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PVP at 50 is horrible


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I must be lucky. I solo queu all the time and I've been winning over half of my warzones today. Just hope they don't hit me to hard since I've been staying in Illum to keep refreshing my extra 200 valor/game buff.

Now that I think about it, its probably due to all the pre made teams working on camping ilum rather than queuing.

Edited by Zebub
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Wow some people will find anything to complain about.


Its fun to faceroll someone especially a lowbie when you can see the BIG crits and kill em in 2 seconds but its not fun for that lowbie.


Really if its that bad...... dont pvp. L2GRIND and grin and just keep at it then when you have all that wonderful equipment and faceroll people smile and think it was worth it. However I would be 1000 bucks you would come on here and still complain.... why cant i kill someone with 1 hit?! its not fair. they should change the pvp system again. Or how can someone be hitting me or even giving me some dmg i have best leetz gear on.... pvp sucks....


Sorry dont mean to be rude but.... just sayin.


no really not being rude about it but its actually good to think of your fellow players and not just yourself.

Edited by Shakydvs
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If BW intended to have one side completely OP in every way...they should have created

"The Old Empire". Shame on BW for making the Republic so gimped...R.I.P T.O.R



If any troll on these forums tries to tell you SI's are completely equal to Sage...they are imperial, plain and simple.

Edited by Fozy
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On the contrary, it is extremely competitive but has no competitive bracket. The reason you're getting destroyed is people have been farming for a month competitively.


how is farming lowbies for easy gear competetive? lol


the people who lreached 50 even during early access enjoyed a very biased system that allowed them to gear up in an extremely safe environment with very little effort.


the combat mechanics in this game are highly sophisticated and very team oriented. Organized groups completely dominate in this game, more so than most other recent games of this kind because you cannot just get a lucky kill on someone, you are hopelessly lost if you can't match the enemies degree of organization and team play - this is why the group size is restricted to 4 players.


8 player premades would cause the most major *****torm these PvP forums have seen yet but I actually think for truly competetive PvP they are the way to go.


I am hoping the rated bracket will allow full 8 player premades... hoping for that really badly.

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I find it funny, I turned 50 7 days ago. I started pvp purely solo quing and vs'd people in full champ gear just like everyone else crying on here. In 7 days I have gotten the majority of my gear. I'm now missing my chest/weapon/implants/ear. During this phase, my companion has half champ gear and I also have 4 tripplessitting in my inventory doing nothing.


Enough of the tears. What, you expected to hit 50 and start rolling everyone while wearing your fail gear? (yes, blues and gimp 50s are fail) When I hit 50, I was 1k merc and war tokens, all my companions had lvl 40 pvp epics and I was valor rank 45. It was never hard to contribute or make a difference pre 50 in wz and it was easily possible to 1v1 50s. Sure, I'm not denying being lvl 50 wearing majority champ gear makes it alot easier, but I like alot of others had to go through the grind.


My response to this thread is pft.. get a clue. Deal with it. PVP wsan't supposed to be easy.



It isn't hard to get gear be it through losing or winning games. It just takes time. Get your dailies and like everyone else, grind pvp for 1-2 weeks.

Edited by mcGowd
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On the contrary, it is extremely competitive but has no competitive bracket. The reason you're getting destroyed is people have been farming for a month competitively.


I wouldn't describe farming lowbies as "competitive gameplay". But oh well, seems we have different standards.

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I hit 50 had enough tokens for 4 bags, got 0 gear out of it queue for a WZ and i get destroyed by geared out people in basically 2 hits. It is unplayable, I never post on the forums but this is absurd there is 0 value in getting destroyed by faceroll geared sith inquisitors for 30 minutes. Yes I am QQing but seriously one month after the game comes out and PVP isn't even competetive.


are you seriously complaining you opened 4(sic!) bags and didnt get an item out of it ?

After about a hundred champion bags i was still missing my earpiece and as of today(valor rank 57) still no sign of the boots.


the rest is an L2P issue.

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meh ive been pvping for a while now, i hate the rng system, hate how the pvp is so unbalanced ops/scound's critting too much, sorc/jc bubbles are too strong, tanks are too strong, and my all time favorite a team full of op utility on huttball sprint > pass > leap > pull > leap > score(which btw warriors can now do a double leap now since 1.1). Fastest score was of 6-0 was in like 1min. Not to mention the afk'ers, the leavers, the few cheaters like the scound's/ops area stealth to fast plant on voidstar or people who went out of there way to get the speed hack. Its a total let down and nothing but frustration. Id pve but its not worth it when the pvp gear is so much easier to get and so much better. So... whats the point? Well for me i think im gona unsub and wait for D3 unless they fix alot of the easy stuff along with balancing issues, in my honest opinion the last thing we need right now is new content.
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lrn 2 play.


