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When does the Sith Warrior story get...good? (Spoilers)


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I have loved the story so far. Everyone feels they have to STAY strictly dark side or light side for some reason... sure there is bonuses if you go full tier 5 but really, is it that big of deal?


I selected options based on how I play my character and the the situation, i'm currently tier 3 dark side, however I have a TON of light side points. It has been pretty crazy, and probably a lot more interesting if I just chose one option and stuck with it. I killed those who deserved it, and made allies with those who were use to me. I spared people because I felt they were deserving, and then others... well they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Taris and Alderaan were very exciting story areas. I'm lvl 45 and have yet to see the climax but I really am enjoying the hell out of it.



Ever since Baras suddenly turned on me (I really thought they were going to give the option when to turn on him - this was pleasantly surprising) I have gone on a dark sided pissed off spree. The DS options are much more warranted at this point as well. It fit well with a character who is angered at his masters betrayal. Its rewarding to those who used it as fuel for the dark side, as well as those who seek peace and calmness in the situation as a light side sith. It's very fitting to the canon.


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When does the SW story get good? Wow... Up through the end of Tattoine, I find that I completely love the SW story as a mostly LS play style and completely hate the SI story as a mostly DS play style.


The SI is basically a cliche evil story where you're out for yourself and will completely stab anyone in the back (or manipulate them as you see fit). As a villain, it's boringly predicatable. Though my SI tank started out as my main character, the boring class quest story has really turned me off of the class. While Nar Shaddaa has at least some value as we finally stopped with all of the obvious plot lines, it quickly reverted back to its boring state by Tattoine.


Yet my SW character has been a surprising joy. As a kind of militant LS aligned samurai character, the story has been surprisingly complex. Being able to get +LS pts for sparing people (even though you know that your master will interrogate, torture, and kill them) is just priceless. Then since the SW class has an "honor" theme, a LS character can possibly recruit their own minions. (A villain who has real minions beyond the default Companion system is really interesting.) Then since your "villain" operates by a code of honor / ethics, the SW's story gets even more priceless as your "good" opponents starting acting without honor (which ironically puts the "bad guy" on the moral high ground). Playing through Nar Shaddaa and Tattoine have been a complete joy (despite one scene where the game tries to tell me that since I have a sense of honor, I must therefore be some kind of anti-emotion jedi wanna' be).

Edited by Roda
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In response to your "spoiler"...If you remember your "first" master sends you to the holding cell area at the training hall and ask you to interrogate the 3 prisoners. One of those was an assasin (the female). Your correct choice was to recruit her instead of killing her. As the master said "she could be very usefull to the Empire". To let that guy live would be the correct choice.


That's what I'm saying, though. It's a light side choice to let that guy live. So what should be the "correct" choice, or even remotely intelligent choice, is a light side option. And that seems to happen all the time in dark/light side choices for the Empire storyline in general. I just had to switch over from dark to light early in my warrior's life because I couldn't stand making retarded decisions just to keep my dark points up. At least the light side options that aren't at face value tactically sound come off as either honorable or cleverly conniving.

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I was kind of the opposite of you on dark/light side for Sith Warrior. I started out trying to play total dark, but it just got to the point where I couldn't continue choosing dark side options because they were all stupid. Dark Side Sith warrior essentially boils down to you being a total douche and killing everything without regard for any form of tactical or utilitarian considerations.


I think the best displayed case for this is on Nar Shadaa (though this isn't really specific to the warrior):



In the last part of the planet, dealing with the hacker who managed to get into data storage for the galaxy holonet. Dark side you kill the guy. Light Side you let him live, he stays inside the data storage area for the holonet undetected by the Hutts, and transmits any relevant data to an imperial officer.


The officer mentions before you even finish the quest that he's received the travel itineraries for like 60 senators from said hacker.


So light side sith you gain possibly one of the most valuable resources possible: all relevant information concerning the Empire or Republic in the entire galactic holonet. And dark side sith you throw that away for....what? Just the opportunity to be an ******e to yet another guy you've met that's done nothing to you?



It just seems to me like Dark side choices for the empire turn you into some anarchical, nihilistic, jackhole teenager that wants to kill everything to feel dark and brooding or something.



edit: More on topic, as mentioned above, Sith Warrior gets better after Act 1. This is true for a lot of the class stories.



It's the same with Baras conversations you are either his yes man or come across as a little kid trying to be cool to his dad. This is a pretty common RPG problem they always seem to confuse evil with sociopath. You want the darkside points but feel like a petulant child for getting them.

Edited by Paralassa
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I've only completed the Inquisitor and Warrior storylines so far, but I think in the end, I preferred the Warrior storylines.


While the Inquisitor, as a whole, had a better Chapter 1 and large portions of the Warrior storyline was a bit boring, the Inquisitor had dull Chapters 2 and 3 in comparison to the Warrior who really picked up around Tatooine/Alderaan and out Chapter 2 and 3.

Quite frankly, I ended up really loving the Chapter 3 arc for the Warrior very much because it was well written and genuinely got me interested to push on to.. finish things.

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I felt similarly to the OP until the end of Nar Shaddaa. Until then, I felt like I was enjoying the story, but it wasn't jumping out at me (though I did enjoy the Vemrin rivalry).


