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Grappling to the safe zone in Huttball: Auto Kill


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i do this every chance i get. you can also do this in alderan if the middle people are being too aggressive and chasing you to the landing pad.


its especially good at breaking up little camping parties the other team is having in your endzone.


the best was when i grappled a player JUST as they were about to recieve a pass and score.

Edited by Fuggles
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yeah, it will get patched eventually


Why would it need patching? It's the same as pulling some one into fire/acid.


If it was unavoidable it would need a patch, but good players can easily avoid it. The grapple kill doesn't work if you do it slightly past maximum distance. Once past maximum range a grapple will score a point. So a smart player can pass the ball closer to the goal line or force run in.


Both passing the ball and force running in negate this strategy. Therefore it's not game breaking or something that needs to be taken out of the game. It's just a high skill cap strategy.

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Anyone else think this is hilarious?


Some folks will call it clever use of game mechanics.


I consider it an exploit and never make use of it.


It doesn't seem like a fair way to play the game. A tank with a ranged pull could literally sit on their shelf and prevent the other side from scoring.


It should get fixed.

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Some folks will call it clever use of game mechanics.


I consider it an exploit and never make use of it.


It doesn't seem like a fair way to play the game. A tank with a ranged pull could literally sit on their shelf and prevent the other side from scoring.


It should get fixed.




It's not an exploit it's there on purpose to keep opposing teams from camping spawn points. Sometimes it works out well in huttball that the other teams about to score right as your coming off a death. It's also good for those teams that use the strategy of always keeping someone at the score area to pass to. there's absolutely nothing exploitative about it, it was designed that way as an anti camp measure.

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Why would it need patching? It's the same as pulling some one into fire/acid.


If it was unavoidable it would need a patch, but good players can easily avoid it. The grapple kill doesn't work if you do it slightly past maximum distance. Once past maximum range a grapple will score a point. So a smart player can pass the ball closer to the goal line or force run in.


Both passing the ball and force running in negate this strategy. Therefore it's not game breaking or something that needs to be taken out of the game. It's just a high skill cap strategy.


Its an instant kill designed to prevent players camping the spawn... they will make it something like the fire where when you enter the area you begin taking damage... its not supposed to be an instant kill... anyone who doesn't see this as an exploit is fooling themselves

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If you have ever played Warhammer Online you know this is not an exploit. It is intentional game design. Both sides can do it and it is intended to help you break any spawn camps that may occur.


I used to think it was exploit and not do it. But someone pointed me to a post about a BW response that it was working as intended basically. So now i do it all the time. Saved my team a win a few times.

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I'm of two minds.


First I think it should be patched so that it cannot stop the ball carrier from scoring. If the ball carrier crosses the line they should score.


That being said I do use the ability on anyone that likes to camp our respawn area, if I catch people waiting to attack my team as a group as they re-spawn in order to try and keep us pinned in the re-spawn area, then yeah I go on a fishing expedition.

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Some folks will call it clever use of game mechanics.


I consider it an exploit and never make use of it.


It doesn't seem like a fair way to play the game. A tank with a ranged pull could literally sit on their shelf and prevent the other side from scoring.


It should get fixed.


Like a goal keeper?

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A tank with a ranged pull could literally sit on their shelf and prevent the other side from scoring.


Sorry, but this is incorrect. Notice that you will have a respawn debuff running even while waiting for the shield to drop. Once the debuff runs out, you get booted out of the WZ. At best it allows a ranged pull as a last second save. But it's not like tanks with ranged pulls will be sitting there camping any potential scorers.

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If you have ever played Warhammer Online you know this is not an exploit. It is intentional game design. Both sides can do it and it is intended to help you break any spawn camps that may occur.


This is not Warhammer Online.


And FWIW, yes I played WAR, and I wrote the oft-referenced Bright Wizard and Swordmaster Guides and videos back when I played it.


I used to think it was exploit and not do it. But someone pointed me to a post about a BW response that it was working as intended basically. So now i do it all the time. Saved my team a win a few times.


Can you link me this post?


I'll look on the Dev Tracker but if you know offhand where it is, I'd love to read it.

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This is not Warhammer Online.


And FWIW, yes I played WAR, and I wrote the oft-referenced Bright Wizard and Swordmaster Guides and videos back when I played it.




Can you link me this post?


I'll look on the Dev Tracker but if you know offhand where it is, I'd love to read it.


I think they mean this thread but I it doesnt seem legit enough to me



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I think they mean this thread but I it doesnt seem legit enough to me




Thanks for posting that.


The thing is, we have a player posting a copied-and-pasted text, not a screenshot or something that would at least be less easy to forge.


I'll see whether I can get a response from a Dev about this.

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After learning about this move i decided to play goalie in a huttball match (you can avoid the safe zone debuff by running to the elvated sides). No One Scored. The nerd-rage that followed promted me to open a ticket to see if this was legal. After 2 days i was able to chat with the service droid who did confirm that this is an unintended use of mechanics that could lead to a ban.


I wish screen shotted the droids response for you guy. I also wish i got a screen shot of the nerd rage, i chuckle about it to this day!


Use this move at your own discretion.

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A goal keeper who has a 100% save percentage, except against Resolve targets.


I'm not telling you folks not to use it. Do it if you are comfortable with it. I think it's cheese and therefore do not.


What?? Do you realize that if you grapple them past the ramp boundary it scores a goal? Therefore the only thing that the other team needs to do is pass to beat this so called goal keeper? Also force speed completely counters it as well.

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You can disable the BH or you can throw the ball at him. The grapple atctic it is not fail safe. It is a very valid tactic that can be countered, but it is too hardcore for most people that have slow response times so it will get nerfed.


You can also have a teammate at the line against the wall who can't be targetted from the plateau and throw the ball to your teammate. You are only in range when slightly onto (into) the scoring plateau. The ball throw has a range advantage as you have to score at the line and the pull is a fair bit behind that line. Combine these two and you can throw to your teammate out of the range of the grapple, with your teammate completely safe. To be sure to be out of range throw from the ramp, if you play a decent amount of PvP you get the hang of this.


I do hope this stays in the game, it makes games fast paced and high quality along with people pushing you into the acid or being grappled into a flame jet. Suicide tactics are valid tactics in huttball, don't let static noobs determine the game... you don't remove keys from a piano to make it easier to play do you?


The BH can also not stay indefinitly up at that ramp. You can only stay there for roughly 30 sec or you get booted as it stil counts as the spawnzone. All players have to leave the spawnzone or get removed after some time. So with all the counters, how is it OP? It is not OP only hardcore.


Not to mention in random games noobs will spamm those last few steps with disables and the resolve will make the grapple useless.


EDIT: If you tried this and it is a score he threw the ball or some noob on your team casts an electro dart or equivalent other class skill cancelling a complete pull.

Edited by Stonewall_Jack
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