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When does the Sith Warrior story get...good? (Spoilers)


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It seems that all of the stories are slow burn...you don't get into the better parts until later...


I think part of the problem also lies in narrative pacing. In most BW games you stay pretty close to your main objective the entire time...only doing a certain number of side quests (in general) before you're hit with the main plot...


In TOR, if you want to keep leveled up properly, or even ahead of level a bit, you have to go through a boatload of side quests that bog down the flow of your class quests. You don't go straight through the story.


I might compare other BW games to thrillers...always in the action...while TOR stories are like those old epic novels that are at least a thousand pages...lots of stuff to read through, but usually worth it in the end.

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I was sort of like you, OP, in that the story felt very 'meh' to me while on Dromund Kaas. I even rolled a SI to see if their story was better but eventually went back to SW.


Since the point where you first hear about Noman Karr the warrior story picks up and becomes bloody awesome. I really enjoyed it all the way through, playing a DS female. You can certainly view yourself as a glorified errand girl for the Fatman if you like, or you can see it as you're the person responsible for re-igniting the war between Empire and Republic; you're right there, all the way through - doing Baras' dirty work, yes, but you're right in the center of everything. I am not even a Star Wars fan and had to be talked into bothering with the game to begin with but the SW story really grabbed me and, in retrospect, was the absolute best thing about the game thus far.

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My Juggernaut is only level 20 but I've really enjoyed the story so far, and as a not entirely irrelevant bonus, Vette is by far my favourite companion of the many classes I've tried out (haven't yet played any to higher than lvl. 22, so I've only gotten one or two for each class).


As I just wrote in another thread, I'm playing my female Juggernaut as light side, which makes her act and sound level headed and pragmatic and willing to spare lives when there's no obvious reason to kill. When I've occasionally chosen some dark side dialogue choices (with or without any actual DS point rewards) she behaves and sounds like an obnoxious teenager's idea of "evil". It's downright laughable to listen to.

I've had similar experiences with dark side dialogue from the other Empire classes I've played. Light side choices is really the only way to play them for me if I don't want bad flashbacks to the obnoxious Anakin in the prequel movies :).

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It's amazing - although I guess not really surprising - how much opinions vary on the quality of the various class stories. No matter which story related thread you go to you'll have people who thoroughly enjoy a particular storyline and others who find it boring and predictable.


About the only pattern I've noticed so far is that the IA storyline appears to be overall getting the most praise (but obviously there are still people who dislike it) and the Jedi Consular seems to be overall ranked as the worst (with some people really enjoying it).


The SW story also generally seems to have more people praising it than the opposite. Although in this case some of the opinions have had me scratching my head as they've been from people who have revelled in playing a dark side "psychopath", while the dark side dialogue choices I've heard from my SW have been - as I said in my last post - downright laughable in that seriously annoying prequel movies Anakin kind of way.

It's of course possible that the male voice actor for the SW does a better job than the female with the dark side choices though. I love the female voice actor - third best in the game in my opinion, behind IA and Trooper - but she's certainly far more convincing with her light side dialogue than when trying to sound "evil".

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I personally enjoyed playing my Marauder as a complete sociopath, but this may be influenced by the fact that on my personal quest to kill, decapitate, and save enough heads in Skyrim to fill up my house to the brink, I discovered I wasn't allowed to kill children. This discovery pretty much made me dead set on being a complete ***hole in the next game I given the chance to be. Which happened to be this one.



Still sad I wasn't allowed to murder Quinn after his betrayal.


I agree on your spoiler....the way i played my warrior is was dark side or ****....

no way in hell he gets off the hook.

there should have been an conversation option of "....and now, I *******k your soul...."

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But to the OP....being the baras errand boy was kind of a lame stretch, but being a complete evil dick to the people i was sent to clean up made up for it. I mean come on....chuckin a ****** against the wall right before you murder her son.....PRICELESS!
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Obviously this is all subjective, but I'm actually enjoying the SW storyline the most (close second is Trooper, but that might be because I love General Garza). I will agree with the previously expressed sentiments that some of the dark side choices are completely stupid. I actually like being a string-puller and a schemer; I enjoyed the implications that while Baras thinks I'm acting as The Dragon for him, I was plotting to bring him down all along.



I hated it when he called me "apprentice" after I was made a full Sith Lord, and I enjoyed his evasive and slightly uncomfortable response when I called him out on it. I think he realized at that point that I was dangerous to him, and I was fully expecting him to betray me at some point because it was pretty obvious that I was becoming far more powerful than he.


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It's never actually good IMO, out of all the stories this one has got to be the most predictable.


predictable =! bad


The story, while predictable, felt very much like, in my mind at least, how an iconic bad guy that rises from obscurity to become an unstoppable murdertrain should be.

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predictable =! bad


The story, while predictable, felt very much like, in my mind at least, how an iconic bad guy that rises from obscurity to become an unstoppable murdertrain should be.


