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What does pvp Jugg do best?


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Currently i have Jugg, Operative, Powertech all around 30. I am enjoying Jugg the most, but I know the game changes drastically in 50 pvp.


Since there is such an overabundance of QQ on the forums, i would like to hear some opinions on what you higher level Juggs believe the class really excels at. Instead of focusing on what other classes do better, let's discuss what we do best and build around that.


What is unique about Jugg that sets us apart?

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As an Immortal Juggernaut, I can harass the **** out of a healer.



Force Choke (Not channeled on an Immortal Jug, can Ravage while they're hanging, big damage combo)




Force Push

Wait for Cast

Charge (stuns on an Immortal Jug)



As you can see, you can keep a caster from getting off any decent heal for quite a while.


This also works wonders against Consular/Sorc DPSers, as you really cut their DPS off while you slowly whittle them down.

Edited by Yfelsung
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