeesh, what is wrong with ppl? Everyone expects the game to be finished within the first month of being live? This isn't WoW, you can't even compare them! That's like comparing a seed to a full grown tree. WoW has been out for ages and STILL isn't finished, mind you...


I'd like to see anyone trying to make a standalone game, single or multiplayer, that EVERYONE likes and can play flawlessly from day one. Could be possible on consoles I guess but I have yet to see the perfect game even there, forums will fill up with trolls within minutes. If anyone WOULD succeed, let them try making an MMO. Another whole level of content and possibilities that gives a plethora of thousands of players doing weird and unexpected stuff within the planned, confined space of the game. How can ANYONE predict even HALF of the things ppl will try and find in the game, unless you let them go nuts?


"BETA is what that's for!" thousand vails and continues sucking on their pacifiers... For a standalone single or multiplayer game, I would mostly agree. They can test the game in thousands of ways, let people try it out and try to squish the bugs before release. Depending on the size and what the game lets you do, though, you get a harder or easier time doing that. You have dead-lines you need to keep and fans kicking at your door for it to be released claiming they "deserve to get the game ahead of time!". And if you change the release day for a month, the interwebs explode, you suck balls and everything is your fault. This is because the fans love you and what you do, right?


This is never the case nowadays. Bugs are a plenty in every release, patches are released before the game is even released! I blame the share holders for wanting their Christmas bonuses as much as I blame the fans for demanding the games before they are done. Patience is nothing anyone has today, just greed.


Now, a Beta for an MMO is a whole other story. Beta for MMOs primarily lets the developers try out their engine, see if it can handle the load, let people try out and discuss the features, what to improve and what not. Building a whole galaxy is an amazing feat. Making it perfect is impossible on the first go. There are over a million people going to travel all around your creation, trying to find and do everything there is to be done. This is incredibly hard to test unless you break everything down and do it incrementally. Honestly, would you like the Beta if you could only try out the Space combat, or the same Flashpoint over and over and over again? It would do the job of squishing bug perfectly, the game would be a lot more stable and nearly no spoilers would slip out! Yay!


Then again, no one would like it and boycott the game in its infancy. Forums and media would only report how ****** the game is, how little there is to be done and so on. So letting the players roam free and do what they want is their only real option, because people are greedy like that. That is not a good way to find bugs. The starting zones are quite easily the most stable zones in the game, though. That's because they have been tested the most. Other places have been tested as well, but by far less people. Tried finding a needle in a haystack much? And when you do find bugs you have to fix, trying to fix it without creating new ones is far more complex in an MMO than any other kind of game.


Even if this game was on a console, where the perfect game really needs to be for everyone to enjoy it (with millions of unique PC's out there), we have to face facts: This game would be impossible on a console, and not nearly as many would be able play it. It's on PC because that's where it supposed to be. And with it comes millions of voices with millions of opinions and set-ups. Face it, you are asking for the impossible to be done, from an already impossible product! Give it a rest, please! Let it grow. If you don't enjoy it now, come back later.

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The loading bar gets to about 10% and stops. Am I doing something wrong?


Tried it 10 times, still never plays just shows a little of the movie loading and stops.


Is this what you call advertising?


No, thats just BW at their finest, trying to release new content without fixing there current content.

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Yeeesh, what is wrong with ppl? Everyone expects the game to be finished within the first month of being live? This isn't WoW, you can't even compare them! That's like comparing a seed to a full grown tree. WoW has been out for ages and STILL isn't finished, mind you...


That's probably the best analogy for this that I've seen on here. Good job. Unfortunately people these days are too used to instant gratification. They don't want to wait for the game to grow into itself.

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That's probably the best analogy for this that I've seen on here. Good job. Unfortunately people these days are too used to instant gratification. They don't want to wait for the game to grow into itself.


True that! This game is already better then WOW in many ways IMO. For one, story. I finnaly found a game with my kind of storytelling. That is the most important aspect of a game. Now lets wait for the rest to come.

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