I like how everyone plays the same story but has extremely different ideas as to what is going on with the main character(your character).

The person over me plays his sith like, and i am venturing out on a guess here, dark-sided killingmachine. While for example, i play my Sith Warrior as a ruthless, but more lightsided roamer, she doesn't give a crap about political power or any of that scheming nonsense! Heck she doesn't even mind being Darth Chubbyface's errand boy, it got her a ship and when he finally becomes to annoying to put up with, she'll just do a Malgus and roam around, conquering planets and chilling out.


My personal wish though is that in the inevitable expansion pack, we get to hang out with Malgus as our new BFF

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I like how everyone plays the same story but has extremely different ideas as to what is going on with the main character(your character).

The person over me plays his sith like, and i am venturing out on a guess here, dark-sided killingmachine. While for example, i play my Sith Warrior as a ruthless, but more lightsided roamer, she doesn't give a crap about political power or any of that scheming nonsense! Heck she doesn't even mind being Darth Chubbyface's errand boy, it got her a ship and when he finally becomes to annoying to put up with, she'll just do a Malgus and roam around, conquering planets and chilling out.


My personal wish though is that in the inevitable expansion pack, we get to hang out with Malgus as our new BFF


Murdertrain, but close enough. You'll be disappointed about the Darth Malgus thing though I think.



Though I have yet to do the quest, he apparently betrays the Empire on Ilum.


Edited by AGoldCrayon
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I love that part on Alderaan where you storm the underground bunker and the cutscene that follows. It's so very Darth Vader.


A lot of it is very Darth Vaderish. I really feel like a Super Villain while I play my Juggernaut, I was my master's personal assassin and now..... I am something so much more...


I did my Master's bidding but I always strived wills against him whenever possible, seeking his weaknesses, letting him know in a subtle way that I would take him down and take his place one day, as is the way of the Sith.


It's been a story so many leaps and bounds ahead of the one that I played as a Sith Assassin that it's not even funny. It does right what the Sith Inquisitor story does wrong, Sith Assassins should play the warrior storyline, it makes you feel more like an Assassin. But in the recruiting their apprentice, political intrigue, participation in the war (Sith Assassin plays in a vacuum, its like "what war?" until the very last planet, Sith Warrior is pivotal in causing that war), the nature of the Sith and the Dark Side of the Force, it all goes better in the Sith Warrior story.


The only problems I've had with the Warrior story so far are a few glaring plot holes (not NEARLY as many as the SI story, IE Khem Val in "Naga Sadow's tomb" when he was Tulak Hord's assassin (Tulak Hord was hundreds of years before Naga Sadow was ever born, and Naga Sadow was never bured on Korriban)) in conversations implying I spared people that I in fact killed.

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I played my marauder as the personnal assassin of Darth Baras, acting as his blade to cut down his enemies... and learning all the gritty tricks from him as I gathered the power to get rid of him, and claim my title.


I found that playing a smart and ruthless warrior, rather than a dumb and aggressive berserker gives you better conversations. The sith warrior actually has a sense of dark humour that I like.

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I have played both Inquisitor and Warrior storyline till about level 30 and while I love playing my Juggernaut I sincerely wish the stories had been switched around. I do not like the warrior storyline. Darth Baras is a frightened little girl that desperately needs a big brute to do what he can not.


Lord/Darth Zash on the other hand.... That is one foxy cunning little woman. Sweet on the outside and absolutely devilish inside.


I love that story. Of course it might change after level 30 which I wouldn't know about.

Just my 2 cents

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The Warrior story is slow at first, but it sets the stage pretty nicely and introduce you to Baras as a master puppetmaster.

However, playing light side, I felt the ending of the Balmora part quite touching (it may be a bit "meh" for a dark sider though).



With the general accepting his fate as a faithful servant of the empire.




From Tatooine to the end of Act I : I think this part of the scenario is great, whatever side you are - probably the best part of the SW story.

Most of act II is annoying, as others said, you are a glorified errand boy/assassin. Act III is really good, there are some expected (but nice nonetheless) and unexpected twists, and a pleasing enough finale.

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I have played both Inquisitor and Warrior storyline till about level 30 and while I love playing my Juggernaut I sincerely wish the stories had been switched around. I do not like the warrior storyline. Darth Baras is a frightened little girl that desperately needs a big brute to do what he can not.


Lord/Darth Zash on the other hand.... That is one foxy cunning little woman. Sweet on the outside and absolutely devilish inside.


I love that story. Of course it might change after level 30 which I wouldn't know about.

Just my 2 cents


You made me throw up in my mouth a bit. The Sith Inquisitor story is god awful past chapter 1. Chatper 1 is only tolerable at best.

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You made me throw up in my mouth a bit. The Sith Inquisitor story is god awful past chapter 1. Chatper 1 is only tolerable at best.


i don't agree on that, it is OK, but i HATE Lord Sazh, she just rubs me the wrong way, and her lips are the sice of my thighs

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I'm not putting spoilers up, if you haven't gotten that this thread has spoilers by this point you're an idiot and I don't feel sorry for ruining your experience. I played as a mostly dark side character though I did make some light side choices based on the service to the empire.


