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Ok so we know we are getting a new LFG system...


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Hey can you guys help me with my class quest after this? Ahh we'd love to but we're not on your server. Dang that sucks, alright well do you want to take down the world boss? No we cant help you, shut your whining hole and pull ffs. Its cool, see you on the fleet maybe?


Cute :)

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So why would I want a cross server LFG tool if I dont have a problem finding a group? It seems like it might make it harder for me and ruin the friendship building that comes from teaming up on the same server.


Hey can you guys help me with my class quest after this? Ahh we'd love to but we're not on your server. Dang that sucks, alright well do you want to take down the world boss? No we cant help you, shut your whining hole and pull ffs. Its cool, see you on the fleet maybe?


Yea because having the option to use the LFG tool means you can't group with anyone else on your server... oh wait.

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I never really understood that one. Do some people find watching load screens fun? Or riding a speeder through an area you've seen million times? Or just standing at the entrance to the instance, not doing anything, WAITING for others to arrive?




Though I do hate the load screen to the Imperial Fleet. I think teleporting people to the instance is way WAY to care-bearish...

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They are seriously going to add a LFG system?

Just because those who power leveled to 50 can't find people for flashpoints?


Give it some time, in a month or 2 there will be many many more 50's.

People are just taking their time enjoying the leveling up and exploring different classes.


This is just stupid really to make changes like this now.

They should wait and see how things turn out when the majority is lvl 50.


I was level 18 at about 19h00 (7 pm) and had a hard time to find 3-4 players for Hammer Station or any mission on Balmorra.

Not to mention the requirements of tank, healer and damage.

Edited by genpion
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The problem with the current LFG system is that most people don't want to deal with others. Although it would be nice to think that it is easy to get a group by constantly spamming chat, it really isn't. I found that most of the time when I say "LFG ____", I get 1-2 people who near instantly whisper me, saying that they will join. After that, me and the party I just formed have to wait around 30 minutes until we finally give up searching for someone and decide to do the 4-man quest without our last person. While we are out tripping over ourselves and all around failing to do the content since we are undermanned, we see some idiot that is trying to solo the content by himself. We add him to our group, but he promptly rejects and puts us on ignore. That may seem like a really funny and rare scenario, but it has happened to me frequently.


The current LFG system does not make people more social. It only really causes the less social people to shy away from instances and quests because they do not want to deal with the time it takes to form a party, and talking with the party that is forming. I have gone through so many quests where NOBODY talks. It always starts off with either me or someone else saying "Hello!" and being ignored. Then it goes on to me or someone else, again, trying to make side comments in order to start conversation. Then at the end, me or someone else say "Ty for group!" to which the party responds with "K" or "Yup".


This LFG system also does not prevent ninja needing, idiots who like to rush, or all around jerks who think they are above everyone else and seek to slap people with their e-peen.


I don't really think that a new LFG tool will cause all the problems that have been described in this thread since they already exist in the game.

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I don't... I just don't like wasting my gaming time for tedious and unneeded things...


Please do take this lightly ;)


But one could argue there is a lot of time spent in MMOs carrying out tedious and unneeded things all over the place, it is the nature of the beast we sell our souls to.


Although I would agree that some innovative low(ish) cool down mechanisms to get to places that you have been to before would be very nice. Perhaps a "teleport device" loot drop with limited reuse or a credit charge like the taxis has. I am sure a healthy market for such devices could be found if a clever designer thought this one through a bit.

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Please do take this lightly ;)


But one could argue there is a lot of time spent in MMOs carrying out tedious and unneeded things all over the place, it is the nature of the beast we sell our souls to.


Yea, and that's exactly why I don't see any reason to multiply those moments of doing nothing... I would rather actually play the game than wait 10 minutes because someone thought going through 5 different transitions and load screens is a good idea :( Sadly, with a family, full-time job and a nightmare traffic in my city my play time is very limited. Why does it have to be futher decreased by unnecessary (and IMHO stupid) timesinks?


Although I would agree that some innovative low(ish) cool down mechanisms to get to places that you have been to before would be very nice. Perhaps a "teleport device" loot drop with limited reuse or a credit charge like the taxis has. I am sure a healthy market for such devices could be found if a clever designer thought this one through a bit.