Killing a geared inq solo is a tricky proposition, but that's why pvp is a team game and not a solo game. Unforutnately many players carry the solo mentality and have no clue how to work with other classes to pull out a win.


So basically what you are saying is that killing inquisitors should take a team effort, but an inquisitor can take on multiple people solo and that is balance?


Do you even read what you post?

Edited by Choppaman
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I wasn't gonna bother but...


50's only brackets are going great on Black Vulkars (as a Defense Spec Guardian) I only lost one match today.


Oh and my first match? Flawless ****in victory. (rep) 600 - (imp) 0 on Alderaan. http://imageshack.us/f/853/screenshot2012011809504.jpg/


The **** guys? Stop being such bitter little girls. If anything killing SWTOR it's the player base's narcissistic mentalities.


I don't want your stuff, I've gotten it just fine like everyone else, with no exceptions or exploits like I know you're considering at this point.


just effin leave.

Edited by asilos
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lrn 2 play.


Killing a geared inq solo is a tricky proposition, but that's why pvp is a team game and not a solo game. Unforutnately many players carry the solo mentality and have no clue how to work with other classes to pull out a win.


uh huh, a TEAM GAME he says... this is why I have been petitioning since beta for 8 man premades. Coordination may be the ONLY weapon we have against 8 geared out Sith players.

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I wasn't gonna bother but...


50's only brackets are going great on Black Vulkars. Ionly lost one match today.


Oh and my first match? Flawless ****in victory. (rep) 600 - (imp) 0 on Alderaan.


The **** guys? Stop being such bitter little girls. If anything killing SWTOR it's the player base's narcissistic mentalities.


I don't want your stuff, I've gotten it just fine like everyone else, with no exceptions or exploits like I know you're considering at this point.


just effin leave.


and what class do you play?

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If you have just dinged level 50 and are going into warzones with the aim of topping damage charts or going toe to toe with someone in maxed out pvp gear, then you are doing it wrong.


Your aim should be to hang back a little and let the big boys soak up the damage while you try and tip the balance. Don't choose your own target, attack, cc or debuff someone else's. If someone in your group is healing and gets targeted, do something to distract their attacker.


This is how to get the most out of your pvp experience while out-geared, and if you keep at it, and just soak up the beatings, you will eventually get your just reward. Which will be all the sweeter for the effort you put into it.

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Listen bud if you want a serious response and you're half intelligent expect to address a common troll response of "learn to play" and "work as a team". This is the mantra trolls said about 50s not needing brackets and lower levels are just baddies that need to "learn to play".


You said you never post on the forums so I'm trying to give you a heads up on the stupidity and obnoxious nature of many troll responses you will receive.

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Sorry, but most of you complaining are just bad.


I finally got into a warzone tonight, after waiting literally the entire day, at midnight. Played 3 games total before too many people stopped re-queuing. I wasn't part of a premade and won all three games. The second game was against a pre-made (I know because I play with them typically). Of course it was only Huttball, because as few 50s there are on the Empire side, there are even fewer repubs.


Gear doesn't make that much of a difference in the warzones. I've been playing PvP since level 43 and have been competitive the entire time. My play did not vary today except I saw more skilled gameplay from both my team and the opposing teams. I hit 50 yesterday.


Stop whining about gear and be happy that you even have a warzone to get into, because there are many of us who don't.

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I must be lucky. I solo queu all the time and I've been winning over half of my warzones today. Just hope they don't hit me to hard since I've been staying in Illum to keep refreshing my extra 200 valor/game buff.

Now that I think about it, its probably due to all the pre made teams working on camping ilum rather than queuing.


You were able to play? Not one 50 match popped for anyone on my guild of 254 members today, and it's not a low population server.

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I always loose against premades with tanks/healers and the tanks just guarding the healers, with some crazy dps roaming around.


I`d really prefer premades to only play against premades, or make premades have to be 8 people vs 8 people, it sucks not being able to get into a premade because, HEY, the gearing system SUCKS, and getting wrecked game after game after gam solo queing.

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the lies people come up with are really starting to get ridiculous ...


I believe it. I waited 8 hours today without a single warzone. I finally got in this evening at midnight, played 3 games of huttball, and then too many people unqueued.

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