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'Casuals' Vs 'Hardcore'!


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I'm semi. Got some pretty nice gear, not the best but still working on upgrades. In a guild that had two raid groups doing all the OPs and we have planet firsts on most major kills. I just can't commit enough time at present to be hardcore is all.
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I've spent the last weeks in this game.. give our take a few days (christmas, birthday parties) in this game for about 4-6 hours daily, longer during the week-ends (10 hours a day? maybe more)... I've yet to have a single character reach lvl 50 and my pvp ranks are also pretty low still (I think my highest is 7 or 8)


am I hardcore or casual?


do I have to be concerned? the attitute 'hardcore' gamer have kinda scares me :/

(it reminds me of the 15 year old 'vegan straight edge' kids)

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I think your idea of what a "casual" (as you stated "Carebear") is a bit flawed. Since you insist on using that derogatory term to describe my playstyle, I'll continue to use "basement dweller" for your playstyle. :rolleyes:


I'm considered casual, I play to relax a few hours a day. I do like a challenge but most of all, I like to enjoy the storyline and take my time to lvl 50.


So, does that make your $15 a month better than mine? Just curious.



never once said Carebear = Casual. Casual is just a denotation to how much time you spend playing games. You can have casual hardcore players.


Carebears are players that Only want PvE, And Hate PvP. They avoid it like the plague most the time. This is where warzones/battle front/ and what ever other queued for pvp instances are called come from. This is called the Carebear version of pvp. Cause its nice, and controlled, and does not have to be done if they don't want it. Carebears also hate challenges. This is where "raiding" comes from, Its a puzzle game in which people figure it out, and after that its simple as pie to do, so long as everyone does their part to spec.


So no, your $15 a month means no more then mine and the same way around. the game is the way it is. Its not hardcore in any way, and never will be.

Edited by MadcatGTs
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never once said Carebear = Casual. Casual is just a denotation to how much time you spend playing games. You can have casual hardcore players.


Carebears are players that Only want PvE, And Hate PvP. They avoid it like the plague most the time. This is where warzones/battle front/ and what ever other queued for pvp instances are called come from. This is called the Carebear version of pvp. Cause its nice, and controlled, and does not have to be done if they don't want it. Carebears also hate challenges. This is where "raiding" comes from, Its a puzzle game in which people figure it out, and after that its simple as pie to do, so long as everyone does their part to spec.


So no, your $15 a month means no more then mine and the same way around. the game is the way it is. Its not hardcore in any way, and never will be.


may I see your 'source' for this definition?


it's funny really, because before coming to these forums I didn't even know there was a .term. for people who 'avoid pvp like the plague', yet alone that people supposedly have to feel bad about it. especially since - according to you - not wanting pvp (or with your understanding 'real' PVP) means you don't like challenge...


wow. you sir, win the internet

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may I see your 'source' for this definition?


it's funny really, because before coming to these forums I didn't even know there was a .term. for people who 'avoid pvp like the plague', yet alone that people supposedly have to feel bad about it. especially since - according to you - not wanting pvp (or with your understanding 'real' PVP) means you don't like challenge...


wow. you sir, win the internet


The term is common among PvP centered MMO's. Plus, who says you have to feel bad about it? Its a term to label people. If you take it derogatory then thats on you. Its like calling a white man "white", and then him getting pissed off at you for calling him white.


Though you also have to understand stereotypes are stereotypes, not every soul will fit in to them perfectly. There very well may be carebears that like a challenge, but as a whole carebears do not. This is why and how a stereotype is born. So yes, theres always exceptions to the rule, as everyone should know.


Though, you could be a hardcore carebear, where you love challenge, but hate pvp. These are rare beasts, but they do exist. Much like a crafter i knew of in darkfall. Dude didn't like pvp but he could craft anything and everything in the game. He was well known for it, and he liked that the game was hardcore.

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The term is common among PvP centered MMO's. Plus, who says you have to feel bad about it? Its a term to label people. If you take it derogatory then thats on you. Its like calling a white man white, and then him getting pissed off at you for calling him white.


Though you also have to understand stereotypes are stereotypes, not every soul will fit in to them perfectly. There very well may be carebears that like a challenge, but as a whole carebears do not. This is why and how a stereotype is born. So yes, theres always exceptions to the rule, as everyone should know.


and since when is this a pvp-centred MMO? afaik the devs even had to decide on whether or not they do any PVP at all.. (hence they eventually giving the WAR people the job)


no. it's not like calling a white man white. it's called a pve-player a carebear. what's the equivalent term for pvp-player? (though until reading your description I considered myself a PVP-player... but aparently warzones are not actual PVP... good thing we made that clear)


please have mercy upon my poor soul because you speak in weird lingo to me.

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Well by what seems to be the definitions posted here I'm a 'hardcore, casual, carebear, non-carebear' gamer. :)


I've spent quite a bit of money recently on a brand new gaming oriented rig.