I have to say the Sith Warrior story was sort of a steady progression into good, it started pretty slow with the training and being an apprentice, but once I started rolling into act two it started to get interesting. I thought the confrontation with Nomund Kaas or whatever his name was was especially interesting especially as a dark sided slowly drawing him into madness. In act 2 there's little subtle hints that Darth Baras isn't really serving the Empire like he should when you start going through defeating the four generals. Especially on Taris where you start learning that the republic has new weapons that could benefit the empire. Finally when you push the Dark Council to war the story starts to get particularly interesting. There's a bit of intrigue, it could be done better but it was still there.


And in the end I thought the wrap up was pretty epic, a suitable end for any Sith Warrior story. All it was missing was a giant neon sign that says 'This guy is a ******' pointing at you as you strode off.

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I finished Act 3 the other night as a male DS Marauder, and I think that the story was quite good the whole way through. I do agree that some of the DS/LS choices didn't make any sense because I'd rather recruit someone useful to me so I can make them my puppets and do my dirty work hahaha....



Here are a few things I thought were quite cool about the DS storyline




Slept with a Darth - forgot which planet but it was earlier on

Manipulated a girl into killing her master

Making that girl my apprentice

Slept with my apprentice

Destroyed my master


My affection with Vette is at 6k so I'll dump some more gifts into her to open up more missions.



I didn't like



A bit squishy so I had to use Quinn more than I wanted to on certain things

No other healer besides Quinn - I wanted to kill him after his betrayal

Constant brown nosing from that droid - why can't we have an HK model !!!!!

I am a bad dude with dual lightsabers who can kick major booty, and yet I walk around in either a skirt or skinny jeans. I found a pair of pants that looks pretty decent, but those pants we have look silly without knee high boots


The first part of your spoiler was on Balmorra.

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I am really enjoying the SW storyline. Loved the final confrontation at the end of chapter 1.

My only disappointment so far (now lvl 33 and on Tarsis) is that I haven't yet had a chance to kill Baras! He grates on my nerves. I have to satisfy myself by choosing to backchat him and take the p**s out of him whenever the chat option is ther :)

Edited by DaftMule
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It seems that all of the stories are slow burn...you don't get into the better parts until later...


I think part of the problem also lies in narrative pacing. In most BW games you stay pretty close to your main objective the entire time...only doing a certain number of side quests (in general) before you're hit with the main plot...


In TOR, if you want to keep leveled up properly, or even ahead of level a bit, you have to go through a boatload of side quests that bog down the flow of your class quests. You don't go straight through the story.


I might compare other BW games to thrillers...always in the action...while TOR stories are like those old epic novels that are at least a thousand pages...lots of stuff to read through, but usually worth it in the end.


Most of those side quests though are more of a "while you're in the area can you take care of this too" type thing. And in one shape or another they tend to somewhat coincide with at least the area that your storyline is going into anyways. I.E. the Revanite quest line brings you to the Grathan Estate which you are going to anyways whether you're a Warrior, Inq, BH, or Agent. So they ateas took stuff like that into consideration.

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i don't agree on that, it is OK, but i HATE Lord Sazh, she just rubs me the wrong way, and her lips are the sice of my thighs


Chapter 2 and 3 were god awful, and there were plot holes and terrible plot devices throughout the entire story.



1. As mentioned, Khem Val being in the wrong tomb, and Naga Sadow having a tomb on Korriban at all.


2. Tulak Hord ruled the Sith at a time when they were wholly separate from the Republic, yet his relics are buried all over the galaxy, some on Republic core worlds. Notworthy plot hole due to the fact that between Ajunta Pall and Naga Sadow, there was no contact between the Sith Empire and Republic Space. The Sith didn't even know how to get back into Republic space, and the Republic didn't even know the Sith Empire existed. Tulak Hord did not travel to Alderaan or Balmorra, which are Republic core worlds.


3. Eating Force Ghosts.. really? Not to mention you "get more powerful" but it is not reflected in the game at all.


4. Force Ghost Indigestion... really? Not to mention you're "dying" but it is not reflected in the game at all.


5. Darth Thanaton claiming "Sith Tradition" for a JUSTICE system when Sith kill each other. The REAL Sith tradition is Sith killing each other in power plays all the time, they never called the cops on the winner. That whole "tradition" is hog wash.


6. You don't even get the killing blow on your nemesis, you get robbed of that satisfaction.


7. On top of that you play in a complete vacuum, completely ignorant of the war that is brewing up, you're constantly reacting instead of planning ahead and plotting the way you'd expect an inquisitor to do, and the story seemingly forgets that not every Sith Inquisitor is a sorcerer, you don't assassinate anyone post chapter 1.


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