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When does the Sith Warrior story get...good? (Spoilers)


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I know this is completely and utterly subjective in every way, but I just pushed my way off onto Dromund Kaas, and I am completely dislocated from the story.


I know it may be unfair to judge the story while still in the prologue, but as of this character, I have now played every single class (Minus the Consular) up until at least the second planet and for some, til the near end, and the Warrior is just strikingly boring to me so far.


I really want to like this class, I love how it plays, and I loved the potential of the storyline there. It seems people say there is a "redemption" Vader-esque way to go about the storyline should you continue to make lightsided decisions, and that sounds pretty damn cool to me.


But so far it's just...ugh, not entertaining at all. I feel like I have no goal, like my story isn't going anywhere. When I played my Knight, my Bounty Hunter, my Inquisitor ect. I knew what I had to do, I knew where I had to go, and whatnot.


Oddly enough, after playing 7/8 of the available classes, and a little more than half of the specs, I have to say that Maurader has the potential to be the most fun class for me, play-style wise, but the story is boring me to tears and I'm not sure I could continue through a 300 hour storyline and not pay attention to the story.


So...any ideas? Does the SW story pick up? Become Vader-esque at some point with a redemption deal? Otherwise as much as I really enjoy the playstyle, I'm not sure I'll be able to continue it.

Edited by Snugh
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i played a light side sith warrior all the way through, then rolled another and got to 18 doing dark side. honestly, the dark side one just felt way more fluid and natural.


the story itself was pretty good overall imo, just was disapointed that light side didnt really change much. aside from one of yer companions, it doesnt have any effect on anything. and there is no "redemption" that i could tell.


the sith warrior story hooked me at the start, but then starts to slow down a bit as you are essentially an errand boy for baras. it does get better, if nothing really shocking happens. but none of the class stories in this game are really spectacular imo. the actual story part of them are fairly shallow compared to most any other non mmo game out there

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i played a light side sith warrior all the way through, then rolled another and got to 18 doing dark side. honestly, the dark side one just felt way more fluid and natural.


the story itself was pretty good overall imo, just was disapointed that light side didnt really change much. aside from one of yer companions, it doesnt have any effect on anything. and there is no "redemption" that i could tell.


the sith warrior story hooked me at the start, but then starts to slow down a bit as you are essentially an errand boy for baras. it does get better, if nothing really shocking happens. but none of the class stories in this game are really spectacular imo. the actual story part of them are fairly shallow compared to most any other non mmo game out there



I was kind of the opposite of you on dark/light side for Sith Warrior. I started out trying to play total dark, but it just got to the point where I couldn't continue choosing dark side options because they were all stupid. Dark Side Sith warrior essentially boils down to you being a total douche and killing everything without regard for any form of tactical or utilitarian considerations.


I think the best displayed case for this is on Nar Shadaa (though this isn't really specific to the warrior):



In the last part of the planet, dealing with the hacker who managed to get into data storage for the galaxy holonet. Dark side you kill the guy. Light Side you let him live, he stays inside the data storage area for the holonet undetected by the Hutts, and transmits any relevant data to an imperial officer.


The officer mentions before you even finish the quest that he's received the travel itineraries for like 60 senators from said hacker.


So light side sith you gain possibly one of the most valuable resources possible: all relevant information concerning the Empire or Republic in the entire galactic holonet. And dark side sith you throw that away for....what? Just the opportunity to be an ******e to yet another guy you've met that's done nothing to you?



It just seems to me like Dark side choices for the empire turn you into some anarchical, nihilistic, jackhole teenager that wants to kill everything to feel dark and brooding or something.



edit: More on topic, as mentioned above, Sith Warrior gets better after Act 1. This is true for a lot of the class stories.

Edited by Paralassa
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That is surely disappointing.


I must say the Inquisitor did a much better job at hooking me between the two Sith storylines. Inquis is a snarky little tripe of a character, you get this incredibly vile and arrogant pair of antagonists who churn your stomach every time they speak, and you get a big monster who eats people at your whims.


Sith Warrior...much less interesting, no cool antagonist, your monster is replaced by a bratty alien kid, and I don't know...I'm really just not enjoying it.


I'm actually not bored with my higher level characters, I've gotten my Bounty Hunter and Inquisitor to 40+, I just wanted to try something new when I heard about where the SW storyline might take off to.


Unfortunately it seems I was mistaken, which really sucks to me. I guess it's never too late to re-roll as a Smuggler again, to be honest I was really loving that storyline, but I dreaded having to hide behind cover for my Slinger, so I quit around mid-20's, the same fate was shared with my Sniper, who was retired around 25 or so.


I just wanted a good melee class to play, because unfortunately as most people know...the Jedi Knights seem to be a little broken, and not in a good way. And the Consular being the only class I haven't played, I HEAR has probably the most boring story among all eight classes, so I'll definitely save that one for a rainy day.