In other games I'm primarily a 'raider' raiding at the highest level of content. In other games I've played on PVP servers and am at the highest rank in the games. In other games I've played tons (lots of hours in the day) most every day to the point where I've done pretty much everything I can and just raid. In other games I crunch numbers, parse and constantly work on things like the best rotations. I lead raids and will pass over players that can't cut it at the more elite levels.


Here in this game I'm more the definition of what seems to be a 'casual'.


I'm not concerned about getting to max level quick at all, will probably raid eventually but it's not a 'go go go' goal and I could care less about pvping. Just not interested. I


Thing is I like it that way. I chose to buy the game in the first place because after playing beta a few times and reading and watching info about it, it was quite clear to me that this wasn't as people say a 'hardcore' game or even meant to be one. Came in with the expectation that while some of that sort of content was there and likely to come in the future it wouldn't be super fantabulous 'hardcore' pew pew.



If I wanted that I would be somewhere else which I am. I still raid regularly in another game and have no plans at stopping.



I'm enjoying this game just fine because of it's more 'casual' nature compared to others. It's something I play and just goof around on. I'm liking that it has options. I like it's SP feel and the fact that I can log on and play around by myself or group with people depending on my mood. I like how I can play for an hour, accomplish a bit and not feel like I need to 'go go go, grind, grind' to get anywhere or 'keep up'.


I agree it does cater more to 'casual' type play rather then 'hardcore' and I'm perfectly fine with that. As a 'hardcore' gamer (elsewhere) I'm enjoying it. In some ways it feels like a fun break. Not that the other style of gaming isn't fun. It is. It's just a different sort of fun.

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Very much agree... "Oh look, fury warriors are now doing comparable damage to other classes in PVE..... no wait, we have to nerf them, some PvP scrub complained that once every 5 minutes, if he doesn't bother with CC or defensve cooldowns or tranq'ing the enrages, a Fury warrior can do good burst damage."


Haha, sadly this is all true. Thing is when something comes to be "flavor of the month" so-to-say thousands of people cry out calling for nerfs even if nothing has been changed from previous patches. It will eventually happen that thousands of people that are "hardcore PvP'rs" will call out for nerfs on a class that is still in need for the PvE aspect of things and then you get something like WoW. I have played a warrior since vanilla WoW and have seen many changes but just as I've told my guild in WoW "those who complain about a little nerf don't deserve to play that class, those who play every class and cry about nerfs should just quit." When blizz took away my 5% dmg as a fury warrior I was pissed and made arms the "flavor of the month" but I still rock fury because I know how to work it, those who DON'T complain about nerfs and find a way around are the true "Hardcore" players, those who cry and complain until they get their way are the true "Casuals".


I intend on being one of those "Hardcore" players that works through everything and gets better due to it.

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and since when is this a pvp-centred MMO? afaik the devs even had to decide on whether or not they do any PVP at all.. (hence they eventually giving the WAR people the job)


no. it's not like calling a white man white. it's called a pve-player a carebear. what's the equivalent term for pvp-player? (though until reading your description I considered myself a PVP-player... but aparently warzones are not actual PVP... good thing we made that clear)


please have mercy upon my poor soul because you speak in weird lingo to me.


Who said this was a PvP centered MMO? its very much a PvE centered MMO. No clue what the Term PvE'er have Given PvP'ers cause really, this is the first MMO that i have tryed that was PvE centered.


Now on warzones... Would you said COD is PvP? Or any other FPS game is PvP? how about LoL, or other games like it? mortal combat, is that PvP? How about Soul Caliber? is that PvP? Now looking at all those, What is different from them and warzones? nothing. Theres no true conflict in any of them games. You gain nothing, and Lose nothing. Despite that they are still fun, but not truly PvP in a MMO aspect.

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Who said this was a PvP centered MMO? its very much a PvE centered MMO. No clue what the Term PvE'er have Given PvP'ers cause really, this is the first MMO that i have tryed that was PvE centered.


Now on warzones... Would you said COD is PvP? Or any other FPS game is PvP? how about LoL, or other games like it? mortal combat, is that PvP? How about Soul Caliber? is that PvP? Now looking at all those, What is different from them and warzones? nothing. Theres no true conflict in any of them games. You gain nothing, and Lose nothing. Despite that they are still fun, but not truly PvP in a MMO aspect.


obviously the online mode of fps is far more 'PvP' than this game will .ever. be, and I don't care about the games you mentioned enough to care if you want to include them in your mighty definition of 'PVP'

hence it's ridiculous to claim the 'real' pvp-players are the ones doing nothing but striding along Illum all day/night...


however, I really wonder what kind of gamer .you. are because I can assure you that neither you nor me are 'hardcore' gamer by any means (did that term even exist before WoW? I honestly can't remember but it seems to have a significent increase in usage over the last couple of years...)

Edited by amnie
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