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Subscription cancelled - Maintenance


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I know that they are trying to enhance the game. I understand that. I do enjoy the game, its just that it is particuarly annoying that it takes place during my peak time. Yes they cant please everyone, but why dont they do this crap early morning or middle of the night.....really. its pathetic.


And yes, wasnt their a major patch yesterday, why another one? Of course its detrimental to my experience of the game. Paying for a product I cant use in primetime. Thats why I cancelled, because it doesnt set a good tone for the future. First Impressions are everything.....




I think Vanguard had a better launch.

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Basically what my title says: Work in the MORNING play at NIGHT! like the rest of the million players... if you can't...well we will not miss you much since we NEVER saw you in those hours that you vampires play....


Don't you get it? Some people can't play tonight because their time zone is GMT+4, which means the servers are off from 6pm-10pm. Jeez.

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Because of ameteruish management and timing with this patch. Simply pathetic, and one way to turn customers away.


Any other good MMO's to have a look at at the moment?


So you know you're in the minority, but you're complaining anyway...


Huh? Would you rather they take the game down in the majority's prime-time and make more people unhappy?

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So you know you're in the minority, but you're complaining anyway...


Huh? Would you rather they take the game down in the majority's prime-time and make more people unhappy?


No. They should maintain the EU servers in the EU's off-peak hours.

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No, YOU have never played during an mmo launch before. Sure, I've seen some abysmal launches with extended server downtimes and the like during the first week - and I've also seen each and every one of those particular games go on to fail spectacularly.


I've never seen a polished, competant product take their servers down for 2 consecutive days because they couldn't combine maint and content launch.


are you kidding? routinely SWG went down for two days at a time here. server crashes nerfs so bad that characters were useless. WOW was unplayable for awhile from what I read on the forums here.


the game is still young this is their first big patch and as everyone has pointed out they are new to the MMO business. Alittle slack can be given.



and as for prime time.. it isnt prime time in america..where the game was produced and the servers are launched from,, as well as the updates are done.


could they stagger the launches of updates for the two regions? sure. but that wont stop people from logging into the american servers to see the new updates a day or so early.

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Did I get this right? The servers down for eight hours one day and then down for six hours the next? I don't think I've ever seen that in an mmo - usually server downtime for new content launch is combined with scheduled maintenance, and extended for an hour or two.


It's a tad annoying when it occurs during the day, yet I can't say I'm that bothered about it. Yet it is a fairly average game, and if I keep finding servers down during my time off work I'm not sure if I'll bother justifying the cost of the monthly sub any longer.


Then you never played vanilla wow or wow bc :)

i remember after a patch servers downed for 3 days... then another patch.. servers come up 10h late to be downed 2h later...

A patch comes.. servers crush each 30 mins... Blizzard was giving free 1 day playtime or 100% rested exp for leveling for those stuff... im sure i played almost 90 days free at vanilla, which i came late even :)


Yea, there have been many many worst cases, they will learn and fix in time...

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Then you never played vanilla wow or wow bc :)

i remember after a patch servers downed for 3 days... then another patch.. servers come up 10h late to be downed 2h later...

A patch comes.. servers crush each 30 mins... Blizzard was giving free 1 day playtime or 100% rested exp for leveling for those stuff... im sure i played almost 90 days free at vanilla, which i came late even :)


Yea, there have been many many worst cases, they will learn and fix in time...


There is a difference here. Blizzard gave us time back.

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No. They should maintain the EU servers in the EU's off-peak hours.


I agree. Unfortunately that isn't the case right now, so the minority will have to suffer (hopefully not for long).


So far as I can tell, they're working on an answer.

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Well problem and fix is easy..

Problem : Split maintance time, eu players will go make chars in us.... Us will go make chars in eu, over crowding servers for nothing.


Fix : block character creation during one's maintance and limit character creating in us and eu at once :p aka shouldnt be able to make 10 chars in us and 10 at eu.. u gotta pick a side :p

Edited by dirtycarebear
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Btw free day or rested exp aplied to only if servers stayed shut more than 10h :p so calculate it urself lol


Rubbish. I had plenty of free days when the servers were down for less than 10 hours. That might be there policy now, but it most certainly wasn't between 2005 and 2008 when I played WoW a great deal.

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Well problem and fix is easy..

Problem : Split maintance time, eu players will go make chars in us.... Us will go make chars in eu, over crowding servers for nothing.


Fix : block character creation during one's maintance and limit character creating in us and eu at once :p aka shouldnt be able to make 10 chars in us and 10 at eu.. u gotta pick a side :p


US player will be sleeping that why it's done at that time.Why would they get up or stay awake just to roll on EU servers and vice versa?

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We appreciate you taking the time to express your thoughts and concerns, but will be closing this thread, as there is little room for constructive discussion. We encourage you to make threads about specific game-related topics if you like and wish you the best.


We also have a thread on the topic of maintenance and feedback specifically from our EU community located here:


Weekly server maintenance EU times?


If you would like to make constructive suggestions geared towards improvement of the game, or discuss game issues/bugs, we encourage you to participate in the following threads:


The Ultimate Bug List

The Suggestion Compilation


Thank you!

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