As a light-side Sith, there were some great choices at the end of Nar Shaddaa; though it wasn't until Tatooine where I was truly 'hooked.' It felt very natural as a light-side Sith, and I thought really started the 'redemption' aspect of the storyline. All the way through all Alderaan and the end of Chapter One, it felt great.


I am excited for the next two chapters - I have heard it gets even better. I certainly feel like a powerful and renowned Sith, now!

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I'm up to Alderaan on my Female LS SW and so far have found the story very enjoyable. Granted, I only have an LS CS to compare to. The Consular story isn't as bad as every makes it out to be, it's just very straightforward. All the surprises are not that surprising (or disappointing, as in the case with who the First Son is).


So far though, the SW has been amazing. The best part about being LS? Everyone you face has no idea what to do with you. At all. And they do stupid things, and you get to make them feel stupid about it.



Like on Tatooine, and I let the Jedi Master live, and was like "Now you have to live with what you did to your apprentice, tell Jaesa I just want to talk to her." The guy feels like such a failure. Not only did I beat him physically, but I defeated him by his own code of conduct.



I do also enjoy mouthing off to Darth Barras. I just have this utter dislike for him. I know at some point I will get to kill him, and that will be (probably) the only time I get DS points, because that guy needs a lightsaber shoved though his face.



And I had to laugh when, during Vette's quest her companions told her she had found the only sweetheart Sith. I am unusually nice to Vette though. It started out as me being honorable (removing the shock collar) and her responses were so entertaining, I stuck with it and ended up really liking her character and story, so now I'm just nice to her because I find her character interesting.


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I think the general consensus is that SW story is far superior to the Inquisitor story. I know I think that. I've personally not found the Inquisitor story at all interesting, but the SW one is amazingly good after it gets properly going.
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I found that the SW story was just overall incredibly well done, although it does have it's low points.


I played through it as a lightside sith warrior and I just plain love how even as lightside you are a bastard, just a manipulative bastard instead of a mindles murder machine. And while the story is pretty much classic star wars sith story, I think that is in part what makes it work, even if it is predictable at times.

However that also means that it becomes incredibly satisfying when you get to detour from the "classic" story arc or get the chills as the realisation of others. Yes the final confrontation is something you know will happen before you even complete a single quest, but they still build it up to make it satisfying when it happens.


More than anything, i found that once you get to tattooine the story for lightside sith goes from good to outright amazing, and most of the satisfaction also comes from how the rest of the galaxy reacts to youl. Then came the end of act 1 and the character developements there for lightside easily made it one of my favorite RP videogame moments ever!


Chapter 2 got pretty slow and felt more like an interlude than anything, especially towards the end, however chapter 3 brought it all nicely together and tied all the loose ends, especially since by the time you get to the third act you are still dealing with character you have known for a long time and it feels like a personal story rather than simply "bad guy needs to be stopped.", you have a personal investement in seeing bad or good things happen to these people, including your crew members.


So far, from what I have seen only the trooper story act 1 (not through it yet) managed to tell a story that got me as hooked on what would happen next, whereas the consular story was just blah, and while the smuggler story is good fun, i don't feel an investement in the characters there, and the same thing goes for the IA so far, you do it because you are told, not because it carries significance for your character whereas the SW story is all about your character and his story.

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it gets good at the beginning. you kill your original master and show his severed hand to his daughter and after that meet some freak named Darth Baras.


the boring parts are when you have to find baras's spies


i like the companions too, they're pretty interesting folks


vette is the snarky street wise gal with a heart of gold

quinn is a very 'by the book' professional (read anal retentive)

jaesa is a pixelated hotty with a midrif and a double sided saber who calls you master

pierce is a gruff imperial soldier who doesn't necessarily like answering to scrawny 'desk jocky' officers

broonmark is a pyschotic snow alien with the heart of a sith, and he talks funny

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It sounds like you aren't very far at all in the storyline if you're just leaving Dromund Kaas. I personally loved the story, playing darkside (can't speak for the lightside although it sounds good too). I just feel like you can't make a judgement yet on how the story is because you aren't far at all in it.
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I felt similarly to the OP until the end of Nar Shaddaa. Until then, I felt like I was enjoying the story, but it wasn't jumping out at me (though I did enjoy the Vemrin rivalry).


As a light-side Sith, there were some great choices at the end of Nar Shaddaa; though it wasn't until Tatooine where I was truly 'hooked.' It felt very natural as a light-side Sith, and I thought really started the 'redemption' aspect of the storyline. All the way through all Alderaan and the end of Chapter One, it felt great.


I am excited for the next two chapters - I have heard it gets even better. I certainly feel like a powerful and renowned Sith, now!


I may have to play through a light side Sith Juggernaut (even though I already have a Sith Juggernaut dark side.. I just don't really like Marauder that much and watching a guild mate need help for every class quest past Hoth (that I 1 shot as a veng jug) was a little disheartening)

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I played my marauder as the personnal assassin of Darth Baras, acting as his blade to cut down his enemies... and learning all the gritty tricks from him as I gathered the power to get rid of him, and claim my title.


I found that playing a smart and ruthless warrior, rather than a dumb and aggressive berserker gives you better conversations. The sith warrior actually has a sense of dark humour that I like.


Pretty much the way I'm playing things....

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