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Grappling to the safe zone in Huttball: Auto Kill


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What?? Do you realize that if you grapple them past the ramp boundary it scores a goal? Therefore the only thing that the other team needs to do is pass to beat this so called goal keeper? Also force speed completely counters it as well.


You realize if you grapple them and they scored, you grappled them too late? You do it at the right place, it doesn't score. Force speed doesn't counter it, i've done it to someone force speeding through the fire, had to time it just right tho.

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Don't forget that a choke or soemthing like that from an ally ruins your grapple. Today lost a gem due to this (draw and enemy got the ball). I pulled the enemy up and with his left toe he touched he almost tocuhed the barrier, but was ina choke grip... choke died and he got his score. I don't see the point to choke a guy or stun a guy the last few meters when he is being healed and at full hp.


It is time people stop doing silly stuns, you want to stun only when they cross a firepit and when in your endzone only use pushes/ knockbacks etc. If you cannot pull or push you are probably better of going mid for a counter. There is no use sticking around your endzone and wait for another train run towards you.

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I have a great grapple story that happened today.


Screenshot: http://www.risengaming.com/swtor/grapple_lol.jpg


What do you notice? This somehow started out as an 8 vs 3 game. (I really have no idea why, I guess a premade didn't take their queue or something and it didn't fill up). Either way, game started and the 120 sec timer ticked down due to not being enough players.


I was desperate to get my warzone win in. (Short on time today), and this was pretty much a guaranteed loss for me and my two random server friends in distress.


First ball carrier gets to the line: Grapple them and they don't score. Ball gets reset.


Timer on match about to run out, and they bring the ball just down the ramp with 8 seconds left.


Grappled them again. This time though, my team mate was near the goal line so the ball went to him instead of resetting. Time on match ran out and we ended up victorious!


Note: I do not use this feature in regular matches. But under the circumstances, I didn't see why not. It got us the win when thanks to the game staring with such uneven teams we should have lost!




I was laughing so hard at the end of that match.

Edited by exphryl
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The unbalanced game matches 3vs8, 4vs8, 5vs8 has happened 3 times yesterday. The system might be bugged. In each game when outmatched all opposing players just start ganking players and ignore objectives. Somehow in the 5vs8 (and 4vs8) we still managed to do objectives. There was a lot of spawn camping and as soon as you respawned people tried to pull you of the ledge and gank and spamm, but if you pulled them into the spawnzone and make them explode you get the cheater comment from the spawncampers.


Seems to me Bioware in their wisdom has beaten spawncampers to their usual game, huttball is the only real PvP warzone that negates the effects of overpowered PvP gear (you will understand when getting to 50 and fighting 50’s with a lot of PvP gear like me and you still run around with your quest loot). I don't understand why so many people whine about the powertechs grapple, not only the spawnzone, but also the acid and firepits.


Yesterday I had some guy called Argum calling me a cheater and harassing me in the game and pubic chat channels. This is a player who scores around 400k DPS and tops the charts unless he gets pulled into fires and acid or the spawnzones from his camping position. Seems especially heavy dps are biased players... us shieldtech tanks having almost no shield proc in PvP, we are supposed to be filler to them or so they wish:




See the amount of dirty knockbacks that jedi uses, how little the armor does for that poor BH and that we need a ship to do our DPS!, but we only need one grapple to level the playing field.... boooyah!

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