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I just wanted a good melee class to play, because unfortunately as most people know...the Jedi Knights seem to be a little broken, and not in a good way. And the Consular being the only class I haven't played, I HEAR has probably the most boring story among all eight classes, so I'll definitely save that one for a rainy day.



Consular is indeed probably the most boring storyline during Act 1. It is literally the exact same planet on repeat until Act 1 is over; I'm not even embellishing that.

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Which is why it's the only class I haven't even attempted to touch yet, I haven't met one Consular who can say they've just loved the story, or even liked it.


Unfortunately it seems the SW is suffering the same fate for me. It seems the general consensus is that the SW really picks up once Janessa Williams (I believe that's her name), joins the crew.


Still...maybe I'm spoiled by the Bounty Hunter storyline. The BH story never stops trying to be exactly what it is (Except in a few dramatic moments), a light-hearted tale about honor and making a living. You've got this band of incredibly weird and eccentric crew members, your targets (For Bounty Hunting) all have their own unique personalities and stories, the antagonist for part 1 is a complete piece of trash person in every way (And never ceases making you hate him) and I don't know.


I loved the BH story, and I surely haven't met somebody thus far who claims the BH story is boring in the slightest (The beginning of Act 3 IMO, is the only dragging bit). And the Inquisitor/Knight stories, while incredibly cliche and suspect, both provided enough action and entertainment in their respective evil/good ways to keep me hooked.


Maybe I'm not finding the Warrior storyline any good because I played the Inquisitor first, and the two seem to be similar in a number of ways. I have a feeling unfortunately, the same thing would happen to me with the Consular because I played the Knight first.

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I personally enjoyed playing my Marauder as a complete sociopath, but this may be influenced by the fact that on my personal quest to kill, decapitate, and save enough heads in Skyrim to fill up my house to the brink, I discovered I wasn't allowed to kill children. This discovery pretty much made me dead set on being a complete ***hole in the next game I given the chance to be. Which happened to be this one.



Still sad I wasn't allowed to murder Quinn after his betrayal.


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I personally, don't see the whole big deal with Jaesa, i don't like her


and i get the feeling, that when playing light side, she is just with you to sort of bring the empire down from within. I don't want that, my warrior fully supports the empire, she just doesn't want to be a psycopathic douche about it



And i get that some might feel a little less awesome, being Darth Baras' errand-boy, but i just imagine Darth Chubbyface as sort of an enabler. He enables my Sith to fly around the galaxy doing all kinds of stuff on all kinds of planets, so what if i have to punch some people for him every now and then. That's my opinion anyway.

Edited by biojava
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I enjoyed playing my marauder, and leaned highly LS on her (not all but pretty about 3/4 of the time). I did feel like a glorified errand girl but still enjoyed it a ton, esp in confrontations with jedi when you tell them you just have a question you really don't want to kill them and they just can't manage to wrap their minds around it....honestly I think going LS on the warrior screws with the jedi more than just outright killing them.



And as far as LS Jaesa, she isn't trying to take the empire down but is working to "reform" the empire with you (as a LS warrior) and seeking other like minded sith, which she does find. At least that is what I have garnered from my convo's with her so far.


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Consular is indeed probably the most boring storyline during Act 1. It is literally the exact same planet on repeat until Act 1 is over; I'm not even embellishing that.





The Warrior story is pretty good. I also agree that it gets better around lvl 25 or so.

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I enjoyed playing my marauder, and leaned highly LS on her (not all but pretty about 3/4 of the time). I did feel like a glorified errand girl but still enjoyed it a ton, esp in confrontations with jedi when you tell them you just have a question you really don't want to kill them and they just can't manage to wrap their minds around it....honestly I think going LS on the warrior screws with the jedi more than just outright killing them.



And as far as LS Jaesa, she isn't trying to take the empire down but is working to "reform" the empire with you (as a LS warrior) and seeking other like minded sith, which she does find. At least that is what I have garnered from my convo's with her so far.



haha yeah


When you are on Tatooine to visith the Jedi Master, and he eventually ends up brainwiping his Padawan, you just go: "Well ok, i got what i need, see you around" and he has to live with what he's done, which i figure, he basically did on the premise that he was going to die within the next 10 minutes. Also, i dislike that Jaesa wants to reform the empire, it's fine as it is.



I figure even if you play as a light side sith, you aren't all that of a good guy anyway. Most LS sith are "good", as in "i don't kill people for no reason", but they are still quite ruthless

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I really enjoyed the sith warrior story, I played a light side female warrior and my husband played a dark side male warrior. After watching his story line and my own I prefered the light side options much better. You really miss out on some things if you just kill everything and wreak havok and destruction. Some of the characters return later on in the story if you dont kill them off. I just felt better about being stern, by the book so to speak and making sensible choices without killing needlessly. I got tons of affection with Malavai Quinn this way too so I didnt feel like I was a goody two shoes but kind of a neutral based without being a real ****** to everyone that could benefit myself or the empire. Edited by Darthmoriquendi
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I like the story line.


I was intially darkside with lightside tendencies. Almost neutral at times.