You already have a ship with a crew - why don't they just pick you up when you need it...? Just saying...

Edited by Khelien
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lol, as soon as we get cross server, we'll be back to the "gogogo" mentallity of wow.


I know it said in the dev tracker that they don't think it's a good idea right now, but guess it's coming. Oh joy.


Luckily I've made a long friendslist by now and may never have to resort to the instant gratification of Dungeon Finder again.


lobby game incomming.


Actually the "gogo" mentality came way before the lfg system was implemented. Thank the tanks that with large health pools being able to pull multiple mobs while the healer just spam heals. Last time I check, if any tank try to pull off that type of stunt in here, they will most likely die in like 10 seconds even with a healer spamming heals on him. It's a shame how a few bad experiences can give off up such hatred / fear and to some extent, ignorance.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but most of these flashpoints are located in the One spot where the space cruisers are at. right? So, Technically we've already been playing the "lobby game" for a while now. Atleast I do when I'm looking for a healer or sometimes a dps during the late nights or mornings. WoW instances are placed scattered across different zones and continents so I can see how lfg contribute to some of the decline the need to explore and travel. However, ToR's flashpoints are most located at the bottom level of the ship. We can still go different planets and quest while wait for que to pop up.


I know most people keep referring group with "Friends" or "Guildmates" which is fine, but not the end all solution. I mean there are people who are guild-less, people who may do not want team up with their guildmates, or they log on late or early and everyone is still asleep. Even with friends, for example, me being night owl, most of my friends are asleep so either I keep quest by myself or sometimes I look / make a group for a FP.


I admit tho the lfg does need some REAL good tweaking. First they should start with a basic lfg system and then like someone suggested before, have a few features that sort out players. For example, add like checklist and players check on personality of different gamers they are comfortable with. Another example one be that there should be a system where it records our gameplay and match us with people who are similar.


TLDR version: LFG System has potential don't treat it like is the black plague.

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There needs to be a middle ground between the current SWTOR LFG and WOW. (for the record the WOW model ruined any server community that was there during the start of wow)


I spend 20 mins the other day trying to find a better way to use the LFG to find a group, as spamming general isn't ideal.


The friends list


The automatic suggestion of adding friends at the completion of the quest is great, however the next bit falls flat...


If you open your friends list, can you tell if any of them have a LFG comment active? The answer is no at the moment. Apart from whisper spamming people on your friends list which are in the appropiate level the friends list as it is offers no advantage to finding a group.


The Who and search option. Ok replacing the area with LFG at the top shows everyone with active LFG comments, however I then tested a LFG Black, knowing there was someone with LFG Black Talon as a comment. Guess what they then dropped off the list. The search function apart from just using LFG as a filter seems to be useless too.


Suggestion (no point in complaining unless I offer a suggestion)


What I would like to see.


A tick box menu of all the flashpoints you would like to do, which you then tick. Depending on where you had spend your talent points it automatically assigns you a role (nothing more complicated than it checks which tree has the most talent points). You would then be visable on a new LFG tool.


You are then prompted to search the new LFG tool, which brings back all the not full groups which are looking for the same flashpoints as you. Scrolling over them would show the following, how many people are already in the group with their automatically assigned role and if they are on your friends or ignore list. IMPORTANT BIT this will mean those who act like idiots will suffer the consquences, and those who behave will find it easier to find groups.


That's basically what I want to see.


Now it would be nice if the following was added but not essential.


If you could add a comment to your group with details like "spacebar speed run", "no needing for companions" etc


You could see a group with more than 1 person, and you could invite yourself. The group leader would then get a prompt saying that they have requested an invite with the role and if they are on the group leaders friend or ignore list. It would be upto them to accept and invite or decline. If they decline then there would need to be a cooldown of 10 mins from requesting another invite so they can spam the same person again and again.


All of this would be NOT x-server (my preference anyway)

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Until there is an official word about this, its all nonsense by a forum troll who is on ignore by most people anyways.


Fact is, if they add such a tool like wow has - many people will leave the game or just dont queue for it. The queue times will sky rock like at wow with 40-50 min and then we get the same cry babys here at the forum again, that wanted such a tool.



These tools dont work at MMO´s, wow has proven this well and if BW doesnt come up with a mega new LFG tool system it will fail here as well.


LFR as been very successful in WOW.

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