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Coming Up in STAR WARS: The Old Republic


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He looks worried and concerned in the video. I think they're scrambling to get things added that we asked for even in general beta back as early as July last year. UI customizations, better pvp, guild banks...Stuff that should have already been ingame, imo. These are things that customers were going to want at release. To add them and pretend they are listening just because people are just now asking for it is insulting. We asked for these things in beta. Edited by Tiam
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See what you have to look forward to in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™! This new video highlights just some of the new content and game systems coming out over the coming months, including a look at the expanded Legacy system, UI customization, and information on new Warzones and Flashpoints!


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good video and information :)


I like that he states that they listen to our feedback... it is of the most importance that the developers listen to the community.


Everyone needs to remember that starts are rough but they have years and years of expansions to come...


PVP is a failure...and though I despise EA... I trust bioware will do the right thing when push comes to shove.

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The pathetic panic is ridiculous. People forget how many problems WoW had at launch. IE: Ogrimmar and Ironforge were the only cities with Auction Houses causing entry into them to lag horrifically (bad enough to disconnect people). And pointing to accepting the communities suggestions is also completely off- WoW looks the way it does in a large part because Blizzard took parts of third party UI mods and made it standard (things like quest helper/tracker/guide, not to mention auto dismount in flight points). Its way to early to make any judgements for SWTOR and I personally think its doing really good so far. We'll see how things look 6 months to a year from now. Edited by ravendrakex
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I love the game so far in my short time here. With that said its disappointing to see new games come out that do not utilize any features that are known to be popular with other games from the start. I mean really. As much as we hate to compare other MMOs, other MMOs have blazed the trail and figured out through time what people want. Dont try to be lazy and not put them in and then come out later and say "well we are listening and thats what people want". If you would have played any other MMO made in the last 10yrs you would already know what people want. they want moddable interfaces, guild banks, PVE system that is not bound by the same nerfing and balancing of the PVP system(have yet to see anyone do this well). Not to mention things that should have never been aloud out of Beta testing.


I will give credit where its due, you guys have done something no other MMO has done for me. You have made me feel like I am part of a story line, not just running up to people and hitting accept. Just dont do things half assed like release a game then tell people you are listening and adding features that should have been in at launch.

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Good work BW, keep it up. I sinserly hope you listen to the crowd it will benefit you a lot in the end. For the ppl who whines at the forums all I can say, im sorry that your skills arent enough. I see ppl complaning about the same issues, im pvp oriented, I see most of the Republic players whine of inbalanced WZ, Imperials are OP etc, fix classes bla bla. All I can say, grow some skills. For me this is the best MMO out there by far atm. And with the updates to come, with guildbank things, pvp rank system, new WZ and the ability to choose which WZ to join, new FP and Operations all I can say, NICE! As I said in the beginning of the post, KEEP IT UP BW! And for those who whines about ability lagg in WZ, its gone? At least its fixed for me and my guildmates and the high texture? Aswell fixed on the patch from last night. PPL have a tendency to whine and not come with good arguments, instead they just faceroll themself.


SW - By far the best MMO out there!

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Focus on a Big Story didn't work with LotRO and will not work with SWOTOR.


Hope you Guys know what you do. I like the Game but it still needs a lot of work


the story is what keeps me and every other bioware/star wars fans interested... and yes. i do believe that would be a fair statement.

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Focus on a Big Story didn't work with LotRO and will not work with SWOTOR.


Hope you Guys know what you do. I like the Game but it still needs a lot of work


Why am I bumlicker? Cause im feeling a certain way? Way of an argument you got there..As I predicted..

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the story is what keeps me and every other bioware/star wars fans interested... and yes. i do believe that would be a fair statement.


i played almost every mmo out there sadly. played WoW the longest but started palying like 4 times a month cuz the story is SUCKS now i cant play the game without wanting to just /facepalm......


so for this game to come out all voice acted story oriented! it's all i could ask for besides the high res shiz

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At the end he says something like:


"we are always listening to the comunity"


:D:D:D:D:D:D .... :mad::mad::mad::mad:


sure????? Lets see:


Ability Delay

Game performance (FPS)

Europe maintenance times

and so on


It isn't even funny


You're leaving out ALL the other **** they ARE adding to the game that we DID ask for.


I can't believe how stupid some of you posters are. It's killing me

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He looks worried and concerned in the video. I think they're scrambling to get things added that we asked for even in general beta back as early as July last year. UI customizations, better pvp, guild banks...Stuff that should have already been ingame, imo. These are things that customers were going to want at release. To add them and pretend they are listening just because people are just now asking for it is insulting. We asked for these things in beta.


And now you're getting them.


It takes time to add content and features. It's not just a matter of asking for it, can't believe I even have to explain this to anyone at this point.

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