After what happen during the story line in Tatooine, I went full dark side.



I'm currently in Chapter 3 and I can't wait to kill fat boy (Darth Baras).


Edited by Quiet
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Just got Darth as a LS Jugg. I really liked the story, i liked the little twist you can get if you are LS and how it effects a particular companion. That of course turning in to a huge double edged battleaxe of pure frustration with the story. Overall i have to say it was good but ended up jaded after the whole LS apprentice thing. Edited by Merced
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I guess I am different then most. I started to get into it on Dromund Kass but the hook really sunk in once Baras charged me with hunting down the Padawan of Noman Karr and destroy all the Padawan was attached too. That hook latched on and then when the apprentice comes in I couldn't stop playing that night. I have truly enjoyed the story of the Dark Marauder but my only issue was with how the class felt weak in damage output. Might be too soon to truly tell but I almost wish I went Jugg dps shared tree for the better survivability. My 2 credits.
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From Tatooine on the story gets better, and once you get to the end phases of Alderaan and the stuff that goes on after Alderaan I had a TOR-gasm


I love that part on Alderaan where you storm the underground bunker and the cutscene that follows. It's so very Darth Vader.

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By all accounts the Sith Warrior story should be pretty dull, but I am really enjoying it. I've done JK to 50, and while it is pretty epic and had some awesome moments, overall I am enjoying the SW better. It might help that I am basically playing my character as a Neutral Warrior who doesn't care for titles or politics. Basically I apathetically follow my masters commands because it leads me to worthy challenges, and Sith tail I can bang on the way.


I just hit level 40, and I am waiting for something to happen that will give me an indication of how this story should end, but it hasn't appeared yet.


Another huge note is that I love this male voice actor's dialogue and how he sounds totally apathetic to what is going on around him. And I also LOVE the repeated line he uses "That is BEYOND ludicrous". If I can find is as a .wav I want that to be my Windows sign on sound.

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One of my friends is playing an IA, and every time he does one of my cutscenes with me, he bemoans how much cooler the SW story is than the IA story.


I think the point where it really got me was when:



On Nar Shaddaa, when first you convince a group of elite Republic commandos to come to your aid if you spare their lives, then you unleash them on Lord Rathari. THEN you can spare Lord Rathari in return for his promise to aid you when you eventually turn on Baras. I love the way the LS warrior basically travels the galaxy kicking everyone's *** and then making them into his allies.


Also, some of those cutscenes on Alderaan were totally ******.


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I was kind of the opposite of you on dark/light side for Sith Warrior. I started out trying to play total dark, but it just got to the point where I couldn't continue choosing dark side options because they were all retarded. Dark Side Sith warrior essentially boils down to you being a total douche and killing everything without regard for any form of tactical or utilitarian considerations.


I think the best displayed case for this is on Nar Shadaa (though this isn't really specific to the warrior):



In the last part of the planet, dealing with the hacker who managed to get into data storage for the galaxy holonet. Dark side you kill the guy. Light Side you let him live, he stays inside the data storage area for the holonet undetected by the Hutts, and transmits any relevant data to an imperial officer.


The officer mentions before you even finish the quest that he's received the travel itineraries for like 60 senators from said hacker.


So light side sith you gain possibly one of the most valuable resources possible: all relevant information concerning the Empire or Republic in the entire galactic holonet. And dark side sith you throw that away for....what? Just the opportunity to be an ******e to yet another guy you've met that's done nothing to you?



It just seems to me like Dark side choices for the empire turn you into some anarchical, nihilistic, jackhole teenager that wants to kill everything to feel dark and brooding or something.



edit: More on topic, as mentioned above, Sith Warrior gets better after Act 1. This is true for a lot of the class stories.


In response to your "spoiler"...If you remember your "first" master sends you to the holding cell area at the training hall and ask you to interrogate the 3 prisoners. One of those was an assasin (the female). Your correct choice was to recruit her instead of killing her. As the master said "she could be very usefull to the Empire". To let that guy live would be the correct choice.

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I finished Act 3 the other night as a male DS Marauder, and I think that the story was quite good the whole way through. I do agree that some of the DS/LS choices didn't make any sense because I'd rather recruit someone useful to me so I can make them my puppets and do my dirty work hahaha....



Here are a few things I thought were quite cool about the DS storyline




Slept with a Darth - forgot which planet but it was earlier on

Manipulated a girl into killing her master

Making that girl my apprentice

Slept with my apprentice

Destroyed my master


My affection with Vette is at 6k so I'll dump some more gifts into her to open up more missions.



I didn't like



A bit squishy so I had to use Quinn more than I wanted to on certain things

No other healer besides Quinn - I wanted to kill him after his betrayal

Constant brown nosing from that droid - why can't we have an HK model !!!!!

I am a bad dude with dual lightsabers who can kick major booty, and yet I walk around in either a skirt or skinny jeans. I found a pair of pants that looks pretty decent, but those pants we have look silly without knee high boots


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